How Was It For You?

29 Jul 2011310
Simply by the numbers U2 360° is the most successful concert tour of all time.  Over two years and two months, the band have played to more than 7million fans in 30 countries on 5 continents.

Since opening night in June 2009, the U2 360° spaceship  has taken off at 110 shows. The set list at the beginning  is unrecognisable from a set list two years later.

But it's not about the numbers - it's about the moment. The moment of surrender. 

So how was it for you?
The best show you went to?
The track that captures the spirit of U2360?
The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?
The memories of a rock'n'roll tour that you'll never forget...

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Purple Rain
Minneapolis was a rain-soaked, lightning-enhanced joy! It started pouring in the second song and hardly let up the entire show. Amazing how well prepared the stage was to tolerate the deluge and us fans who remained throughout just reveled in the added special effects, punctuated by a coincidental firework show over the shoulder of the claw! Lots of preteens with their hands over their ears will have a very hard time attending a better show for the rest of their lives ... Thanks to my wife for the tickets, which because of the year delayed performace, we saw U2-360 on our 21 anniversary!
two concerts
When you came to Zagreb for the first time, I don\'t remember when I saw that crazy atmosphere which appeared here. People were so happy, with so much energy. That was some special day full of excitement. What to say for two concert here...I will always remember it with smile on my face...Zagreb ♥ U2
a hotelroom with a view to the claw and
I visited 2 shows in Amsterdam in 2009 and in september 2011 the second show in Brussels in the pouring rain When I entered my hotelroom near the stadium my breath was taking away. I had an astonished view on a part of the claw and stage. That was very very funny. And if that was not enough: I saw 4 black cars escorted by police arrived near the stadium and a lot of fans who could talk for a moment with the band. That was a very nice begin of my stay in Brussels. Of course the Show was amazing and Bono singing in the pouring rain without losing his concentration and of course he was singing the song \"singing in the rain\"(and the other 3 of course) After the show I spent a big part of the night watching from my hotelwindow the break down of the claw and stage with a lot of cranes and a lot of hardworking people It was a nice adventure. Thank you U2 and all the other neccesary people for giving all the fans such a good feeling.
u2 360 moncton n.b.
no fancy words just a ##$$#@!#$ good nite !!!!! There, that tell yaou everything you need to know Dan. thanks for a wonderful night
Gracias por la magia emanada esa noche en La Plata, gracias por la energia, por el calor, por la entrega, en fin GRACIAS!!! Nunca voy a olvidar esa noche magica, donde los sentimientos afloraban desde cada rincon del escenario hacia nosotros, el publico. Nuevemanete GRACIAS por una noche INOLVIDABLE!!! Vuelvan por favor, los estamos esperando!!!
Mtl show #2
I\'m 18 years old and I\'m a fan since I\'m 10 ... I saw U2 once at Montreal and it was an amazing show.... To me the show reached it\'s peak when Larry began to play Sunday Bloody Sunday .. Being a drummer myself (not as good as Larry ;)) Sunday Bloody Sunday became my favorite song the first time I heard it ... For the breathtaking visuals.... I think that the moving 360° screen was really (I mean REALLY) something special. Where we were at the show the screen seems to literally touch the scene t\'was a great show .. Thanks to Bono,Larry,Edge and Adam to took me as a child, grown with me and leave me as I am :) thank you
A dream came true in Seville 20 years af
I was that beatiful night in Seville, five months after I had the same problem and the same surgery that Bono (God bless you),my beatiful wife enjoy it too,thanks a lot for a that dream.ULTRAVIOLET was my favorite song in that show, VIVA ESPAÑA¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
vincent kearns
croke park july 2010
go crazy was one of the best parts of the show. Larry away from his drums and walking the 360. but main thing was for me . BAD being played on the 3rd night . best track from u2
Early evening, July 24th, \"Breathe\" be
in the Croke Park sky. My wife and I planned a two week trip to Ireland centered around U2\'s inaugural 360 show. Sure it was a carefully staged, ultra-modern, pseudo-event, but we bought into it. After all, this band has provided me with an ever-changing soundtrack from the time I just started to shave until present. A connection of sorts during those 2 precious hours -- and we didn\'t sit down once.
Thank you!!!!
I was in Rome, last year at the Olimpic Stadium in october. Great!!!!! It was a fantastic night! Thank you for that experience! I sang almost all the songs, I jumped and I was very happy to be there! I \'ll never forget that night! I love you!!!
rome, glasgow and san francisco
love u2, went to see this tour in rome, Glasgow and San Francisco. I have to say, Glasgow was truly amaising. I have see u2 4 times now and have had a couple of brill holidays following you guys, but my home town of Glasgow was the best, simply xxxxxxxxxxx love love love x
Was awesome but...
