How Was It For You?

29 Jul 2011310
Simply by the numbers U2 360° is the most successful concert tour of all time.  Over two years and two months, the band have played to more than 7million fans in 30 countries on 5 continents.

Since opening night in June 2009, the U2 360° spaceship  has taken off at 110 shows. The set list at the beginning  is unrecognisable from a set list two years later.

But it's not about the numbers - it's about the moment. The moment of surrender. 

So how was it for you?
The best show you went to?
The track that captures the spirit of U2360?
The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?
The memories of a rock'n'roll tour that you'll never forget...

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sorry guys, those who haven\'t been to W
the best concert ever... 80,000 people singing with or without U with Bono placing a mic to the audience... since it was English speaking country, everybody knew the text... so 80 K people singing together... now that\'s experience but of course other concerts must have been good too... U2 is the best band ever... with songs which lasts not like the music of today
20 years after my 1st experience I gave
20 years ago I went to see U2 on their Zoo TV tour in Hartford, CT. This year I took my 10 year old son to his very first concert, U2 at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois. When the band came out and opened with 4 songs from the tour I remember I was amazed and so happy. So many memories were brought back to me. But the moment that I will remember most from this concert was when U2 played \"I Still Haven\'t Found What I\'m Looking For\". This is my son Elliot\'s favorite song, and to see the look on his face when they began was just about the best moment a parent could ever ask for. Then to follow with \"Stay\" (Far Away, So Close)-my fave U2 song, well! That was just perfect. Thank you U2 for giving me and my son the best day of our lives so far.
Vancouver and Istanbul
We saw the band in our home town of Vancouver with The Black Eyed Peas and it was amazing!!! Two great bands. The evening of the concert I went on line and saw I could order tickets for either Istanbul or Athens this year...and so for my husbands 60th birthday we saw them play in Istanbul! The whole city of Istanbul had U2 banners, signs and news reports as the day arrived...we left early to get to the Ataturk Stadium far outside the city. Sat and chatted with people from Iran, France, Australia and many other countries as we waited. We had front row spots and could almost touch the boys!! Amazing concert, Bono loved playing Istanbul. I think it was a special night for the band to play there. That was the best concert we have been to so far...pushing Dublin to second place :-) Can\'t wait for the next round!
360 indeed!
Just couldn\'t believe that they actually did their 1st single, Out of Control, and ended up with Forty, as in the beginning - full circle.
Tom Woude
Amsterdam - Go crazy
The Go crazy intro, with the pounding drums and all was fantastic at most ! Best show till now, even beats Vertigo, of which I thought could not be be beaten...
unforgettable night!!!!
I was honoured enough to be at the final show of the 306 tour in Moncton. The day began arriving extremely early to park near the site. The rain came down and the excitement rose as the day went on. As per on a timer the rain stopped and the show started. It was incredible as Carney and Arcade Fire warmed up the stage. Then with the roar of the cf18\'s the anticipation grew. As the great claw came to life the crowd went wild as the image of the band was displayed on the great screen. Then it all began, the music the lights the crowd. The greatest thing had to be looking down at my 12 year old daughter and seeing a smile from ear to ear and to hear her scream as loud as she could to show her appreciation for such a great band. I felt a little saddened as the night came to an end but I have to thank the band and all the crew for putting together such a great night and such and epic tour. Thank you and we will never forget the night the spaceship lifted off for its final voyage.!!! cheers!!!!
glasgow and istanbul
BREATHE in glasgow. what an intro, larrys drums with the reat of the band following and finally bono with the amazing vocal. also MISS SARAJEVO in istanbul. bono does pavarotti!!! takes you to places you cant imagine. wow wow wow!!! finally ONE anytime, anyplace. best song ever, full stop!
Greatest concerts ever in Mexico 11/14/1
I have been fan for years, i have been in all concerts in mexico and other countries i can... but that day change my heart and my thoughts forever, Thank you U2 for being U2, thank you for your music, for your soul thank you for had the oportunity to meet all of you guys.. Thank you for let me dream out loud! greatest concerts ever in Mexico!
