How Was It For You?

29 Jul 2011310
Simply by the numbers U2 360° is the most successful concert tour of all time.  Over two years and two months, the band have played to more than 7million fans in 30 countries on 5 continents.

Since opening night in June 2009, the U2 360° spaceship  has taken off at 110 shows. The set list at the beginning  is unrecognisable from a set list two years later.

But it's not about the numbers - it's about the moment. The moment of surrender. 

So how was it for you?
The best show you went to?
The track that captures the spirit of U2360?
The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?
The memories of a rock'n'roll tour that you'll never forget...

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Toronto & Orlando, Wife & I Named our Ne
We, as fans, like U2 because we want to BELIEVE in something. Be INSPIRED by something. And feel it LIVE, in unison with 50,000 of our brothers and sisters, even if it’s just for one night every couple of years. For the unwashed, let me explain…You have been waiting to see the band live since the last tour. It’s been many months. You have tickets. You arrive at the arena. House lights are up. Anticipation. Excitement. Waiting. It builds. More waiting. Suddenly, house lights OUT. Thunderous applause erupt. Goosebumps. Your eyes try to adjust…Five blacked-out seconds tick by. Your heart is pounding…Then, a riff you recognize begins…the bassline fills it out…and then the drums kick in…The hair on the back of your neck stands up, adrenaline pulses…and then, there they are, four silhouetted figures that changed your life since high school are revealed…a familiar shape steps up to the mic, and fills the room with the words you know…tears fill your eyes, you can’t stop smiling, screaming…he sings, you sing back…this moment is everything you waited for, wanted it to be. You look around. Everybody is doing the same thing you are…a sea of your people, your brothers, your sisters…all singing, all wishing Bono would pull them up to sing with him just once, for one song, one verse, one chorus for one beautiful moment (OK…umm, maybe that last part is just me). And yes, we now have a son named Edge. Cool, huh?
Can\'t decide
I was in Milan on first European leg and in Rome for the second. Can\'t really decide what was the best performance. I just loved both. A moment to remember? I Still Haven\'t Found on both shows. Public made his best on both occasion, but in rome the coreography on the stands with Italian and Irish flags connected by a giant \"ONE\" word was truly breathtaking. Thanks a lot guys, hope to see you asap again.
2009 Giant Stadium
It was an unique experience in whole my life. I am an U2 since I was 14 years old and now I am 38... This was my best show that I went in my life because of the structure, organization, quality of the music, and Bono! (of course all of the band) I screamed a lot at all the people were surrounded by me!!! Pour people. lol I couldnt help myself. I was in front of the stage and I could almost touch on The Edge and Bono... The all band is very kind with their fans this is very touching... Congratulations U2! I hope one day I can stay on the stage with Bono! hahaha Thanks all!
Mexico city may 15
I follow U2 now for 30 years, and this tour I was at the beginning in Barcelona and see them in Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Mexico city and Montreal over 2 years. I loved all shows, it was great to see I\'ll go crazy the first time. On screen with their faces, great. In Mexico on my birthday, I loved to hear, Love rescue me and All I want is you. Also the speach of Tutu at Magnificient was great. I loved that one. And Zooropa, for me the first time that I saw this live. Everybody ask me why are you going to all these concerts. It is all the same. They never been to a concert of U2. It is never the same. Thank you Guys for given me your music.
Toronto & Orlando, Wife & I Named our Ne
We, as fans, like U2 because we want to BELIEVE in something. Be INSPIRED by something. And feel it LIVE, in unison with 50,000 of our brothers and sisters, even if it’s just for one night every couple of years. For the unwashed, let me explain…You have been waiting to see the band live since the last tour. It’s been many months. You have tickets. You arrive at the arena. House lights are up. Anticipation. Excitement. Waiting. It builds. More waiting. Suddenly, house lights OUT. Thunderous applause erupt. Goosebumps. Your eyes try to adjust…Five blacked-out seconds tick by. Your heart is pounding…Then, a riff you recognize begins…the bassline fills it out…and then the drums kick in…The hair on the back of your neck stands up, adrenaline pulses…and then, there they are, four silhouetted figures that changed your life since high school are revealed…a familiar shape steps up to the mic, and fills the room with the words you know…tears fill your eyes, you can’t stop smiling, screaming…he sings, you sing back…this moment is everything you waited for, wanted it to be. You look around. Everybody is doing the same thing you are…a sea of your people, your brothers, your sisters…all singing, all wishing Bono would pull them up to sing with him just once, for one song, one verse, one chorus for one beautiful moment (OK…umm, maybe that last part is just me). And yes, we now have a son named Edge. Cool, huh?
