Fifty Days and Counting

12 May 2009108
With the opening night of the tour less than fifty days away it got us thinking about the last tour, Vertigo 05/06.

Were you there ? What are your favourite memories ? Something during the show that took you by surprise ? A moment you'll never surrender ?

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Faraway, so close at Zooropa 93. Cardiff
What an amazing gig! An experience that changed me forever... We got into the stadium and at this point it was heaving - we'd never seen a front enclosure before that day and there was no way of getting into it as the security guys weren't budging! So, we set out to find a decent vantage point - way back in the stadium as my then girl friend and now wife (Sara) is short and wouldn't be able to see the boys.... It wasn't working, every decent spot had gone and time was running out... I was getting frantic by this point. Sara suggested one last try down at the enclosure. By a stroke of luck the security monkeys were giving out more wrist bands and we had the last two. OMG! We were so close to the band and with so much room to move from the main stage to the Satellite B-stage, hearing Bono signing without the aide of the mic was awesome. From Zoo Station through to Love is Blindness, they rocked. We caught a handful of ZooEcu's and bought the Zoo Condoms.Since then its been our dream to see them in Dublin, and that's where we'll be on Saturday 25th July, the night before our 12th wedding anniversary. Neil Asher, Wales UK
Eddie Mo
Seeing my favorite band at their first concert in my hometown was special. My best seats ever (after 7 prior U2 shows). They played 'Crumbs' especially for the Omaha crowd. Edge was really into this show, especially during 'Until the End of the World' encore when heacted like a Rock God Guitar Hero solosrather than his typical conservative, under stated guitar genius self. My best U2 concert experience ever!!!
Hello Hello GLASGOW
What a night what a show . Glasgow erupted from the moment the 1st chords of Vertigo boomed til the last chord of the Vertigo encore. In between the boys were flawless, highlights included City of Blinding Lights,With or Without You and the best live version of Wild Horses iv ever heard "take me to the bridge Edge" Bono sang as the chorus kicks in Stunning! Cant Wait for "360" im in the RED ZONE.. MAGNIFICENT!!!! See you @ Hampden Guys
Washington, DC
"Standing among 20,000 fans singing "40" with all the venue lights on at the end of the show" That will always be my best memory of the night!
From Toronto to Buenos aires
I saw them for the first time live in Toronto at the Vertigo tour and then later in Buenos Aires where they shot the show in 3D. I got immersed in the moment when Bono said we Irish are like the Argentineans with the only difference you can dance. We share a similar history about government differences and political struggle. But that is not important  for we are all citizens of the world. We are not individuals but rather a part of collective whole and we all have something to give to better ourselves and each other. 
V in Vegas Baby!!
Hot Saturday night in the desert Lucky Town and even had Elvis come on the cat walk and take a bow to Bono, the King Of Rock 'n Roll of modern day!! Was my 6th time seeing them live since the 80's. Looking forward to '360' in Toronto and Vancouver!! U24EVER!!
Amsterdam III-2005
What a show! A day I never forget.. Some songs were a complete surprise for me. First they played 'Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses' and after a while they came to 'Miss Sarajevo'. Played for the2nd time ever in public.. I was stunned!!This year I will be in A'dam again. I can't wait!!!
Angel of Heerlen
Amsterdam III July 16th
Despite arriving quite late we still managed to get close to one of the ramps and watch one of the best U2 shows ever (imho anyway). Miss Sarajevo for the first time since 1997. Bono sang Pavarotti's solo!!! Simply magnificent!!!Beautiful Day withthis huge fellow carrying Bono like he was a 5-year-old. Wild Horses, With or without you, the Fly, BTBS etc etc
vertigo in glasgow
I went to the glasgow show in 05 when I was 16 and it was the best night of my life. The big surprise for me was when the y played vertigo twice and when they played who's gonna ride your wild horses but the whole night was a surprise. cant wait 2 c them again at the 360 tour
Show in Honolulu - Song: The First Time Bono just in front of me. The trip from Spain was much worthy!!! Great experience in my life. Thank to them.
White and Red Poland
July '05 in Chorzow, Poland. White and Red (Polish flag) stadium during "New Year's Day" (song about Martial Law in Poland in 1981). One of the most terrific moment in my life. And others I think too. Can't wait to see them once again in August.
San Jose Memories
I saw the band on the early leg of the tour in San Jose, CA. They opened with City of Blinding Lights, and I thought the lights, sound, and glitter falling from the cieling was awesome. Really liked hearing Electric Co. that night. Powerful energy inthat one. Bono introducing and singing Yaweh was pretty sweet. I would love to hear some old, not so played, but highly energetic old songs on this tour. Like Seconds off the war album.
The sun always shine..Oslo
27/07/05 The sun was shining,two air ballons came sailing above the stadium as the concert started. During Beautiful Day U2 put in one of Aha`s well knowned phrase:The sun always shine on TV. Miss Sarajevo was perfect and during One,Bono said he wished there were a thousand Norways,explaining that everywhere they go they always ask the goverment in those countries for money for the one campaign and other charity organisations.Norway were already giving so much,compare to size and population,that all he could do was to give out his thanks to us Norwegians.That was an proud moment. May I add Bono,that the Lemon breakdown 97 was in Oslo,not FINLAND....: ) U2 forever
Scott Wilmoth
U2 in Vegas
My buddy and were on the floor at the MGM in Las Vegas the night Mary J. Blige came out and sang "One". That's a moment I'll never surrender.
6 on Vertigo
