Your 360° Moment

9 Nov 2009231
They performed for more than two hours playing up to 25 songs ... and every night they changed the set list. Your Blue Room might be in, Until The End of the World might be out. Pride might be in and Desire out. They kept us guessing.

But if you had to choose JUST ONE MOMENT from seeing U2 live in 2009 what would it be ?

Take a look back through the our Tour pages and check out the reviews, photos and videos. Bring it all back... then post your 360 Moment below.

Was it the super-funky rhythms of 'Crazy' with Larry wandering around the stage playing the djemba ?

Or the breathtaking stage choreography stage during Unforgettable Fire ?

The return of Ultraviolet or the latest reinvention of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' ?

How about Walk On and the appearance of Aung San Suu Kyi on a thousand faces ?

Or the mysterious benediction of 'Moment of Surrender' at the end of the show ?

(We know you probably have loads of highlights, but we're just looking for ONE MOMENT.... and a sentence or two explaining why it was so memorable.)
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U2 At Last
The best moment for me was when the band I have loved for 25 plus years came on the stage.... My heart skipped a beat......... I love u2 forever! Every song sang was a song to remember!!!! Clairlee
Ultra !
The Ultraviolet moment, with the laser jacket was incredible. The electricity you could feel in the stadium just made it unforgettable...thanks for the memories, it was a dream come true for me.
chicago 9/12
when they played vertigo,unknown caller,elevation,sunday bloody sunday,walk on,city of blinding lights,breathe,and when they played the video and One Soldier Field went crazy!!!!
my best moment was see the band play the remix of crazy at wembley ,this song really made my night ,also another highlight was seeing the stage set during unknown caller with the words flying out from the large screens, while at the shows i thought to myself there is no where else on earth where i could have seen a better show anywhere,the show really blew me away and we stay with me forever
awesome light show!!!! i especially loved Bonos' light up mic and his lazer jacket!! the unforgettable fire was great to hear as well, everything was great ;a very well put 2gether production and the stage --WOW!! thanks for a great experience U2 one ill never forget!! come back to Va soon!!! Marla in Virginia
Boston shows 1&2: standing at the outer railing...When my eyes met with Bono, Edge, Adam & even Larry when he joined the band on the outer circle.This band connects with their fans & makes you feel like you are the only one they are singing & playing for! LOVE LOVE LOVE
Tribal Gathering
Croke Park Dublin..cabt say more than that.
magic moment
when Bono sang the name of my baby "Lilas", born 5 days earlier, during City of blinding lights in Amsterdam 20th july... magic moment, Unknown caller, wonderful song... angel of harlem very gorgeous as usual... and all the 2nd night in Wembley, maybe one the most beautiful U2 show i've seen during their career... my regret : miss the 2 shows in Paris, France, my country but i was in the hospital for the birth of my father, 58 years old, was in the big house Stade de France. "Uncredible" he says to me
stay in this night...
Unforgettable fire...Zagreb, 2nd night...... tears of joy!!!!!
How to choose just one?
I'm going to cheat....there were two moments from two concerts on opposite sides of the Atlantic that brought tears to my eyes....first was seeing "Bad" in Dublin (I'll never forget that for two reasons...finally seeing them perform in their home town - and to see them perform THAT song there...incredible). The second moment was the close of the Vancouver show and the tour when they were all on the stage hugging and Bono walked over to the mic and said it was getting emotional. Wasn't just on the stage Bono, let me assure you!
the moment
Undoubtedly the return of Ultraviolet. My anticipation was extreme to hear it live...and I was blown away! For me, the best moment was not a return of Ultraviolet, but a reinvention of it!
Moment of Surrender
Nearly impossible to choose one single moment, but if I have to do so - it's Moment of Surrender,a moment so beautiful and kind of mysterious. At the end of the song, the audience could have continued with the oh-oh-oh... for hours, not wanting to let the boys go and this beautiful, perfect moments, but the band brought it to an end with that last clear melody line - and over - Moment of surrender in the audience. I really felt like that, realizing that things you have been looking forward to for a long, long time suddenly seem to have gone by like a flash, sometimes you feel the whole life is like that... Anyway - I really hope the boys maintain their incredible energy and go on with U2 for many years and don't stop to give this great energy to us.
Croke Park Moment
U2's homecoming concert was amazing, but for me the highlight was the crowd singing the 1st two verses of "Still Haven't Found" A special moment...
Tribal Gathering in Croke
Bono calls out...Welcome to our tirbal gathering..
Today I was describing to someone from Vietnam what draws us to U2 by talking about the Vancouver concert moment when the Crowd pulled out their masks and then the volunteers came out with their masks during "Walk On" As I described this moment I had goosebumps and nearly started crying again...20 years I told him when he asked. My mask had fallen and my friends and I held up our wrists crossing eachother as if in handcuffs. My arms were tired, but we all held up our hands the whole song...Thank you. In the language of Indonesia - Terima Kasih.
Stand By Me
