How Was It For You?

29 Jul 2011310
Simply by the numbers U2 360° is the most successful concert tour of all time.  Over two years and two months, the band have played to more than 7million fans in 30 countries on 5 continents.

Since opening night in June 2009, the U2 360° spaceship  has taken off at 110 shows. The set list at the beginning  is unrecognisable from a set list two years later.

But it's not about the numbers - it's about the moment. The moment of surrender. 

So how was it for you?
The best show you went to?
The track that captures the spirit of U2360?
The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?
The memories of a rock'n'roll tour that you'll never forget...

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This 3 nights were amazing!!!! Thanks for coming and will be waiting to return to our country, which is also yours. thanks
I have seen 2 shows in Paris, 1 in London and 2 in Amsterdam. But the 2 shows in Brussels where the best! What a crowd! Especially the first concert where the crowd was singing on and on after With or Without You and finally gave them a incredible standing ovation. What a rush for U2 and for the crowd ass well! What a great performance!
Denver - May 21, 2011
I don't know if it was the best U2 show, I've seen so many since 193 but it was the most fun. The fans were the best, met nice people, super cute dentist who managed to get me wine, and the Red Zone was amazing. Bono has a way of always making me feel 20 years old.
I saw my first show on July 14,2011 in Philadelphia with my father. I am so in to u2 I have five shirts, only listen to u2, and memorized the setlist. So dedicated.
Berlin '09, Horsens '10 and Rome '10
Berlin '09 was very special due to the U2-Berlin history and my first ever Ultraviolet live experience. Horsens '10 first night will never be forgotten when Bono was not able to start the last song as the crowd was humming with or without you for minutes - best ever concert experience (the sound quality was simply perfect too). Rome '10 was a great night with the stage flags during "Still..." and Miss Sarajevo opera part by Bono "Pavarotti" Vox. U2 - don't leave us now !!!!
Brussels of course !
First show in Brussels was amazing ! The band was at the top and the fans were connected to Bono until the end. Great show!
Brusels was the best show for me, the band was in great shape and the audience was amazing! I'll never forget WOWY
Ana Cecilia
São Paulo, 9 April 2011 and Croke Park D
I went to 6 concerts in this tour: Dublin 25 July 2009, Athens 03 Sept 2010, Istanbul 06 Sept 2010 and the 3 concerts here in Sao Paulo, Brazil 9, 10 and 13 April 2010. I know I´m a little bias but the concerts here in Sao Paulo were the best. And the fisrt day was the best day ever!! As always the crowd gone crazy and showed them how much us, brazilian fans, love them. But the concert in Dublin was incredible too. After all they were in their home and I was there in their sitting room! :) Thank you U2!!
i was in sydney as an american on a layover. jay z was opening. i'm a 43 year old mom (still cute by the way) but was pushed around. got thrown into the pit by a bunch of crazy fans. i yelled at them that i found it hard to believe they would throw a 40 year old groupie over into the pit, but they did it anyway. however, the aussie security was fantastic. they not only were kind to me and helped me try to find my friends, but put me in the red zone when i couldn't find them. ( i had these seats for the next night since i'm an old lady and don't want to fight crowds...). regardless, it was a fantastic show. even better than when i saw them in the states and paris. two nights in sydney did it for me. unfortunately, the year has passed and I need my U2 fix. however, they are on a muched deserved family break. have a wonderful time, but know your fans are missing you. for me, U2 is like going to a church service for an agnostic. please don't take that away from me. xo
The first time
This was the first concert in my life. I still can feel the drums in my chest when "Even better that the real thing" began, I said WOOOOOOOOOW with Zooropa and I never thought that a U2 concert could make shout, cry, and smile at the same time, my first concert, my dream since 13 years ago and I saw them from the golden circle. It's been the best I've ever seen. That was amazing.