Auckland NZ Silver Celebration for Us
We celebrated out Silver Wedding Anniversary that week and pushed everything to the limit to get to U2 360 after the worst year of our lives. It rejuvenated us and didn\'t disappoint! This was our 4th time seeing U2 and they are the music to our lives. Already looking forward to the next time. God bless!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
I would like to first thank the families of our favorite Band U2. They let there husbands, brothers, fathers etc. go for months to be with us and we soooo appreciate it. Thanks to the band for some of the best memories. Every time I here a song that was played during this tour, I think about the performance that my daughter and I saw either in Toronto 2009 or Edmonton 2011. Can\'t wait to here more of the new material. U2 forever...
From Winnipeg to Minneapolis pt. 2
An exhausting day preceeded the evening of the concert at TCF Bank Stadium (a 10 hour drive through the night, shopping all day, and a 1.5 mile walk from our parking spot to the stadium), but at the sight of U2\'s Claw as we approached the venue, all the energy I used up during the day came rushing back. This time I didn\'t line up at 8:30 AM in the GA line because I wanted a better view of the screen, to experience the whole show, and still managed to get an excellent spot close to the edge of the outer ring. Much of the show was the same as the one I saw in Winnipeg, in exception to some different songs I was pleased to hear. The Fly, one of my all time favorites was played early to the night, much to my delight. Stuck In a Moment was dedicated to Amy Winehouse, whose death I was unaware of until Bono mentioned it while introducing the song. The highlight of the night had to be I Still Haven\'t Found(...), followed by a full version of Stand By Me, my favorite non-U2 song, with special guest K\'Naan! Elevation seemed to take on a new life at this concert, I thought the spaceship might just take all of us with it in that moment. The full stadium chrous at the end of Pride was, as Bono described it, \"the most beautiful sound\". The spirit of the night was amplified with the arrival of a rain storm, which lasted for a better half of the concert. Rather than curse the rain, the crowd and the band both embraced it, dancing the night away as if it was the end of the world. Glad to have been part of the \"beginning of the end of tour party\". Feel so fortunate to have been able to see my favorite band twice in such a sort amount of time, and on such a revolutionary tour as this one. Thanks again Adam, Larry, Edge and Bono for bringing people together and doing what you do best. Until next time! Max
Growing up with U2
It reads \"Since 1976\" on the banner of the @U2 website...the same year that I was born. I became hooked on the music with The Unforgettable Fire and I\'ve been hooked on the band since Zoo TV in ~1992. It was a big deal at 16 years old to drive across Chicago to the show...and then get lost at 1 AM in the middle of the city when we tried to find our way back home. What an amazing memory to watch Bono sing \"Love is Blindness\" about 15 feet from my concert seat. Now I sing that song to my baby boy to help him fall asleep. This year I caught up with the boys in Anaheim - great show. But the U2 360 show that stands out is the Rose Bowl. The tone that night was set by the Black Eyed Peas. I\'m not necessarily a huge fan, but was interested to see them perform...and let\'s be honest, Fergie is hot! I was blown away when Will-I-Am told the crowd how nervous he was to play the Rose Bowl...and then proceeded to BLOW THE PLACE UP with \"I\'ve got a Feeling\". Their performance sent our emotions into orbit! And once U2 took the stage, I don\'t think my feet touched the ground for the next couple of hours. We screamed for \"Boots\" and \"Until the End of the World\", laughed at Bono during \"Mysterious Ways\", were dumbstruck by the beauty of \"Unknown Caller\", found a few tears on my cheeks during \"Streets\" and \"Sunday Bloody Sunday\", and even though the purest in me didn\'t want to like the disco version of \"Crazy Tonight\", we loved it! The 360 stage was incredible and the intimacy of the show was unbelieveable. I have had the absolute privilege of watching U2 perform during each of their tours since Zoo TV...and on a couple of lucky occassions, I\'ve caught multiple shows during the same tour. Walking into the concert, seeing the stage, talking with the fans around us, and singing along at the top of my lungs is always a Sort of Homecoming. It is good for my soul. I watched an interview of the Edge around the same time as the Rose Bowl show where he described how he and his band mates think of themselves as a group that \"hasn\'t yet arrived...they\'re still trying to figure it out\". That passion, courage, and drive motivate me, and I love to mark off the years of my life with great memories of different U2 songs along the way. Thank you to Larry, Bono, the Edge, & Adam
Show in Moscow 2010
I will never forget that day. It was the most magical day of my life. And every tiny moment of the day and evening. And Glastonbury .... Magnifiсent. Very................. And all.