Bittersweet. My wife of 6 months was in the hospital for a 2 month headache and a spinal tap gone bad. She told me she would not forgive me if I missed the Dallas show to sit with her while she slept in the hospital. I went, wound up 7 people back from The Edge inner circle. I called her so she could hear "stand by me" at the end of ISHFWILF. I told her about it in the hospital after the show, but I didn't have to. She didn't answer in time, but knew why I was calling. We've agreed, she will by God make it to the next show, and the sounds of 360 carried me through a very tough moment and beyond. I owe this band so much for all the years of inspiring me and comforting me, and all these years later, there's another example. Amazing how that works. She's back home by the way, and doing SO much better, I look forward to seeing the guys next go around, never without her again. Good to see you boys, come back to Texas soon, I have a very excited +1 to bring to the show!
My Favorite moment
The concert in vancouver was the first concert I had ever been to, period. All of the concert was something I will remember for the rest of my life. But the moment that stood out to me the most was when Bono lost his microphone onstage!! HAHAHA it was sooo cute seeing him looking around for it. I also loved it when he brought this adorable girl who must have been about 13 onstage, and she ran around the stage with him during the opening for City Of Blinding Lights. Truly beautiful!
How do I pick one??
I live for every four years when a tour starts up-every care in the world just seems alittle smaller. I didn't have the opportunity to see U2 perform prior to Elevation so for me Ultravoilet was AMAZING...just took me where back. More anthems for us diehards Please, 40, Pride, Bad, they really make standing in line for 12 hours just pain worth it!!!
Hard to pick just one moment....
I saw the concert in Norman and most of it is a blur, because I was so deliriously happy to finally see U2! I was also dangerously close to Bono, which would make anyone a little dizzy! Interestingly, the part I remember the most is the song No Line on the Horizon, which I have to admit I was not a big fan of before the concert. Now I sing along to it every day in the car and it puts a smile on my face :) "The songs in your head are now on my mind"
My unforgettable moment was
when Bono pulled me onto the bridge with him during Until the End of the World and him kissing my hand and saying my name during the beginning of Unforgettable Fire. (Atlanta, Georgia Dome 10-06-09)
Nick Walker
360 Moment
Dublin 3 (27/7/09) 'Stay' being added to the set list, one of our favorites, and bringing 'Unforgettable Fire' back. Many tears. Being in their hometown during the 3 concerts was amazing.
Pasadena @ Rose Bowl
First of all, the fact that that night millions of people were watching it over the internet while I was living it live. U2 has a special connection with Mexico, so when he introduced Vertigo in Spanish and then screamed Viva Mexico proved me that there's hope for U2 in Mexico next year! One of the top moments was Walk On and seeing all the people onstage wearing the masks. You could tell that they were there to provide a message and I couldnt' stop staring at them an aplauding them beacause they made their voice heared. Adam smiled and winked at me during Crazy ;) but of course, With or Without You and One were on the top, however... UV was my top favorite of the night... what a way to interpretate it!
"But What Of You"
I have to say the best part of their show has to be the way they incorperrate the ISS, why you never know who or what could get in the transmissions of f=1/t if yiu know what I mean...
Just being there.......
I made a point to be at the opening show for the US at Soldier Field in Chicago on September 12th.....U2 was in the air!! We stood in the GA line for over 10 hours like all the other great U2 fans. Made friends with people from all over (the world), not just the US, but Ecuador, Germany, Great Britain, etc. we came from California. What an experience when we walked into the stadium. the size of the stage had us all in awe. It was great to be right in the center of the big spaceship. Great show, loved every moment, every song. What a way to break in the 360 tour!! Then I took my son to the Rosebowl in my hometown, we had seats, not sure if he is ready for the G/A experience. This was such an awesome concert from a different perspective, as the stage changed with all the lights and different forms. Yes I was there with 97,000+ U2 fans, there was not an empty seat in the house. well I guess you can say I got my U2 fix for 09, cant wait till they come around in 2010. Got my tix already!!
simply the best
i got to see u2 at giants stadium in september 09 and i got tickets for the new giants stadium show july 2010 and i/m not done in october they will play at my birthplace in coimbra so i-m flying to good old europe in october 2010 to see u2 they are more than rock theyre inspiration to me and nothing beats that god bless u2
Doug Toth
360 moment - End of the World!
End of the World blew me away! Choreography, THE EDGE! Hard to pick one moment form the show, but, the during the Apex of this tune everything else in life went away... Vertigo was tasty as well..
Amazing Grace
2nd night in Chicago -- Amazing Grace intro to Streets. I had chills. It felt like church. Love this band -- they outdid themselves with this tour. Great memory!
Croke Park 1
Crossed the Atlantic with my husband to fulfill a liflelong dream to see U2 in their hometown and I cried when they started to play The Unforgettable Fire. Plus, Bono said "Everyone knows the best place to see U2 is in Dublin!!" Can't wait to see them again in 2010! - Sue in CT, USA
One moment
Archbishop Tutu introducing One. What an amazing speaker and voice for Africa. The band followed that with Streets. It couldn't have gotten any better in my book.
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