This was the night that U2 first arrived into my life. They were the opening act for the J. Geils Band. I had seen the video for Gloria on MTV and thought they had a great sound.
They show was supposed to start at 7:30 but at 6:45 they walked out on stage and said they wanted to play a full set so they were starting early. I had never before or have since seen anyone else do this. The lights were turned off in half of Veteran's Memorial Coliseum and they kicked in. Within minutes everyone who was coming in or waiting on the concouse came flooding into the arena. They were magic and won Arizona over forever that evening.
I always assumed that this triumphant beginning was the reason they chose to start and end the Joshua Tree tour in Arizona.
Thus began the amazing journey of U2 in my life. It has been a great ride and I can't thank you enough.