Your 360° Moment

9 Nov 2009231
They performed for more than two hours playing up to 25 songs ... and every night they changed the set list. Your Blue Room might be in, Until The End of the World might be out. Pride might be in and Desire out. They kept us guessing.

But if you had to choose JUST ONE MOMENT from seeing U2 live in 2009 what would it be ?

Take a look back through the our Tour pages and check out the reviews, photos and videos. Bring it all back... then post your 360 Moment below.

Was it the super-funky rhythms of 'Crazy' with Larry wandering around the stage playing the djemba ?

Or the breathtaking stage choreography stage during Unforgettable Fire ?

The return of Ultraviolet or the latest reinvention of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' ?

How about Walk On and the appearance of Aung San Suu Kyi on a thousand faces ?

Or the mysterious benediction of 'Moment of Surrender' at the end of the show ?

(We know you probably have loads of highlights, but we're just looking for ONE MOMENT.... and a sentence or two explaining why it was so memorable.)
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New Years Day
2nd show in London, calling a friend in Spain and sharing New Years Day live together!!!
u2s finest moments in 360
the intro for the BREATHE. the guitar intro for NO LINE. guitar solo on UNKNOWN CALLER. and every second of ILL GO CRAZY... go for it U2!!!!
When the boys played BAD at Croke it made me cry as it is my all time fav song. But at Hampden I still havnt found was mind blowing they dont call it the Hampden roar for nothing. It is so hard to chose a U2 song as i love them all. LOVE AND PEACE from Scotland.
Polish Flag
06.08.2009 - Chorzow, Poland. New Years Day and the stadium in white and red. Unfogettable, amazing, magical moment... As Bono said: A night never, ever to be forgotten...
Best moment Amsterdam 2
The mixed up setlist at the second Amsterdam show. Highlight for me was Bad while watching from the inner circle.
running edge
one of the highlights was edge sprinting around the stage in streets, another was the climax in walk on with bono shouting "all that you cant leave behind"
best moment
Moment of Surrender in Chorzow. Bono brought tears into my eyes, it was a very touchy moment, can't write what I felt at the time - very moving my whole being body and soul.
Thrill of a lifetime!
My favorite moment? When my wife and I walked into the stadium in Glasgow and realized it wasn't just a dream! Our first rock concert together was on the day of our 30th wedding anniversary and about 8,000 miles from home. U2 was fantastic!
Having my U2 ticket scanned at the Houston Reliant Stadium for the U2 Mach 10...break the sound barrier jet air take off... AMAZING GRACE. : )
Sharing with My Son
My "Top 3" favorite 360 moments at the 2nd Giants Stadium show: 3: Watching the anticipation on my son's face before the show began. 2: Watching his jaw drop with the opening chords. 1: Having him grab me, jumping up and down, and going nuts when he heard his favorite song, Beautiful Day. Hoping to bring both of my boys to Philly to do it all again. Best show ever, best band ever!
My son's whole experience with Bono
He pulled my son on stage in Oklahoma and treated him with the utmost of tenderness - arm around him, holding hands, singing to him. Truly amazing experience!!!
ultraviolet lights
Bono shone with his dazzling jacket and took my breath away with his uplifting performance in Las Vegas.My first U2 concert ever! They truly are magnificent.
hard to tell
wow. is very difficult to choose one moment. My picks are Ultraviolet, the lights over CN Tower, the stage in The Unforgettable Fire. Tks guys for the memories! :D
I still haven't found.....
Tampa Fl. 72,000 people sang together "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"I, myself had goose bumps in 90 degree weather. I look next to me at a lady bellowing in tears and that just confimed the impact,inspiration,conviction, emotion etc... that Bono,Edge,Larry,and Adam have when these indiduals come together as ONE! I feel like they bring us all together through love,hope,and a message.
Bono above us
The moment of the show that lit up our night was when Bono was on the moving bridge and it stopped above us at the Vegas show. He then leaned over the bridge and just sang to us below....that was awesome! Can't wait to see them June 6th AND June 7th at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California! Rock on U2, you made my year awesome!
My Unforgettable 360 Moment
