Your 360° Moment

9 Nov 2009231
They performed for more than two hours playing up to 25 songs ... and every night they changed the set list. Your Blue Room might be in, Until The End of the World might be out. Pride might be in and Desire out. They kept us guessing.

But if you had to choose JUST ONE MOMENT from seeing U2 live in 2009 what would it be ?

Take a look back through the our Tour pages and check out the reviews, photos and videos. Bring it all back... then post your 360 Moment below.

Was it the super-funky rhythms of 'Crazy' with Larry wandering around the stage playing the djemba ?

Or the breathtaking stage choreography stage during Unforgettable Fire ?

The return of Ultraviolet or the latest reinvention of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' ?

How about Walk On and the appearance of Aung San Suu Kyi on a thousand faces ?

Or the mysterious benediction of 'Moment of Surrender' at the end of the show ?

(We know you probably have loads of highlights, but we're just looking for ONE MOMENT.... and a sentence or two explaining why it was so memorable.)
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Giants Stadium 9/25/09 "Sunday Bloddy Sunday' when the entire stadium sang and "Amazing Grace". Best concert ever and with out saying how old I am, I've see all the greats.
NYD in Poland
It's very hard to pick just one important or touching moment., but I'll try. I think that the best moment was of course New Years Day played during Polish gig in Chorzow. It was amazing, thrilling and moving! I had tears in my eyes and goosebumps all over my body. And at the end of the song this huge Polish flag on the screen - this was the most touching moment of the gig!
Eye contact
Close to band had vision over visibily...right in front of adam...Atlanta Ga show...U2 let me tell you it was a heck of a run this tour...set list was guys deserve the best congrats for not listening to a dam thing anybody has to say....That is true Art...
Chicago - Opening Night
After introducing the band, Bono said "...when you put this band, with this crowd, there is no room for modesty, anything is possible....this very night will be the best night of our lives." It was my one moment because it was one of the best nights of my life. I got to experience live the band that carried me home from the hospital every night when was my Dad was dying and I could barely walk to the car. I didn't care what songs they sang or where I sat. We were one that night. I won't ever forget it.
I saw the concert here in Milan last july I hope they don't forget Italy next year. we are not on the list !"!!!! best moment ONE ......bye!!!
Surrender at Cardiff
My best moment was at the last show on the european tour in Cardiff. I was 3 from the front in front of Bono. For the whole tour he had been starting the chanting before Moment of surrender. I started it before Bono could and everyone else followed and Bono listened until the official words began to the song. Now that was nice.
Russ Zara
Being a massively huge U2 fan, I am the type of guy that would travel hundreds of miles to see my favourite band and have close to 30 ticket stubs to prove it. Anyway, U2 had performed back to back shows recently (September 12th and 13th) at Soldier Field in Chicago and sure enough, I had planned to attend (when tickets had gone on sale earlier in the year) with my 10 year old son Lukas. We managed to get within yards of the stage for the first show, and I have the Blackberry photos to prove it. Being from London, Canada (about two hours outside of Toronto); we stayed the night in Chicago for the second show. We got up the next day to do some sightseeing around downtown Chicago and found ourselves up on Michigan and Chicago avenues and low and behold, ran into U2 in around the hotel they were staying at. Autographs were given by The Edge and Adam Clayton on little Lukas' U2 T-shirt. Unfortunately, we didn’t get Bono’s autograph and Larry wasn’t present. Well, this chance encounter left Lukas extremely optimistic and downright convinced that he would get both of their autographs at the Toronto shows a few days down the road. Last week, I went back to work telling my colleagues about our Chicago story and how great both shows were and about running into both The Edge and Adam Clayton. I’m also telling everyone how Lukas wants to go to Toronto early, expecting to get Bono and Larry's autograph. Perhaps, hoping to catch them at their hotel or arriving at the Rogers Centre for a sound check. Of course, I know that the chances of this happening are slim to none and quickly realize my conundrum of not wanting to disappoint my son yet obviously realizing Lukas’ potential let-down of not getting those autographs looms statistically large. Everyone wished me good luck and Lukas and I departed for the Toronto U2 shows Wednesday morning (September 16th) for the next three days. Needless to say we didn’t see Bono or the band at the Toronto hotel or at the Rogers Centre for their sound check. By this time I believe Lukas was beginning to realise just how lucky we really were in Chicago and that the chances of “running” into U2 again just wasn’t going to happen. Now, having been already to three U2 shows in the past week (two in Chicago and the first Toronto show) Lukas and I decided to watch this show from The Edge’s side of the stage. Just for a different perspective. Well, this was the best decision we ever made. It was during The Unforgettable Fire that Bono made his way over to where we were standing watching the show. It was towards the end of this song that Bono crossed over one of the bridges connecting the main stage to the circular outer stage; right above us. I already had Lukas on my shoulder to get a better view of what was happening when Bono and I made eye contact. He then gestured to me to rise Lukas up and that was exactly what I did. Bono took Lukas’ hand and pulled him up onto the bridge. Bono gave him a high five, asked him how he was doing and what his name was. They then walked onto the outer stage and the band began to play City of Blinding Lights. Lukas spent the next several minutes running around the outer stage with Bono as the band played. Bono sang to him and the audience of 60,000 plus cheered them on. Bono even let little Lukas try on his sunglasses! We thought Chicago was the pinnacle U2 moment and then this happens. Truly an incredible experience!!! Lukas still doesn’t have Larry’s autograph however ;)
