Fifty Days and Counting

12 May 2009108
With the opening night of the tour less than fifty days away it got us thinking about the last tour, Vertigo 05/06.

Were you there ? What are your favourite memories ? Something during the show that took you by surprise ? A moment you'll never surrender ?

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Amsterdam 15/705
Only my second U2 concert, 4 days on holiday, blazing sushine for all AND a U2 concert on Friday night... Perfect! Great to hear the early songs like Electric Co and the classics like Sunday Bloody Sunday... also it was like U2 had taken over Amsterdam with their music being played in alot of the bars and alot of people wearing U2 shirts... great experience!!!
Happy Birthday
U2 was kind enough to have a show in Toronto on my birthday and when my ticket was scanned, I was informed that I and my mates were going into the ellipse. It really was the best B-day. Guess what- they will be back on my birthday again this year!
Boston, October 2005
I'm from Italy and I was there for business.When I discovered that U2 were going to play in those days I asked to my US collagues to find tickets and they did it. What a show!! Amazing "Miss Sarajevo"!! Bono singed the Luciano's part in a perfect way!! Now I have already tickets for Milano and can't wait for....
Croke Park
Starting a rendition of "40" in GA...before Zoo TV encore came along and blew our socks off!
2nd night in manchester
I was front row against the cat walk and had bono posing for a video on my phone.Gutted that i have lost the phone and the videos though
brilliant dublin
havin seen this band live since 87,fan of 24 years,the v tour,dublin 2 was the best out of the 27 times i've seen them.the boys played faultless,and the crowd were awersome,highlight for me was electric co.(i can see for miles)Looking forward to 1st night in barcelona,then dublin,wembley,and my 9 year old daughter's 1st ever u2 gig at cardiff.THANKS BOYS for the new album,,best ever,you've got to play FEZ being born...
hot sunshine... walking into an empty stadium and realising that we were going to be at the front... the band were amazing (as always) Best songs... Streets was spine tingling, The Fly was fantastic and Vertigo at the end and everyone was leaving the stadium singing it... cant wait for Wembley (and sheffield)....
U2 Minniapolis 23/9/2005
i saw u2 in popmart in winnipeg manitoba june 12 1997 and i neaver thought in a billion years i would se them again no words to express how moved i was buy the vertigo show in Minniapolis i cried i rocked out and now i will be seeing them a third time in chicago sept 13th 360 tour see you then from MARK SOUCE Winnipeg Manitoba's BIGGEST U2 FAN see you at soldier field.
Olympic Stadium Montreal '87&'92
'87 went with my kid brother,danced,sang,revelled.'92 at the stadium a few weeks after Mettallica wrecked the place.The class act we know as U2 did the city of Montreal proud.My wife and I were in the second row,had found out two days before we were expecting our first child.As close to a spiritual moment as I ever had.My son Connor was born 8 months later.Now both him and his little bro.Cormac are you guessed itthe biggest U2 fans.Music that transcend generations.See you all in Boston!!
Chicago and Mexico City
We went to our first U2 concert in my favorite city in the US... Chicago, and it was short of perfect.  The transition between Bad and Running to Stand Still was absolutely incredible.  ...but Mexico City... we stood in line for 14 hours freezing at dawn, and roasting through the rest of the day but at last got a spot right by the stage!  Rockin with 100,000+ crazy mexicans was absolutely wild!!!
My first time in Toronto
I went to see my first U2 show in Toronto in September. Greatest show I have ever seen as they lived up to my expectations. The hi lite was Miss Sarajevo. I have got tickets for the first show in Toronto. Thanks
Was lucky enough to see them twice in the last tour, in glasgow and in paris of the many higlights from both gigs i think the one that stands out is the noise from the 80,000 crowd in paris when bono plays the drums during love and peace or else  it was stunning, cant wait to see them in august it will be my 7th u2 concert spanning 17 years.
Bad in Detroit
It was freaking amazing. In the elipse, at the end where Bono takes the stage. The show was beyond words and then they closed with Crumbs from your Table and Bad. Holy schizzna! For me that was the ultimate mind blowing experience.
linda dobson
Linda from Durham
Twickenham 18th June the hottest day of the year in more ways than one. I had been to Glasgow for the Zoo TV tour and had told my daughters how magic it was but Vertigo was even better. My daughters and husband were at Twickers and thought it was awsome. If I ever get to heaven and God says I can relive one day of my life it wouldn't be my wedding day orthe day either of my daughters was born it would be 18th June 2005. The best moments were when we got our wrist bands after 5 hours of sweltering heat, knowing we were in the elipse. The concert was unbelievable, Sometimes, Zoostation, Streets where do I stop. Going to Glasgow again 18th August and I hope if you get to heaven you get to choose two days!!!
A U2 Concert Is A Church Of The People
And for that reason, I paid 250 dollars per ticket to see Vertigo. It is the highlight of my year....and to be in that enviroment again on the 28th of October will be EPIC. Can't wait to see the boys again.
Cardiff and my balloons