I asked people: "Is it bad to light a flare in a concert?", and they ironically answered "OFC not! Dynamite is even better -.-"... Well you know what I've only been in one u2 concert at home two years ago and I couldn't understand some of the songs. I was small and only knew the famous songs. I now start to realise, with the help of the infamous loftarasa, what an amazing concert was held that night. The a capella by the crowd, miss sarajevo, the red flares in where the streets have no name and i will follow, the vertigo incident...Too much...Cause you were what made us great...You know what, next time I'm bringing a flare and imma be in the seaters corner ;) Don't let me down 'till then :D :D
Sao Paulo - Brazil - April, 10th, 2011
For so many years i dreamed about this... and there i was, at the inner circle... it was so hard to believe.... The rain had just stopped and Edges chords sound like a dream to me. It surely was a night to remember forever. So many incredible songs, some of them i wasn't even expecting, like "Out of Control", and "Ultra-Violet". Once again, thanks U2 for the most especial night of my life! I'll never forget!
Morumbi- April-13/11
The moment of happiness, peace and love!!! I had never seen so many people together, everybody waiting for those four lovely Irish that know how to make a "beautiful" noise in our lives- You are the best and I am a better person after having met you!!! God bless U2!!!
Hannover & Frankfurt
Hannover was unbelievable, we came from Italy and I was the first to touch catwalk's outside fence.. Bono on his knees exactly in front of me and my girlfriend was something I'll never forget.. as I'll never forget Bono singing "In a little while" in Frankfurt while I was asking to my girlfriend to marry me !! There's also one more reason why we'll never forget those two shows... after nine months our daughter Lisa was born, so she'll always keep to our minds those beautiful days in Germany !!! Well done guys, hope to see you on stage again !!!
Berlin or Dublin - I don't know
I was also in Frankfurt but the atmosphere in the stadium of Berlin was incredible. I walked inside ans I started crying because of this atmosphere (I'm a man of 47 years). Dublin - 4 days of celebration. I'm from Nürnberg, Germany and it was my first visit in this amazing Town. The hole Town was U2 Town, so many people from all over the world, who celebrated their own U2 concert for 4 nights. My favourite song? - The unforgettable fire and our wedding song With or without you. Dublin I'll back with my whole family.
U2 Miami
what is next? i need another concert date to keep me going and have somethign to look forward to!
Stay and Bad
For me, "Stay" was definitely the most memorable track. Although I bought and listened to Zooropa the day it was released, I had forgotten about that song. Admittedly, Zooropa was not my favorite album so it sat untouched for many years. But on September 13, 2009 I was on the steps of the art museum in Chicago photographing the spire from outside, as my friends asked me to (we were all at the Sept 12 show), and I heard it. I sat down and closed my eyes, moved to tears. From that point on, I cried each time they played it.....especially so in Moncton!!!! And "Bad" has always been a favorite. It knocked my socks off in Pittsburgh. That's an understatement.
the best groupin the best city...what s else. You make my dream comes true; thank you for that moment
Perfecto Luke
360 Pacific Paradise
There are so many great moments from the 360 tour. I will touch on only a few. I went to see the Vancouver show and the Seattle show 2 years later. The set list had changed drastically. My favourite show was Vancouver for several reasons. The Black Eyed Peas opened for U2 and they put on a stellar show. They were emotional because they had such a great time opening for U2 and this was their last show. U2 were particularly emotional that night because it was their last show on the 2009 tour. Songs that I will never forget are Unknown Caller, Ultraviolet(Light My Way), The Unforgettable Fire, always the fan favourite: Where The Streets Have No Name, and the dance version of I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight. The organ that was played during Unknown Caller gave me chills it was so great. I had never heard Ultraviolet or Unforgettable Fire live before so that was a treat. Streets has always been my favourite and always puts a huge smile on my face. Lastly I'll Go Crazy sounded quicker, sharper and better than the album version. I loved the Seattle show this past June 04 because it was my first time seeing them in an outdoor venue. On a warm summer's night watching U2 play as the sun set was great. The only minus is that I traveled to Seattle by myself. Songs from that night that stuck out for me was the opener: Even Better Than The Real Thing. They definitely tweaked that song to perfection. The other was Zooropa. I had never heard that song played live and I was thoroughly impressed. U2 shows are always magic and these two were just that. I am quite proud to be a U2 super-fan. Thanks for the great moments!