It was an awesome Phila. show but a bummer at the same time. I got the tickets 2 yrs ago before the show was postponed. in the meantime my wife blew out her hip and wasn\'t mobile enough to go to the concert. I enjoyed it but it could have been so much more since she is the bigger U-2 fan in the house. Thanks anyway..STR
Disappointed, that\'s about it, been an avid fan since the earliest days, but the guys didn\'t see fit to come to Adelaide on this tour, and since I can\'t travel interstate I missed out. favourite track is obscure, Mothers of the Disappeared.
Vancouver and Istanbul
We saw the band in our home town of Vancouver with The Black Eyed Peas and it was amazing!!! Two great bands. The evening of the concert I went on line and saw I could order tickets for either Istanbul or Athens this year...and so for my husbands 60th birthday we saw them play in Istanbul! The whole city of Istanbul had U2 banners, signs and news reports as the day arrived...we left early to get to the Ataturk Stadium far outside the city. Sat and chatted with people from Iran, France, Australia and many other countries as we waited. We had front row spots and could almost touch the boys!! Amazing concert, Bono loved playing Istanbul. I think it was a special night for the band to play there. That was the best concert we have been to so far...pushing Dublin to second place :-) Can\'t wait for the next round!
Always when U2 comes, something BIG happens here, coincidence? who knows, the air of changes... I was at the inner circle, slept in the dust, under the cold (what a cold night), met amazing people, jumped as a crazy and sang every song, was like a 48 hour-dream. I Will Follow and WTSHNN were so cathartic for all of us that you will never know. I hope you last forever, hope to see you again. Edge, Larry, Bono, Adam, you all were inches from my hand... greetings from Chile wish us luck
Even better..
..Than The Real Thing!!! My god!!! I was in the first argentinian show in the Estadio Ciudad de La Plata, and it was unvelievable!!! It\'s hard to pin point one moment of the entire concert, but if I had to do so, I\'d choose the very first sound of Even Better Than The Real Thing\'s riff, it had been like a six hours wait (worthwhile all the way) and just to hear that guitar.. It took me to someplace else, someplace where the streets have no name, someplace where we all were just One, someplace out of control.. And It certanly was the most Beautiful Day ever!! THANKS U2!!!!!!!
Even better..
..Than The Real Thing!!! My god!!! I was in the first argentinian show in the Estadio Ciudad de La Plata, and it was unvelievable!!! It\'s hard to pin point one moment of the entire concert, but if I had to do so, I\'d choose the very first sound of Even Better Than The Real Thing\'s riff, it had been like a six hours wait (worthwhile all the way) and just to hear that guitar.. It took me to someplace else, someplace where the streets have no name, someplace where we all were just One, someplace out of control.. And It certanly was the most Beautiful Day ever!! THANKS U2!!!!!!!
That was my first U2\'s concert and I will nerver ever forget much energy, so much passion...thank you Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry for an amazing concert.... the best song City of Blinding Lights.....!!!! it was worth to travel from Ecuador just to hear you guys....thank u thank u..!!!
Back from Iraq and happy to see a show,
The Baltimore show was great! I also saw the Sarajevo show, when Bone-head broke his arm in the rain. Good to hear that fans are enjoying shows all over the US. I\'ll probably be overseas soon, but if I can catch a concert, I will! Viva la musica!
u2 at the Hippodrome
after a long wait, U2 performed a spectular show under a warm and starry night. Bono and the guys gave us all a tremendous show. After the show, the skies opened with a huge downpour making it an unforgettable night.
9,10 April 2011
Sao Paulo Morumbi....I was there and I\'ll never forget...Beautiful days..The best moment of my life. I love U2 Jessica, Brasil, SC-Florianópolis
The best show of my life - BRAZIL
I went to the U2360° concert in Sao Paulo (Brazil), on April 13th. It was amazing, because I tried to buy the tickets five times, and didn\'t get. And, one day before the concert I found one ticket to buy! And I had to buy airplanes tickets, and I had to look for some place to sleep (I\'m from Belo Horizonte MG and the concert was in São Paulo SP). I loved heard \"One\" followed by \"All I want is you\". I didn\'t know what to do: cry, jump, scream, smile, take pictures, make movies... It was unexplicable! i want more U2 concerts in Brazil, especially in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)!!!!! I can\'t wait for my next U2 concert! LOVE you, guys!
The best show of my life - BRAZIL
I went to the U2360° concert in Sao Paulo (Brazil), on April 13th. It was amazing, because I tried to buy the tickets five times, and didn\'t get. And, one day before the concert I found one ticket to buy! And I had to buy airplanes tickets, and I had to look for some place to sleep (I\'m from Belo Horizonte MG and the concert was in São Paulo SP). I loved heard \"One\" followed by \"All I want is you\". I didn\'t know what to do: cry, jump, scream, smile, take pictures, make movies... It was unexplicable! i want more U2 concerts in Brazil, especially in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)!!!!! I can\'t wait for my next U2 concert! LOVE you, guys!
MILAN and ROME italy
I was iin Milan for the second show and it was amazing for me, i cried half an hour before i realized that was really U2 show. The first time was in Modena 1987. In Rome I\'ll never forget the beautifull choreography during the song \"But I still haven\'t found what i\'m looking for\" VIVA l\'ITALIA