Ground CONTROL to Moment Of Surrender
2 Years of MAGNIFICENTS SHOWS .... 2 Years of Live Treads on U2.COM .... 2 Years of CLAW gonna miss Ya CLAW .... AMAZING 2 Years ! ! ! 2009 with UNFORGETTABLE FIRE UNKNOWN CALLER BREATHE NO LINE love those songs ! ! ! 2010 in PARIS (with MUM & DAD for THEIR 1ST TIME ....) & BRUSSELS (Message from Chrissie... oops, got the years all mixed up . . . . Chrissie I was With You .... AMAZING SEPTEMBER 2010 ! ! ! Meeting the BAND too ! ! !) Yeah THAT WAS U2360° . . . MOMENT OF SURRENDER turns me like OUT OF MY MIND ... CRAZY IF I DON\'t GO CRAZY ..... CRAZY & MAGNIFICENT U2360° YEARS ..... Life is short It’s the longest thing you’ll ever do The worst of the curse Was that your dreams came true God is a mirror in which each man sees himself God is a place where you don’t need any help When I first met you, your face was like snow What about wherever you wanted to go Your face, your grace, your lipstick trace Your case as you put it down 8.17 on the ground Your faith in a clown Don’t leave me now Don’t leave me now Alone in the song Don’t leave me now Alone in the song
Auckland Leg
Best song of the show was Miss Sarajevo, what a voice live. What a downer after the high\'s of 2 shows, like been on drugs watching U2 live, the best.
A Lifetime of Love
I\'ve been a fan of U2 since my parents blasted Joshua Tree on a road trip across the beautiful red deserts of Arizona and Utah when I was just 4 years old. At the age of 21, I was finally able to see my first U2 concert in Anaheim. It was truly the best concert experience I\'ve ever had, solidifying U2\'s place in my heart. Thank you for all of the heart and passion that you put into each and every song, can\'t wait for the next album and tour.
So many \"firsts\" on the 360 tour!
\"Unforgettable Fire\" in Barcelona after so many years was magical! Watching Larry drop his drum sticks TWICE, seeing \"Stay\" and witnessing Paul McGinnis take the stage in Anaheim, there were so many \"firsts\" for me during the 360 tour. The best first for me was being able to go up on the stage! What an incredible tour! I can\'t wait for the next one!
May 14th and 15th, Mexico City
Hi!, my name is Alejandra and I'm from Monterrey, Mexico... For me was the most amazing experience! To be there with another 110,000 persons singing, crying, loving this boys! Realize that they have written such great songs that are the soundtrack of our lives and hear and watch them live... I have no words to express how i felt! ...- Walk on! ... - The claw in City of Blinding Lights and all the people in Moment of Surrender :')...- I will never forget all the journey... since I got the tickets, all the waiting and, at least, the long awaited shows! I have a lot of expectations for this tour and all of them were far exceeded!!! I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight/Discoteque made me dance!! I loved that mix!!!!... THANK YOU guys for made my life happier with your music, for be as you are, for include Mexico in your tour and THANK YOU LARRY MULLEN JR. FOR HAS POSTED THAT PIECE OF PAPER IN YOUR SCHOOL'S NOTICE BOARD... YOU GAVE US AN GREAT LIFE TOO :)... SEE YOU NEXT TOUR :D
Montréal july 8, hte most mystic experi
Being a longtime fan but never attended a U2 show except on my DVD. I knew what I was about to witness that night, but that strange?
First to make a long story short let's start.
In 1976 I was 16 and I brought my little brother to is first show ever, he was 13 then.The show was David Bowie in the great Station to Station era.
Since that time he manage to see U2 3 times in is life, me none. He ask me if I was thinking of attending the U2 360 tour, I said I don't know, I didn't have any partner to share the evening, Can't go alone. Well he says I will go with you And I'll be your'e guide on the U2 concert universe, AND that will close the loop from 1976, You took me to my first ever show and I'm gonna return the favor to you for your first ever U2 show
After 2 years of waiting because Bono was injured, on July the 8 2011 I was there whit my BRO waiting for the show to begin, suddenlly when the band got thrue the tunnel heading toward the stage, I got stunned to hear the song that played on the speakers at that moment.
