Your 360° Moment

9 Nov 2009231
They performed for more than two hours playing up to 25 songs ... and every night they changed the set list. Your Blue Room might be in, Until The End of the World might be out. Pride might be in and Desire out. They kept us guessing.

But if you had to choose JUST ONE MOMENT from seeing U2 live in 2009 what would it be ?

Take a look back through the our Tour pages and check out the reviews, photos and videos. Bring it all back... then post your 360 Moment below.

Was it the super-funky rhythms of 'Crazy' with Larry wandering around the stage playing the djemba ?

Or the breathtaking stage choreography stage during Unforgettable Fire ?

The return of Ultraviolet or the latest reinvention of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' ?

How about Walk On and the appearance of Aung San Suu Kyi on a thousand faces ?

Or the mysterious benediction of 'Moment of Surrender' at the end of the show ?

(We know you probably have loads of highlights, but we're just looking for ONE MOMENT.... and a sentence or two explaining why it was so memorable.)
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my best moment
My 360 moments: - The Unforgettable Fire!!!!
best moment
my moment? it is very ordinary but THE moment for me was when the concert started and I suddenly saw THEM. I live with U2 for many years, they stand by me when I am sad as well as when I am happy and their music is a real part of me. This year it was the first time I had an opportunity to see them live and this moment was one of the strongest in my life. Thank you for that!
By far, the most amazing and unforgettable moment was polish national flag stretched over Slaski Stadium...U2 could make DVD there.. and as a singer of snowpatrol said: " something i've never seen before ..." No need to comment this...
Amazing Foxborough---
I will never forget the look on the face of my 11 yr. old daughter Grace, when Bono began singing " Amazing Grace"! When I heard Grace singing 'Desire" (album version), in the shower at 9 yrs.old, I knew U2 had another fan for life. When Larry started playing his incredible intro to "Breathe",the place exploded! What a way to start the show! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I'm on my knees, squeeze in another Boston show in 2010! I'm heartbroken that you are skipping us!
I'll never forget Bono doing the peace sign to me during City of blinding lights because i was waving an Irish flag, best moment of my life!! x
karl garwood
went to both nights at wembley for me 2nd night was the best when sunday bloody sunday was played i looked up to the sky and no lie it was blood red sky to hear until the end of the world /stay/nyd/bad in the same set amazing then seeing them in cardiff and meeting paul macguiness before the show and he signed my ticket stub thanks for a great summer u2 and fingers crossed hope to see you in england or ireland 2010
an amazing moment
that little piece of Amazing Grace right before Streets begins....goosebumps!
When 60,000 voices at Foxborough Stadium turned into a choir singing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". 60,000 people as one.
4 Friends
My moment was at the very end of the last show in Vancouver when all four of the boys came to the front of the stage and exchanged hugs. It was such a sincere celebration and I thought, "Wow, they really are friends!"
Rose Bowl...
As a long U2 fan, I always dreamed to get inside the circle, and my 360 moment was before the concert, when the concert assistants punched my GA ticket and gave me my wrist band. That was pure joy right there. Then I get to get in the circle, dream turning in to reality and another moment of joy. Right in front at the stage, with like 3 people in front of me, between Edge and Bono, never thought I would get that close. Just minutes before the concert starts, and the surreal felling that I'm dreaming, but no, it's reality, and I was just seconds to see my idols up close. When they get on that stage, tears of joy just for being there that night, streamed down my face. I sang each and every song with them and my favorite moment was during IN A LITTLE WHILE: "Man dreams on day to fly, a man takes a rocket ship, in to the skies..." To have that little piece of the song performed by the commander in the International Space Station, almost felt like Bono singing with Lou Reed in the Zoo TV tour. Until the end of World is one of my favorite songs, and when they sing it, Edge's bridge was just under my view, and I got to see him even closer... No line on the horizon was great as well, and of course, Magnificent rocked the bowl. Is hard to pick the best moment when there were so many... The whole concert was a moment I will never forget, and look forward to buy the blue ray or dvd when they release it. Be part of History was the best part of the whole experience. Bono, Edge, Adam, Larry, keep up with the good Job. We love you.
June 29, 2009 Barcelona