I was the first night in Giants Stadium and I loved when Bono, in the beginning of Moment of Surrender, starts to shout that Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. Such a peaceful and heavenly sound. J33:3
My unforgettable moment
My 360 unforgettable moment went, U2 plays Ultraviolet. And another thing; When U2 will play in Compostela(Galiza)?? Galiza is a celtic coutry, same Ireland??When they will play in the brother land, named Galiza? It can was a magic moment!!!
chicago sunday
vertigo!! the way the video screen dropped down and broke up! I was having vertigo. best concert ever cant wait till july 2010
Russ Zara
My Son Lukas getting pulled up on Stage!
Toronto, September 17th the Rogers Centre…… my son Lukas gets picks from the crowd by Bono during The City of Blinding Lights!!!! What else could top this? Seeing them both on stage together was simply unbelievable and will never be forgotten!!!
My best moment was Beautiful Day and The Unforgettable Fire. I´ll keep smiling until 2010! Thank you
The moment
STAY in Berlin!
new to this site. not u2 tho
I finally broke down and joined a fan website. going june 6th so i'll have a moment to share. looking foreard to meeting other fans. i go back to the beginning of the 80's and i am still as in love with this amazing band! shelleyk
where the streets have no name
Where The Streets Have No Name was the best performance of the show. That did it for me. I went crazy.
My Moments
When the band sang Magnificent, I Still Have Found What I'm Looking For and Ultraviolet at Croke Park July 25th. Every song was brilliant but these 3 stood out.
most fascinating moment of 360Tour
It was on 360 tour concert in Chorzów. Of course there was a Flag, white and red stadium, it was so fantastic! But the most exciting moment was when song from David Bowie is ending and there was counting: 3...2...1... and there were clocks and then Larry starts to play Breath! That's grat!!! Want to be in Vienna at 2010!!!
My 360° best moments in Paris and Gelse
Breathe opening's night, pride, unforgettable fire, with or without you, one, ... Great shows !!! U2 : see you in 2010 in Brussels and Paris !!!
My Unforgettable Moment
I went to the U2 concert in Vancouver and I have to say it was the best moment of my life! The only downside to the concert was that it was my first ever concert, so I'm starting at the top! All the other concerts I'll ever see will put me to sleep. What made the concert the best was the moment when Bono was finishing up 'Amazing Grace', and then suddenly, out of the dark, The Edge started to play 'Where the Streets Have No Name', and the crowd just EXPLODED. That was so beautiful, I was almost crying. P
Very first time
I saw U2 for the very first time on the last night of the tour and it's so hard to pick one moment. It was probably hearing One but it could have also been the buildup from Amazing Grace into Where the Streets Have No Name. Total goosebumps! Thank you for an amazing show!
The Best Moment
in Paris, 11th of July, I was crying on BD, such a beautiful intro... couldn't resist....
Wonderful moments
I went to the second Amsterdam concert. And I loved BAD and especially ELEVATION cause it was introduced in the setlist the first time this tour. That was a powerful moment. I absolutely loved it when Bono sang to the crowd "I love you" after a Beautiful day. See you in Brussels!
the moment
The Holy Spirit moving above and around and inside the concert (Amsterdam 2).
Rock and Roll at its finest. Chicago 1 sound was amazing!! Larry's drums sounded LOUD and loved seeing him beat them like he used to again!
Favourite Moment
Dublin, Ireland. 25 July 2009. My favourite concert moment of all time was when the band started playing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For." Bono let the crowd sing the first verse and the chorus, and then he joined in for the second chorus. It was beautiful to hear 80,000 people singing together. I had tears in my eyes.
Favourite Moments - Croke Park Dublin
I managed to take in two of the 3 Dublin shows. Without a doubt the best moments were Unknown Caller, Ultraviolet and Moment of Surrender. It would be too hard to refine it any more than that!
My favorite U2 moment in Berlin
U2 playing an acoustic version of Stay (Faraway, So Close) in Berlin's Olympic Stadium. It was fantastic!
Charlottesville band intro
For me it was the band introduction at Charlottesville, VA, leading into "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For." Bono described himself as a college 'drop-out' but declared that if he was going to learn anything it was going to be from the three guys on stage with him. Then he thanked them for letting him be in their band, all the while the music faded in to start off still haven't found. I get goosebumps thinking about it and the crowd singing that song was just the icing on the cake. I totally appreciate this band's longevity and their relationship with each other. Truly amazing.
Stuck in a Moment
I saw the band live in Norman, Oklahoma, and I also watched the show in the Rose Bowl from my computer, and both times "Stuck in a Moment" was the emotional peak for me. When I watched Edge and Bono perform it at the Rose Bowl, I cried at my computer... all alone, at 1:00 at the morning. Before I saw it live, the song never really meant that much to me, but since, I have never heard the song the same way.
My One
When they started playing Elevation. That was one of my favorites from "All That You Can't Leave Behind" and to hear the song live was breathtaking. I never felt closer to 60,000 people than I did during the playing of that song. Wonderful, wonderful show. I love you guys.
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