São Paulo - Brazil
I love U2 since I was a teenager, but at first and second shows in Brazil I couldn´t go. April 10, São Paulo-Brazil, it was a great moment in my life, because finally I could to be with U2 in this space and time and I could sing my favorites songs with my favorite band. I jumped a lot and I was very happy to be there. Thank you U2!!!!
From Winnipeg to Minneapolis pt. I
I\'d been waiting to see U2 for 7 years, since I first became a fan around when HTDAAB came out. It was worth every second, even after I\'d come as close as a month to the concert I was supposed to see in Minneapolis before it was postponed. Luckily a show in my hometown of Winnipeg was announced before the rescheduled date in MN and my wait was cut down by a couple months. So flashforward to May 29, 2011, and I\'m standing in the GA line outside Canad Inns Stadium, listening to the soundcheck, still hours before the show. Even the raw versions of these songs that I\'d come to get to know over the years were enough to get me to tear up a little bit. It was as if I was still faraway, yet so close. Then only a few hours later I was there, right up by the main stage and the moment I\'d been waiting for seven years had come, taking off with Even Better Than the Real Thing, to All I Want Is You, to the sonic chaos of Zooropa, the moving one-two punch of One and Streets, to the emotional close of With or Without You, and everything in between. Those two and a half hours of music and soul changed me for the better. Thank you Adam, Larry, Edge and Bono for parking your spaceship in our small city, all 50000 of us that got to share that night with you appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Although, this is only the beginning of my U2360 adventure!
Anaheim Times 2!!!!!
Went to both shows in Anaheim and they did not to witness the tour debut of The Fly.....all i can say is both shows were epic!!!!!
Even Better than the Real Thing
Best Show: Dublin, 24/7/2009. The crowd sang louder than Bono. Everyone knew every single lyric to every song and no one sat down for 2 hours. The night was magical. The boys put on the greatest concert experience that I\'ve ever seen. Best Moment: hands down, \"One Tree Hill\" in Chicago, 5/7/2011. I waited 24 years to hear that song live and it was worth the wait. Closing the show with that song brought tears to my eyes. Both concerts were a remarkable experience. Thanks for memories that will last a lifetime.
Even Better than the Real Thing
Best Show: Dublin, 24/7/2009. The crowd sang louder than Bono. Everyone knew every single lyric to every song and no one sat down for 2 hours. The night was magical. The boys put on the greatest concert experience that I\'ve ever seen. Best Moment: hands down, \"One Tree Hill\" in Chicago, 5/7/2011. I waited 24 years to hear that song live and it was worth the wait. Closing the show with that song brought tears to my eyes. Both concerts were a remarkable experience. Thanks for memories that will last a lifetime.
City Of Blinding Lights
WOW!! What else can I say?!?! Magnificant? I guess that also can go with it. I was in the Salt Lake concert and wow. Out of the many concerts I have attended, THIS one by FAR!!!!, beats them. The lights and sound of my all time favorite band were amazing. My favorite song (which was really hard to pick) was City of Blinding Lights. That night, it truely was a Beautiful City of Blinding Lights. Thank you for such an AMAZING, MAGNIFICANT and BEAUTIFUL day/night for me.
