How Was It For You?

29 Jul 2011310
Simply by the numbers U2 360° is the most successful concert tour of all time.  Over two years and two months, the band have played to more than 7million fans in 30 countries on 5 continents.

Since opening night in June 2009, the U2 360° spaceship  has taken off at 110 shows. The set list at the beginning  is unrecognisable from a set list two years later.

But it's not about the numbers - it's about the moment. The moment of surrender. 

So how was it for you?
The best show you went to?
The track that captures the spirit of U2360?
The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?
The memories of a rock'n'roll tour that you'll never forget...

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I am from the USA and I went all the way to Rome to see the boys in October (no pun intended). The most memorable moment was when the entire crowd turned into an Irish flag on one side and an Italian flag on the other during "Still havent found". Also Bad that night, One Tree Hill in Chicago. STREEEEEETS in Chicago. Truly magical. Thanks to U2 for such a memorable tour, how lucky we are to be a part of your dreams and journey.
Thank you u2, for four of the best nights in my life, from thrilling turin to spectacular seville and show stopping sheffield and last but not least my hometown of glorious glasgow! Lets hope its not too long till we meet again!!
Sao Paulo April, 13 2011 - My Beautiful
I live in the state of Amazonas, Brazil! Me and two friends traveled for five hours by plane to see the greatest show on Earth! Thanks for the wonderful day! Viva U2!!!!
Watching Youtube & U2
Wathing final show on youtube. I am sad for fans but happy for you guys...Bono, Larry, Edge and Adam make some rest and i am happy to see you on next tour. You know....360 tour made a scar in my heart 4ever. Make sure you heal it in next tour :). Thanks again!
Thanks for Berlin 2009 and Angel of Harl
Although my favourite tour used to be Popmart, I will never forget 360 degrees. U2, thank you so much!
Portugal- Coimbra! 3/10/2010
Was my first U2 show and the best moment of my life, it was a beautiful night! thank you U2 for all, and give us more shows and music please! :D
The Greatest Show EVER on Earth
Best show, 21 Aug 10 Helsinki, after a claw malfunction the night before the lads came out to give the best performance out of the 9 shows ive been to over the years. The power of I Will Follow gave the Finnish crowd an electric shock, i could go on but the debut of Every Breaking Wave will remain with me for life, it instantly got the goose pimples up and showed that the U2 song writing book has still got a alot of pages with magical songs left in it. Best Rock Band Ever, Thank You!
dvd from mexico
all the mexican fans are waiting for a dvd from the three special nights
Toronto & South America
So how was it for you? U2 live is always good The best show you went to? Toronto and 3º night in Sao Paulo. The track that captures the spirit of U2360? Zooropa & The Fly & Moment of Surrender The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?Miss Sarajevo & Zooropa
Sydney #1
The sequence dedicated to Michael Hutchence - Stuck in a Moment, Bad and snippets. Emotional, brilliant...
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
This tour was so wonderful. I was lucky to see them twice in New Jersey, 2009 & 2011. I cannot pick a song that stood out, because they were all great. My only regret was not going to the Pittsburgh and to the last show in Canada. Larry, Adam, Edge & Bono, thank you so much for your music. I also thank your families, not just U2’s but everyone who has had a hand in bringing this tour around the world, you sacrifice you time with your loved ones so that they can bring joy to U2 fans hearts, THANK YOU. Also, big shout out to Willie & his diary, thanks for making me feel like I was always part of the tour. I also have to give props to for keeping us fans well informed, linked in to the band & allowing us to follow the shows on line. Well, I am feeling the withdrawals from the tour already. I need to go play me some “No Line on the Horizon” to get me through the night. Love you all, see you next tour& God bless. P.S. I loved Fan Cam, must use it again!!
As Gary Lightwood (snow patrol said) This is the best band ever...I was in Boston Sept 2009 and Azteca Stadiu Mexico City May 2011, best experiences EVER in y life, cant wait for next CD and Tour... And will be glad to follow my favorite band to IRELAND next time..All the way from Mexico....
La Plata, Argentina (first night)