My First Concert- 22/06/2011
Last night i went for a U2 concert. For lack of better words, it was electrifying. This was the first concert of my life. Florence and the Machine did the opening. I dont know whether u have heard of them or not but they are this British band and i have been in love with them for more than a year now. Youtube them, they are so good live. When U2 entered the entire crowd stood up. I have never been a part of such a mass vibe. The place where I was sitting was crazy barely anyone sat the entire time. U2 gathers not only young people but probably their moms and dads and their moms and dads. When they started performing people from different part of the world, different race and different color just melted down as one. It was such a strong feeling to be standing there with all our energies concentrated as one. More than 75,000 people at one place singing one song wow! This band is magic LIVE. They don’t believe in only singing. There was a helicopter with some light shit over it, which kept on flying around the stadium, there was light and smoke and revolving bridge. They never stop at one place always walking, running, doing something or the other with the crowd. Moreover, they include so many social causes in the show. Bono is the beautiful. He was one the ground lying there I don’t know what he was upto, he was throwing water from his bottle at the crowd, all his thrust haha I love him. There was one point he was singing “in the name of love” and you know when they go “o oho, o oho o, o ohho o, o ohh o..” in that song. So Bono stops after a point but the crowd doesn’t stop. We kept on singing that for few mins and Bono just had this touched expression on his face. So humble and grateful, then when the crowd finally stopped he thanked us and expressed his gratitude. That was my concert moment. Soon they started singing again. When they started singing one both me and tessy got supper pumped and for some reason, in our entire section only Tessy, I and this female were standing. Nevertheless soon my camera’s battery were exhausted and so finally I got a chance just to sway my hands around continuously till the concert was over. Later he sang rejoice and I was just looking at the crowd. I might sound crazy but I believe that I was destined to be there last night, to feel and thing they way I did. Few months back I have not heard of Baltimore and had no reason to even imagine I would ever be here. But here I was, standing there admits the city. Baltimore haven’t had any big concert in a decade. Dad agreed to pay for the tickets. We weren’t sure whether we should I buy them online ( since none of us have done this before) We go to class and the professor wanted to sell her and her husband’s tickets. So there we were made for each other. We both were super tired when we reached the stadium but once there I think we were one of the last people to get out of there. The city was mad and colorful uff so much drama. Impeccable night.
Los angeles..Then Miami
My name is Jaime Proano, me and my wife live in Quito, Ecuador.. we saved money the entire year to attend last year Los Angeles U2 concert..just before starting our journey, we were informed that the concert was cancelled due Bono\'s surgery...The hotel, car and more already payed..we decided to go to California..that was a very sad trip because our dream was to attend U2...for the next year we knew it was going to be very hard to save money and go again...Last december for christmas..all my brothers gather the money and brought me a pair of tickets to see U2 in Miami...And We DID IT..The best concert ever attended..and most probably one of the best \"quality\" times spend with the love of my life...My beloved wife..! THANK U2 for the magic, the music, the sound, and the experience...Regards from the middle of the world...! QUITO, ECUADOR
Vegas & SLC
Went to a couple Vertigo Tour shows in South America a few years ago and it was awesome to witness the evolution of the band for the U2360 Tour. I went to the Vegas show, which was a great concert, but nothing compared to the Salt Lake City show... hands down my best concert ever (and I went to a handdul of big name bands). The set list was balanced to perfection with songs from every album to the point I\'m afraid to go to another U2 concert \'cause I think nothing could top the SLC show!
I ´ve got the opportunity to see this tour in São Paulo, Brazil. It was amazing! Every moment was special. Certainly, it was the best tour ever and it was my favourite show too. I´ve never seen anything like this... the structure, the lighting. But the most important was the feeling I felt coming from the band. Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam you are special people and I can say I´m blessed to be a U2 fan. So many problems, and you are able to make me happy. THANKS YOU SO MUCH!! I already miss you guys. Don´t forget us, please. I LOVE YOU! Fernanda from Brazil.
desde Colombia a Chile
U2 The Best. Thanks so much!!!
The Joshua Tree Tour in 1987
The best show I ever went to was the Joshua Tree Tour on Saturday 11th of July in Rotterdam: Magnificent music and a beautiful lightshow. Chrissy Hynde & Pretenders were also performing, as well as In Tua Nua. The whole concert was amazing and I won\'t ever forget it !!!
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