So many...
There are so many great moments for me some the music some other.. In no particular order.. 1. After 25 years a fan and never managing to see a live show, to be at Barca 2 for my first ever show two people from the front looking at Edge... "Breathe" opened and I don't think I did after that, the most amazing night and heard one of my many favs "Electrical Storm" played live for the first time. 2. Taking my daughter to her first ever gig, Wembley 1 (my second U2 show), I captured perfectly the look on her face when the band hit the stage, priceless... And they played "our" song, "Stuck in a moment" accoustic... 3. The people I met in the GA queue's, especially Frankfurt and Hannover in 2010, some really good friends that hopefully will remain friends for life... 4. Glastonbury, my 5th U2 gig and not heard "Bad" or "Stay" until that night. Discussing the set list before the show a friend said what do you really want them to play, I replied either "Bad" or an accoustic "Stay" would make my night.. I got both... I'll be getting together with many of the people I met and some I haven't yet in Dublin next year... 360 GA Queue reunion... Thank you so much U2 and all those involved with the tour for bringing me some of the greatest moments in the last 3 years..
June 4th Seattle and July 5th Chicago
The Chicago show was truly the best for me... I made it into the inner circle and it felt like it was just me and a few people watching U2. ( until I turned around and saw the crowd1) I was so close! I got a few smiles from Bono and Edge...It was an awesome show! Thanks Boys!
Sâo Paulo April 10th 2011
Amazing atmosphere! The band was in a trance for most of the concert! Opening with The Real thing, Out Of Control, Zooropa debut, Miss Sarajevo, Streets, Ultraviolet, Vertigo, Elevation and even Boots was a highlight that night! Old songs like I still haven't found and other old tunes sounded like brand new stuff!!! An unforgettable night delivered by an excited band and astonishing audience!
Twice as nice!!
I saw them in Milano and in Brussels! Two shows, two amazing nights I'll never ever forget....grazie mille, mille grazie! Bedankt!
Got to see the boys twice!!!!
The first show, we flew to Chicago for one heck of a weekend!!!!! We then saw them this year at home in East Lansing! I wish I could have seen them all over! By far U2 is the best band ever! I can't wait until the next tour/cd! Thanks for all the memories!
São Paulo- Brasil- 10 de abril de 2011.
Foi indescritivel. uma energia ótima. Foi um show especial, a chuva parou e o céu ficou lindo para um lindo Show. Não tenho dúvida de dizer que foi o melhor show no Brasil, e a música que marcou sem dúvida "Out of Control " eu estava lá em 2006 quando ele falou "hoje é nossa festinha particular" e novamente estava lá quando em 2011 Bono disse: "Para ocasiões especiais nosso primeiro single" e ai veio Out of Control.
absolutely fantastic gig, atmosphere was electric,set list was top notch. more than made up for what i thought was a dissapointing show @ wembley 1,down mainly to the fact i got stuck towards the back of the claw and the sound was horrible/couldn't really see anything.
Streets in Berlin was amazing. Always my favourite live song and the crowd in Berlin went absolutely mental. I went to 6 gigs on this tour and Berlin was outstanding.
Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
This was the first time in 25 years that I was on the floor on the outer circle. It was like being a small, intimate U2 show. I could see Bono's eyes, his sweat, his smile. It was almost surreal. It was fantastic and I will never ever forget it.
Dublin 24th July 2009
Was my first concert.. I was so excited.. I was in the second row.. They were so GREAT! So much emotion.. So much passion.. So much LOVE.. Thanks U2 for holded me... thrilled me... kissed me... killed me! Gianmauro Interlandi from Italy
We saw them in Boston which was fabulous but the show in Moncton was outstanding, gave me goosebumps. Very grateful to be part of this experience. We were only three rows from the front so we were very happy fans!!
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