To be there, enjoying the biggest show with my kids (that born 10 years later - and more - of the moment that i bought my first U2 album) was really unforgettable. The best track? May be "Even better...", a great surprise at the begining of the show, but it was an amazing show entirely. Come back again to Argentina at the next tour!
Best crowd in the world in Mexico City, record-breaker three sell-out nights in Estadio Azteca
I can die in piece!!
My dream come true. See my favorite band the three times in Argentina. Nights i will NEVER forget. THANKS U2 for always light my way!!!!
Zooropa in Sao Paulo
The three concerts in Brazil was amazing! I love to heard Zooropa live! U2 is the best!
Incredible, Magnificent
For me, it was the 2nd most important and happy moment of my life . The 1st was Vertigo and now had the pleasure to see them again. Thank you U2, Thank you Bono, The Edge, Larry and Adam. I will expect you back in Brazil again. U2 fover im my mind and im my heart.
I saw 3 shows on the 360 tour. My fav was Chicago 1 2009. It was the first and last time I got to see Unknown Caller. Plus they played UF and Bad...Wow. Fantastic night. My last show, Denver 2011 was unforgettable because it was the first time I got to meet the band. I will never forget that day. Thanks for bringing it to church...the music...the experience!
Out of Control in Brazil!
Totally remarkable the 3 shows in Brazil! Besides this, I had the unforgettable opportunity to work as a volunteer and go to the stage 2 times (Walk On)! The people were fantastic and the band either. In the week of my birthday, U2 was my best gift ever!
Gracias por brindarnos el Mejor Concierto de nuestras Vidas. valió la pena, Desde Punta Arenas, Chile, Santiago, 25 de marzo de 2011
Night of blinging lights Santiago Chile
Was the greatest show ever, i totally love it since i saw the Claw when I was on my way to the stadium. I love the lights, the sound every single song, the way I fell they sing with me and to me. I miss Ultraviolet, but i love "Hold me thrill me kiss me kill me"
Torinooooooooooooo !!!
The best show was to Torino because the triumphant return of Bono and the song unforgettable was return of stingray guitar. I do not know why but it is animated, you know.
From Brazil: thanks guys!
Think U2’s live show is think about joy, fellowship and friends! Brazil, April 9, 2011. I have long dreamed of being in front of Bono and, in this wonderful day, I did. I got in the line, outside the stadium, 3 days before the first presentation. And it was amazing, because I met wonderful people and up today they are my friends. On April 10 I did not want to face the marathon to be in front of the stage, but could be back in the Inner Circle. It was the first time we heard Zooropa live! How much emotion… Since the day I heard it for the first time, in the sound check, while I was in the line, with other friends, at the outside of the stadium. We did not believe the surprise that U2 was preparing for the fans. On April 13 I had worked like volunteer for ONE Campaign. It was an incredible experience. I felt honored to be able, somehow, to share that magic moment with the others oners. Today I am in the midst of happiness and sadness. Happy to know that U2 is more than a talent musician group. They are a family who are united so many years. And sad to know that another tour ends. I hope to see you guys, as soon as possible, on the road again.
U2 I Missed u this time
U2 as always you guys have done it again the 360 tour was out of this world i did not get the chance to go see you live this time but the next tour you do i will make sure i will be there , i have been following the shows online and my favorite bit about the tour was everything from start to finish .
I was there, São Paulo,U2360 was the absolute most amazing show on earth..Thank you guys for been here
Ultraviolet may be my favorite, but the opening with Even Better Than Teh Real Thing was awesom, Viva Mexico viva U2 one of the greatest nigths of my life GRACIAS U2!!!!!
Zurich 2
that night the band played mother of the disappeared. What a night in the rain. Thank you.
zurich two
I have been luck to see 4 360 shows but Zurich two was special. That night the band played mother of the disappeared, what a song.
I love U2
I went to Canada, Vancouver, last year, and realized my dream. This year, I saw the show in my country, Brazil, in Sao Paulo, 04/10/2001. It was magnificent. I intend to see U2 more times. I love this Band, they are part of My life! See you son! Andre Brazil
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