Went to Seattle, both Las Vegas shows, Salt Lake City, Portland, and Honolulu. My favorite moments were seeing Bono after the Vegas show greeting some fans, shaking Bono's hand before Salt Lake City, getting Edge's autograph on my Achtung CD before SLC, and then getting Adam to sign my Achtung CD before Portland. During the show, I always loved to watch "Until the End of the World", "Mysterious Ways", "Origin of the Species", "Miss Sarajevo", "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own." Always teared up during "Where the Streets Have No Name".. and love it that feeling of pure, positive energy during that song. Looking forward to more memories during the 360 tour.
U2 fan forever
Saw Vertigo in San Francisco in '06. Have tix for "No Line..." in Las Vegas this October.Can't wait to experience their stage innovation. I was 15 years old when I first saw U2 in San Francisco in November 1985 for their "Unforgettable Fire" tour and have not missed a tour since. My strongest memories of that show are "Bad" and the finale of "40" with the entire audience singing, "How long...?" acapella. Beautiful!
Boston x3
I saw them 3 times in Boston during Vertigo...twice in the ellipse and once outside it...City Of Blinding Lights was awesome. I loved hearing Electric Co and Bono having them play Out Of Control, which wasn't on the set list that night was incredible...that was the 1st time I heard that song live...and thats the song that hooked me 25 years ago! The best memory I have is seeing them with my cousin in Dec 05, who passed away from cancer the following March.
Las Vegas Nov4/05
First time seeing the greatest band ever! Getting shivers during COBL and crying during Beautiful Day. But I'll always remember during Wild Horses, Edge breaking a string and Bono trying to make up a verse about it! Awesome!
I went to 3 shows in 2005. The last show I had tickets for were GA. I got right up to the catwalk just outside of the bombshelter. Memories include feeling the ground shake at MSGwhen they played "Streets", Edge handing his pick to the guy next to me and Adam just missing my head with his base when he was pretending to "knight" someone. I will never forget seeing U2 that close in my life. Truly a religious experience. I can't wait to see them in September at Giants Stadium!
!st and 2nd Night at Buenos Aires
I'm from Venezuela and I went to the shows at Buenos Aires, both night were perfect, but the second was the best when the U2 dudes play "Original of the Species" just at the end of the show, and day after the show my wife and I went to the Four Season mansion and saw waving at th the was a perfect concert trip.
Magnificient in Montreal
I was at the second Montreal show andwas certain the roof of the Bell Centre was going to explode due to the tremendous amount of positive, vibrating energy. Never imagined being with 20,000 people could feel so intimate. The visuals andsounds were amazing; the messages, touching. As for being in the same room with these guys, unforgettable! Can't wait for the Boston show - hope they begin with Fez (Being Born). The U2 musical journey continues! Cheers.
Vertigo in Chi-town and St. Lou
Vertigo-AWESOME TOUR!!!! First thing that was incredible about it was the song "Wake up" by the Arcade Fire- SENT SHIVERS UP AND DOWN MY SPINE!!! The confetti falling for City of Blinding Lights - 40 at the end- ZOO FREAKING STATION to open the encore!!!! I could go on and on. I was way up high in Chicago sitting next to a girl from IRELAND which was cool. In St. Louis I had general admission- stood in line all day with my fellow u2 freaks - talkin every album, every tour , every video, song, etc!!! I didn't make it inside the Elipse, but i was about 3 feet from the stage - INCREDIBLE!!!! I could write a book about it- I'm SO PSYCHED about this tour- I'll be there Sept 13 at Soldier Field in General Admission, and hopefully other shows later on the tour!! Peace
Simply put, the Vertigo tour was a rock show!!! Electric Co., An Cat Dubh, and Into the Heart, Beautiful! Hearing Elevation and Vertigo played in the same night!!!! Bono smashing the drum for Love and Peace! I'm so pumped for this show now!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!
sunshine, vw golf gti mk2, my wonderful wife with me, mad bloke in front of us in the crowd playing air guitar all thru the gig and the 4 coolest men on the planet playing their music for me and my girl.............. wonderful memories. this summer i will bring my daughter for the first time....can't wait
V @ the Garden
When the intro to "WTSHNN" came on the whole arena went nutz. Everyone hasdbeen anxiously awaiting that song and to be only a couple feet away.. Wow can't think of anything better
Dublin, show one!
The mini ZooTV bit was my fave part! :)
See the world in white and blue, Buenos Aires right in front of you, from the Pampas to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Rio Parana, Argentina is in motion, from the high hills to the Atlantic Ocean...!!!
I went to the Vertigo shows in Boston in October and December and they ROCKED. They were my first two U2 shows ever so obviously I was blown away. In fact, I was converted from a casual U2 fan to a die-hard U2 fan after the October show.I loved Bono''s little story about the spaceship pulling up on the North Side of Dublin. All the songs were amazing. Bullet The Blue Sky and One were particularly stunning. Can't wait for Foxboro and Giants Stadium!!
City of Blinding Lights
I was at the ACC in Toronto in the front row standing along the rail outside the elipse and just as the song went crazy, Bono was walking right past me with his hands in the air. Being so close, the music, the confetti falling, the lights... all of it was amazing and really made me want to get GA tickets (and wait all day/night for a good spot in line)for every U2showin the future!
New Jersey & NYC 2005
Saw the band for the first time EVER in May 2005 in East Rutherford. I will never forget the magical "City of Blinding Lights" opener and finally getting to hear "Sunday Bloody Sunday" live. And then five months later, seeing them at Madison Square Garden and hearing "With or Without You" and experiencing that same euphoric rush... you can't put it into words. I'm so pumped for both shows at Giants Stadium!!!!
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