Saw the shows in Landover, Arlington and Vegas. Each show was incredible but I had a particularly unforgettable moment in Dallas when Bono wore my cowboy hat for a few minutes at the Arlington show during the "Crazy Tonight" remix then gave it back to me. What an experience. Been a fan for 25 years and haven't missed a tour for the past 24 years. Hearing the new songs live as well as Unforgettable Fire and Until the End of the World was AMAZING! Can't wait til the 2010 shows!!!
Only this band could create an atmosphere like the one I experienced during Ultraviolet. How does Bono appear...vulnerable? Is this possible? And I love the remix of Crazy on the tour.
I will never, ever forget Oct.28th in Vancouver BC . It was my first U2 concert seeing as im 14 yrs old. So pretty much everything was memorable, from waiting outside at 4am with the other amazing and funny u2 fans, to running as fast as I could to get to the front of the inner circle ( which i did ), to having bono look at me and sing , to the end when bono had tears in his eyes which made me BALL my eyes out. It was all amazing. highlight of the night for me was I still havent found what im looking for. Writing this comment is bringing tears to my eyes. I dont know why, but its like it changed my life... everytime i watch the videos I took i cry, when i talk about it I cry.. WHATS WRONG WITH ME? but its all good... Seattle here I come! : D
ULTRAVIOLET the light up mic and Bono's lazer jacket were awesome along with the light effects!! the whole production was perfect a night i will never forget and i hope to experience again in 2010 i would love to hear some more from the old days'-- WAR and BOY but all was just unbelievable thanks again U2!!! your the best!!!!!!! Marla in Virginia
Thank You
The comment from the fan that has seen 35 shows and realized that U2 is part of his life reasonates. I have seen over 20 shows over my life over various phases of my life. I saw three shows in one week - Phoenix, Vegas, and Los Angeles. While the shows were great, the set list was unchanged for three shows. The boys have so much material that it would be special if each show was different (like the Boss who plays requests from the audience).
amazing grace into streets. bono: "now i see..." then edge chimes in, then larry and adam kick in, the whole stadium's jumping like a giant heartbeat in sync. one of the most energizing live experiences ever!
When it all began..
My 360 moment was waiting for U2 to walk out on stage in Chicago on opening night - I was in heaven when Breathe began. It had been 17 years since I had seen them Unforgettable!!
My most exciting moment was when I almost touched Bono outside the Edge radio station in Toronto. I missed his hand by an inch, I will forever remember him driving away in the back seat of the SUV as I sobbed on the street. That moment will live in my mind forever. I will see you again in Toronto in July. Can you add Gloria to your set? Keep saving the world U2.
Meadowlands July 2010
I first saw U2 back in 1987 at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia. They opened with Where The Streets Have No Name, Bono in arm cast. My second show will be this summer, twenty-three years later. This time I'm bringing my wife and son of 7. I cannot wait to share the experience with them. He's such a huge little fan. Thanks so much for the wonderful music, its been a constant guiding presence throughout my adulthood.
amazing moment
For my wife and myself it was Amazing Grace. My Mother-in Law passed away in March, and it was her favorite hymn. My wife was left in tears while feeling a connection with her Mother. It was a very unexpected but special moment.
Air Marci
Best Moment
The best moment had to be Until the End of the World. Bono and the Edge dueling each other on the bridges was just awesome!
Rose Bowl
Vertigo...great song, the best song of the whole set for me...
Bests moments
songs from NLOTH were at their best live. No line on the Horizon, get on your boots live: WOW
dimitri van delsen
Croke Park 25/07.2009
My most memorable moment was shaking hands with Bono when he left stage in Croke Park!
Unknown Caller
My 360 moment as far as songs go had to be UNKNOWN CALLER. Such a great song. Personally, it was seeing my two sons' faces when they realized we actually made it to the front row of the stage in the inner circle and then jumping up and down with them during Elevation and others. I will never forget that night at the Rose Bowl.
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