A night my son and I will never forget!!
I have seen U2 4 times before this tour and had always said to my wife, \"How cool would it be to be able to take our oldest son to see them if they were still touring?\" Well, my wish came true and I took my son to see them in Denver this past June! It was amazing! I loved just watching his face light up as he would recognize what song they were starting! He was mesmerized. After Moment of Surrender had ended, I looked at him and said, \"Well, what did you think?\" He responded, with a look of bewilderment and said, \"THAT WAS AWESOME!\" Mission accomplished. Oh and on top of all that, there was a bonus. We were outside the stadium before the show and found a bunch of people hanging around what looked like could be the entrance where the band would enter. We waited for about 30 minutes and nothing had happened so my son had said, \"Let\'s just go to our seats.\" I said lets wait 10 more minutes and just see what happens. I\'m glad we waited because we saw 4 blacked out Chevy Tahoes with police lights coming from a distance and I said to my son, \"That\'s them.\" He was not sure I was right but then everybody saw them and started getting in position around the tunnel entrance, hoping they would stop. When they arrived at the entrance to the stadium, two Tahoes stopped and Bono and Edge got out and began shaking hands and taking photos with all those that were waiting. It was great! I had my good camera and gave my Iphone to my son to take some pics! Bono slowly began making his way down the ramp and we were standing directly above the entrance. I yelled, \"Hey Bono!\" and he turned and looked right at us and saw my son with me and clapped his hands and bowed his head in his direction as if to say, \"that\'s right on that you are here with your dad!\" My son happened to take a picture at just the right moment and captured Bono looking right at him and giving the head bow! He could not believe it. It was priceless and I plan on making him a collage of pics from that night and giving it to him for Christmas! Thanks to U2 for making that night one that my son and I will never forget!
what a ride
Attended the 2011 Seattle show and also saw the Vancouver, BC show in 2009. Seattle show blew me away. My daughter and I have been going to U2 shows since she was 15 and she is now 39. We will keep going as long as we all hold up. Thanks for a really great show. Oh yeah and it was also my 30 yr old sons first U2 concert. Now he knows why I love U2 so much and have for a long time.
Such generosity in Nashville TN
Just as U2 was taking their final bows. Bono started chatting with a young man in the front who had been holding a sign all night that caught his eye. The sign read \"blind guitar player, bring me up\". That\'s exactly what Bono did. Helped the man up onto the spaceship and lent him his own guitar. The fellow started strumming away to \"all I want is you\". One of my favorites (which they would not have played otherwise). As he and Bono reached the end of the first chorus, Bono signaled to the rest of the band to join in and keep playing. What a song. At the end, Bono retrieved his famous guitar only to hand it back to the lucky fan FOR KEEPS!!!! What a random act of kindness. What a song. What a guy. What a night. You can see the moment on this website in video archives. WoW!!!!!!!! and Thanks!!!!!
One of best day in my life
It was my first U2 concert. I\'m from Barcelona and I couldn\'t go when the band played there. I was waiting for other shows in Spain and when the tickets for San Sebastian were for sale, I didn\'t doubt. When David Bowie\'s song sounded and the band was showed at the giant screen and people screamed at the same time was a moment i\'ll never forget. Of course when Beautiful Day starts was another great moment. Also when we sang together without music \"I still haven\'t found what I\'m looking for\" at the end of the song. But the best moment was Moment of Surrender. Edge\'s solo was really amazing and the last \"oh, oh, ooohh, oh oh oh...\" was simply moving. Trully, the moment of surrender. I hope U2 come back soon. Thank you boys.