DAVID BOWIE- Space Oddity.
Ouch talking about a loop closing that was a long loop. It was like if the band knew all about our story, unbelievable feelings ran thrue my body.
the show went perfect My favorite song is *Were the streets have no name*, but for a reason that I can't explained that night it was 'the Fly".
They played the entire show straight to the end,
But after the last song schedule to play, and after the last notes the rain started pouring down on us on that hot summer night, the band seems to feel sorry for us but nobody complaint around us it seems like the energy was to high, the feeling all around me was positive energy, pouring rain with smiling fans all around me.
We walked toward the exit and suddenly a chopper flew low over our head, we knew that was the band leaving the venu, they turn south as we all waved our hands to the guy's, and we all know that they replied, they passed to salute us. That was my first U2 concert ever, hopfully not my last. What an esoteric night that was.
Thank you Bono and the " Irish royalty " .
You made a 52 years old man more than happy that night, The only thing sad about everything is that I live without being able to thank you personnaly, Hope my message will go to your'e ears because it was realy an out of my body experience. wowww I'm having to goose bumps again. Thank you again...
Best Time Ever!
I Only went to the July 20 concert in East Rutherford, NJ but it was my first concert ever! From The Real Thing, to City of Blinding Lights, and then Out of Control, best night ever! I WAS out of control that night! :)
Portugal Day 2 and 3 October 2010.
Portugal Day 2 and 3 October 2010. Two happiest days of my life. The biggest and best show of the universe. I want to thank U2 live radio broadcasts, 3 times. I still hope to see again my favorite band in Portugal again.
I was at the show at Giants stadium Sept. 23 in 09, and in Philly last month, both shows were equally amazing. "Magnificent" and "Moment of Surrender" were memerable songs for me, and all the visuals of the 360 stage were mesmerizing. Hearing "Amazing Grace" and "Hallelujah" blending beautifully into "Streets"(my all time favorite song) are moments I will hold in my heart forever <3
Really the 3 nights in Mexico City were AWESOME, simply MAGNIFICENT. Since that shows the 360º Tour began to grow up until touch the sky. That nights were a dream seriously!!
DUBLIN: Because of Dublin MUNICH: Because of the Stingray Guitar (the 2nd best intro of the tour) CAPE TOWN: Aaa^aaaa^aa^aaaaafrica! SONG: Crazy tonight!
Where the street have no name
The best was when U2 sing Where the Street have no name in São Paulo, 04/09/2011, see in youtube!
Piel de gallina
Nunca voy a olvidar como se me puso la piel de gallina al oir los acordes de Even Better than The Real Thing por primera vez en el tour abriendo el show el 30 de Marzo del 2011 en el estadio Unico de La Plata!!!! Fue inolvidable para mí!!! Gracias!!!!!
Chicago 2009 / Zurich 9/11/2010
My wife and I saw U2 in our hometown of Chicago in 2009, and in Zurich in 2010. Best song was Bad in Chicago, and the whole concert / experience in Zurich. I was touched when Bono took a moment to remember the victims of the 9/11 attacks, and to his american crew members. It was the first time we have seen U2 outside the United States. Looking forward to doing it again! Again, thanks to the couple from Sao Paulo, Brazil for the ride in the concert in Zurich!
Son Lo MAS!!!!!!!!!!
30 de Marzo de 2011, una fecha que no voy a olvidar en mi vida!!! Se me escaparon las lágrimas cuando vi que estaba tan cerca del escenario. Y ni hablar cuando empezó a sonar Even better.... Más lágrimas cuando empezó Moment of Surrender y la dedicatoria a Gustavo Cerati. Terrible noche, terrible recital, terrible banda. I Love You Guys!!!!!! Giselle
I think that every U2 fan would say that the show they witnessed was the best, and they are probably right because that is one of the talets of U2, making us feel like we are part of something special. That feeling of intimacy that they gives us even when there are thousands of people in a stadium is just unbelievable. So now, I came out with the conclusion that my favorite moment of all 360° tour was that moment right before the show started and the lights go off, because y I knew that I was going to rememeber the 360° tour forever...