Cardiff 30th June will remain in my memeory as the best U2 gig ever. Having seen them everytime they have toured since 1983 we went to see them 5 times on the Vertigo tour. Having managed to get to the front- well the front of one of the catwalks-each time I took two silver star balloons to Cardiff and hoped. At the end of 'All I want is you' Bono gestured for the balloons-I still go all silly thinking about it!! What amazing memories bring on this year- Wembly x2 Sheffield and Cardiff again. I will be there with my balloons-maybe. Still contemplating Glasgow. See you all in the queue.
Since no one mentioned Philadelphia, I will. My second and 3rd concerts were the Joshua tree shows in Philadelphia. The first in the Spectrum which set my attitude towards the band as 4 very cool average guys that can command a lot of fans to act in unison. Then there was the stadium show at JFK . A cool autumn night a slight chill and for those who do not know the area, it is under the approach for the airport. The crowd was huge, seemed like an almost sellout, 100,000+. Again this giant of a stadium felt more like an intimate venue with the band playing to each individual. Bullet the Blue Sky is playing, Edge's guitar is crying the pain felt in the lyrics of the song and  so appropriately almost in cue a jumbo jet flies overhead. Forever burned in my memory
Miami 05
I came all the way from Melbourne to see you guys by myself on my birthday in Miami. I'd never been to America and you knew I was coming! I'll never forget it. I picked up my tickets at the venue and the girl said "So you're the guy who's come all the way from Australia! After "City of Blinding Lights", Bono said to all of us in the crowd "Wow. It feels like you've given us a big kiss." I wish I could be there for the new tour but I can't. Hope you can make it to Australia for this one. The stage set up looks absolutely amazing. Love you to bits. Pappy
Early on the day arrived in Brussels and hearing them rehearsing and soundchecken inside the stadion that afternoon. Brought with me my nephew and U2-fan for the first time to a concert. It was amazing, fantastic. Special memories with the songs "running to stand still" and "Sometimes you can't make it on your own". We are looking forwardto see them again in Amsterdam this summer.
polish memories
I rember july 5 th 2005 we made polish flag when they started " Nwe Year s Day"it was our THANK YOU for that concert.It looked like that fan who standing on the ground had something red in their hands other something.white I remember Bono s and The Edge s faces-very suprised.Thank You very much for that lovely almost 3 hours and C U in August:))in Chorzow again. You can see what i talked about on youtube:))
San Diego
Saw the first two shows of the North American tour...right in my home town of San Diego. The intros both nights with City of Blinding Nights was magical. Gloria was played the second night...first time live in many, many years. That was a special treat. Both shows were spectacular. I've seen them in concert since 1984. This year finally going to see them in Dublin...twice!! I can't wait!!!
Accidental Businessman
Saw the Vertigo tour in St. Petersburg, FL on a last minute call from a business associate. Saw the concert from a corporate box. Blown away from the opening sounds. Unreal! I'm a fan now. Going to see them in Chicago this year and in my new home town of Phoenix (standing on the floor). A believer and excited about U2 bringing the Muslim world and the Western world together. God/Allah knows we need it. May God bless your efforts.
Vancouver April 28
I flew from Montreal to Vancouver to be with my U2 buddy, my daughter, who was studying at UBC. We freaked when we got into the ellipse and then just screamed when we were told bysecurity that Bonowould climb the stairs to the catwalk in front of US. There he stood, directly in front of us, trying to listen for his cuewith this mom and daughter teamwailing withjoy! It was truly unforgettable! Bono,the whole familywill begoing to Toronto to seeyou in September!
Los Angeles
I remember Bono forgetting some of the lyrics to "Whose Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses", and the way Larry was laughing his butt off! And I LOVED hearing "Zoo Station" live again!
Best memory is being right by the middle stage for the lemon on Popmart...New Orleans Having the band rock it out right in my face, got 5 360' shows lined's gonna rock
Vertigo - manchester
was there with my wife & sister. The build up was fantastic. Pride was thr hightlight of that concert. great video footage of my wife and sister completely out of tune - but great all the same
Vertigo - NYC
November 22, 2005 - Madison Square Garden. When the boys perfomed Pride, I swear the roof of the building was going to EXPLODE!!!! I never heard anything like it and am looking forward to the next round in New Jersey.
Dancing in the Aisles
My wife, friend, and I went to see them in Detroit!  We danced and sang the entire show!  The cool part was when Bono had us all flip open our cell phones for the one campaign!  I have tickets for Chicago and I know that will be great too!
Vertigo Tour
2005 was amazing! Saw 1st show in SD AND the last in HI. Took my kids to SLC, saw both shows in MY town PHX, and both in VEGAS! I met Bono 10/21/05 gave him a scarf that ELVIS PRESLEY gave my mom. Bono held my hand and sang "Stuck in a Moment" at Vegas 11/4, that is my MOMENT OF SURRENDER!
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