Surprise in Pittsburgh
For me, the most incredible moment of the entire far as the performances...was \"Bad\" and then \"40\" in Pittsburgh. I wasn\'t expecting it, and it knocked me off my feet. I cried for about two days. Otherwise, \"Stay (So Faraway, So Close)\" was the highlight at every show I saw. Moncton was a great finale and worth the 1700+ miles roundtrip. Finally, nothing...NOTHING...outshines meeting Bono and Edge, talking to them and getting their autographs in Denver. I never thought that would happen to me. I was inspired to write a lot of songs myself after this experience.
girl from nassau Bahamas
this was my first time at a u2 event and i flew from Bahamas to miami for 1 day to see magic it was worth every penny and more it restore my faith in the human race it was magical and priceless looking forward to my next u2 magical event God Bless
it was magical...
I went to your 2009 show at New York and it was a magical night. The best song ? I don´t know but we were blown away by Ultraviolet, when the claw´s lights went into the sky and those little stars surrounded the audience.....that was great. Thanks for the memories, looking ahead for your next adventure !
The best show Ever!!!
Simple the best show i ever seen!!! My wife also loved it and of course my son, Adam, who was then in the belly of my wife, with five months of pregnancy, also loved. Juveni Jr, Renata and Adam in 04 - 13 - 2011 in Morumbi - São Paulo - Brasil.
Zurich, Switzerland - Singing in the rai
The 2nd show in Zurich, Switzerland, (2010/09/12) was such an amazing show, because after a hot and sunny day, just when the band had startet to play the first song (beautiful day) it started to rain hard. And it was pouring the whole concert, what an amazing atmosphere. And Bono was singing out in the pouring rain almost the whole concert together with the freaking out swiss crowd, he did not mind getting wet, like nobody else was, also Adam took his shirt off and went out taking a shower in the rain while playing. Best moments were, when Bono started to sing \"singing in the rain\" with the audience several times, took an umbrella on stage and threw it into the audience and the special \"when the rain comes\" intro to \"where the streets have no name\". You have to watch this special moment on youtube ...Search for \"U2 Zürich, bruderol, playlist\" and you\'ll find a playlist with videos of almost the whole show (in different qualities). Don\'t miss the video of \"where the streets ...\". Also the first onstage performance of \"Mercy\" was great and just the whole band rocking the whole night out in the rain. Boys, you where realy great! what a special night! I won\'t ever forget it! Even now, almost one year after, I still feel like beeing on drugs when remembering this awesome night! And I do not take any drugs :) I hope you guys are coming back to Switzerland soon!
Moncton baby !!!
I bumped into someone who heard I had been to the final show in Moncton and couldn\'t believe I\'m still following the band after 25 years. I told him that even after waiting in the pouring rain for more than 10 hours, I would do it over again in a second. The show was amazing (my 5th on the this tour) and I am so glad I made my way to Atlantic Canada to see it. Already looking forward to the next tour. Please make it sooner than later guys! Thanks for all the great memories.
From Bolivia to Buenos Aires......
A dream come true. It was the last dream that my daddy made true, even after just suddenly left this life, was supposed to be a surprise but died a month earlier, leaving all paid good, tickets to the concert, plane tickets, the hotel ... everything! he was my buddy for all kind of concerts, we always went to every concert that we could and we spent a incredible time togheter like crazy childrens, but i guess that God works in mysterious ways that took him by surprise and still fulfilled one of my greatest dreams... and so it was extra-special, I traveled from Bolivia to Buenos Aires from one day to another by surprise, every song made ​​me remember him and love him more and thank this beautiful gift, a dream that we shared ........ U2 is my band favorite around the world, it was an unforgettable concert! I love them!
Lincoln Finacial Field Philadelphia PA (
The stage for this 360° tour was overwhelmingly awesome! I\'ve never seen anything like it in my life, and probably never will ever again. It\'s a marvel all the thought put into making it a success! I don\'t know how this concert could ever be top (I\'m okay with that. ;) ), but if it ever will, I\'m sure it will be U2 once again. Thank you for such a fantastic experience. I can see from this band, an unusually close connection to us fans. This means a lot to me. Thanks again for all the great music through the years! ~ ONE LOVE! ♥ ♥ ♥
Gracias U2
GRACIAS A LA VIDA POR DEJARME VER EL U2360°, Lo mejor sin lugar a dudas y estar en el inner circle, una experiencia increible en Santiago, salU2 desde Concepción Chile.
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