One of my favourite memories was queuing up for the first show of 360 outside Camp Nou in Barcelona. It was a warm night when we heard U2 play a full dress rehearsal. It was our first time to hear the show in its entirety before the tour kicked off. Hearing Moment of Surrender for the first time was chilling despite the hot Catalunyan summer evening. Although we heard Drowning Man being rehearsed, we never did hear it in concert. It didn't matter because the rest of the setlist was thrilling to hear live for the first time this tour. Joe
360 Moment
Vancouver - GA front row, outer circle.. so close I could hear Bono singing Mysterious Ways outside of his microphone & the PA.. I got goosebumps - big time.
Stuck in a moment at the rosebowl
My moment was at the rosebowl, in pasadena. it was when they started doing the acoustic version of Stuck in a Moment. I had forgotten in the excitement of the show that that had been played all over the tour. I started crying. i love that song. its gotten me through a lot of stuff. and i love it when Bono and Edge do stuff acoustic. i think its a much more intimate side of some songs, when they are done acousticly. it was something i will never forget.
Leaving the Ground at Gillette Stadium
The entire second show in Boston was far and away my best moment. From having Bono play half the concert to our two rows in the pit, to him taking the Boston flag up on stage, to opening with Magnificent for the only time on tour, to hearing Your Blue Room live, to our two rows getting a shout-out for holding hands during One, to Bono actually getting choked-up at the end when thanking us for such a "great, great, great night", to the unbelievable, indescribable energy in the pit that night....thank you boys for one of the best nights of my life. And thank you to all the other wonderful fans I shared the experience with!
croke park
first time in croke park and it was magnificent I went with my sister and we see 2 concerts,my 360 moment is until the end of the world and moment of surrender,it was really great!!!!!Love you guys,keep on going!
I am in love.
It was always my dream to attend a U2 concert, and this year I was fortunate enough to attend two. They were the most incredible experiences ever. U2 is the most brilliant band ever. When they walked onstage in Foxboro and began "Breathe" I couldn't, and I started crying. They were amazing, both times, and were wonderful at interacting with the entire audience. I turned two of my friends into fans by taking them to the concert. My one complaint was that they played only the remix of "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight." The remix was great, but my favorite part of the original is the opening chords, and they were cut out. Otherwise, Bono, Edge, Adam, and Larry were amazing- I never wanted either night to end! Keep going guys- you're all incredible!
The debut of Electrical Storm live in all history and of course, the biggest highlight in the tour, the return of Ultraviolet!
Return Of Mr.MacPhisto
Boston 2 Show during Vertigo when Bono took the horns from a fan and put them on... Great throw back to Mr. MacPhisto!
Milano, my first concert
My first great moment, it's when Larry climb the stairs, in his white t-shirt whith, what it's seem to me, 2 wings in his back, look like an angel. And after that... I can't choose, too much joye, too much emotions
Ist Time-Atlanta
Seeing U2 before my very eyes, seeing the total dedication they all exhibit to giving us a good show, seeing Bono lift the lucky Miranda onto the bridge and treat her like a queen. Then road-tripping to Tampa to see them again. Space baby debut! Can't wait for 2010!!
The Highlight
I am old school - but the opening notes to "Streets" always does it for me. City of Blinding Lights is a close second, bringing a lucky kid on stage to accompany Bono is very cool - PLEASE PUT BAD IN THE SETLIST FOR 2010!!
greatest moment
Flew with my wife from Rio de Janeiro to Paris especially to see them live. Favorite moment on this tour: Ultraviolet! Pleaseee como to Rio and Brazil in 2010!!!
Phoenix rocked
My first ever U2 show, and I have been a fan for 26 years. Best song-"Unknown caller"- the whole stadium was mesmerized. Also loved "Sunday bloody Sunday" and elevation.
best moment
Unknown Caller without any doubt... Ultraviolet was probably also extremely good! But please U2 has over 100 songs, more variey in this tour!
360 moment(s)
I went to the Las Vegas show back on 10-23, the whole thing was memorable. First, it was my first concert out of the Philly, PA/Camden, NJ area. And for 2, it's hard to pick! From The Black Eyed Peas openening to the remix of "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" (i loved that, and it looked like everybody including the band had fun during that song!!!!!!) to "Mysterious Ways", me calling and waking up my sister for WOWY (i consider this our song), Boots, everyone singing I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, to Bono saying that Bill Clinton was there and randomly putting a Las Vegas snow globe on stage and had the camera man zoom up on that and so much more! It was all around fun and i absolutely CANNOT wait for the band come to the Linc in Philly July 12th, 2010!!!!