El Mejor Recital de mi Vida
No solo por la companía sino que sigo a la Banda dese hace tiempo y sin lugar alguna es el mejor concierto de mi vida!! Nunca voy a olvidar como sono I will follow o cuando en la fila escuchabamos los acordes de Even Better than The Real Thing... Realmente se me ponía piel de gallina. U2 son LO MÁS!! Gracias Lean por acompañarme, nunca te voy a olvidar!!!!!
From Paris to Amsterdam, Zagreb, Torino, Frankfurt, going back to Paris then beautiful Brussels and closing these beautiful moments in Philadelphia and New York. Explosion of emotions and positive energy in every city. Thank you for making every city so special. It is impossible to decide which show is better as every show is so particular. I would maybe pick up Walk on as the most emotional moment of the tour. So special and unforgettable feeling during With or without you in Brussels 1st show. Miss Sarajevo is just unbelievable – Bono’s voice is so amazing in this song. Thank you for bringing us all these beautiful feelings and especially for introducing North Star and playing live Mercy. Unforgettable feelings, and as Bono said – U2 shows in Brussels FEEL A LITTLE LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE, OF THE HEART, OF THE SOUL…. I would say - This tour was a huge and extraordinary earthquake of the heart, of the soul that lasts forever and keeps giving this beautiful positive energy. Thank you!!! It is also hard to think that it is over…..and I feel a bit empty without a ticket for the next concert. It would be nice to have a next one in Ireland. Thank you!!!!! natasa
With Thanks
My first U2 concert, and it succeeded on every level - musically, visually, emotionally, and, for many, spiritually. The level of connection between the artist and audience was unlike anything you could have imagined, even with the size of the crowd. There were too many musical moments to mention, but to close with "40" and bring a career full circle was pure brilliance, and for Bono to thank everyone for giving them a great life was amazing. In return, I must thank the band for contributing so much to ours. Hope we get to do it again someday.
Ground control to Moment Of Surrender
2 Years of Magnificent shows.... 2 Years of Live Treads on .... 2 Years of claw, gonna miss Ya claw .... Amazing 2 Years ! ! ! 2009 with Unforgettable Fire, Unknown Caller, Breathe, No Line, love those songs ! ! ! 2010 in PARIS (with Mum & Dad for their 1ST time ....) & Brussels (Message from Chrissie... oops, got the years all mixed up . . . . Chrissie I was With You .... Amazing September 2010 !!!Meeting the band too!!! Yeah, that was U2360° . . . Moment Of Surrender turns me like Out Of My Mind ... Crazy & Magnificent U2360° years ..... Life is short It’s the longest thing you’ll ever do The worst of the curse Was that your dreams came true God is a mirror in which each man sees himself God is a place where you don’t need any help When I first met you, your face was like snow What about wherever you wanted to go Your face, your grace, your lipstick trace Your case as you put it down 8.17 on the ground Your faith in a clown Don’t leave me now Don’t leave me now Alone in the song Don’t leave me now Alone in the song urrend
jose besteiro
From Barcelona 30thJune 2009 to Coimbra
When i first saw the tour opening night i was far from knowing that i would meet the girl of my life and get married during a U2 show.Because of the law i got legaly married outside the stadium, but i was blessed by a religious evangelic priest inside. Right in front of the stage. A lot of emotion, a lot of interviews, a lot of times i saw my face on TV. I even got a cameo appearance at the 360º DVD. I could believe the news today. I could get married on a Sunday, amazing Sunday. Band of my life, girl of my life and show of my life. Paris 1989 Lovetown also, but this one was so F* special to us... Unforgettable.
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