Amsterdam I
The sequence from In A Little While through Unknown Caller to Unforgettable Fire in Amsterdam. Pure magic and worth the ticket price alone!
Happy Tears
First let me set the scene.... My daughter Alyce is 6 years old. She has never really been a fan of Disney DVD's like other little girls. Ever since she could talk she has asked to watch "Bono", it is only until recently that she understood that U2 was the Band, and Bono was just the singer. She could be in her room upstairs and as soon as she heard the Arcade Fire's Wake Up, she would come running screaming Bono over and over as she jumped all the way through City of Blinding Lights, as she would watch the whole DVD. She also loves the ZOOTV DVD, because she refers to McPhisto as "Bono the Clown." Anyway... As it came time for the 360 tour she was finally old enough to go to her first U2 show at the Tour opener in Chicago. She was very excited. She got up with us at 3am, as we all got in the GA line at Soldier field at 4:30am. She waited outside with everyone. We ended up one person deep in front of the Edge. She was amazed by the stage as we waited. Her Grandparents were there to experience it with her. As the lights dimmed she had the nervous look on her face, and then she saw Larry come up to his drum set. She screamed "Larry" over and over until she saw The Edge come up from below the stage, then she switched to screaming "Edge" over and over, until she caught a glimpse of Adam on the other side of the stage, and yes she screamed Adam’s name. And then it happened, as the guitar started to swell, and the drums were kicking to the opening of Breathe, she saw Bono come to the front of the stage and grab the microphone. She didn't scream his name as she did for every DVD since she was able to say Bono. She didn't say anything. As I watched her do something that as a Father I have never seen her do before. She began to sob out of pure joy. I have seen her cry before, but not in this way. She leaned down to my ear, as she was sitting on my right shoulder and said. "I can't believe you brought me here, thank you, thank you, thank you." I lost it at that moment as well, as I began to cry. Her Mom, and Grandma, and Grandpa began to mist up as well. She sang all of the songs word for word. The security guards were watching here, the crowd around us was watching her and making eye contact telling me how cool it was to see that. Alyce was shot, I don't know how many times, by the crew that was shooting crowd footage in front of the stage. She made it up until "The Unforgettable Fire", and I think her little heart didn't have any more emotion left as she fell asleep to the lullabies she has known for her whole life. She would only wake up to wave at Bono or The Edge as they would come close to the front of the stage in front of us. As we tell this story now she likes to say, "I never cried happy tears before." She is counting down the days to the Chicago show next year when she gets to do it again. That would be my 360 Moment.
White and Red in Chorzów
For me, nothing compares to the evening of August 6. Although the Slaski Stadium is not the best and modern area, the crowd created just an unrepeatable atmosphere there (btw. many thanks to Snow Patrol for the grat support gig). And when the lights went out and Larry approached to the drums and started playing, the excitation of the fans gathered on the field as well as on the bleachers just erupted! And at the beginning it seemed that especially Bono is strongly and unusual motivated. And after a few minutes, everyone has realised that it wasn't just an another concert. It was something else! When the Edge came to the keyboard and then the first tones of New Year's Day sounded, there was an explosion of motions... ohh, I'm really not able to describe it by words, but "only flag can leave such a mark." Everyone had something white or red and then the fans turned whole stadium into white and red - Polish flag colours, during such an important song for us. The feeling was even stronger than in 2005, and as Bono said, maybe it is somethin like irish-polish connection, faith in the future (...). I have never felt something like it before. That all caused that the most of the crowd had true tears in their eyes. I was so proud, so happy and so moved then. The best moment of my life ever, the best day of my life! Thank you U2, thank you Adam, Bono, Edge and Larry for such a night, the night never ever to be forgotten. Hope to see you in Poland again. Who Knows, maybe in 2010?;)
Dublin 24/07
We travelled half way round the world for this concert and were blown away by the whole crowd singing the lyrics to 40 unaccompanied when the band left the stage for their brief break.
Wembley Highlight
Wembley 15th 2009. 88.000 people singing together I Still Haven't Found...
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