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June 2009 News

30 June, 2009
U2 unveiled their 'space station' in Barcelona tonight and 90,000 Spanish fans gave it lift off. Were you there? Tell us what you thought.
30 June, 2009
At Camp Nou, Barcelona, it's the first night of the new tour and here's what they played. Was it what you expected?
30 June, 2009
Want to post video of 360 shows on U2.com ? Now you can. Here's how.
30 June, 2009
Downloaded the mask of Aung San Suu Kyi ? We want to see photos of you wearing it... in strange and interesting places! Edge will select the best to feature in a gallery on U2.com.
30 June, 2009
Outside Camp Nou, the excitement is building. Last night, Monday, crowds of fans lined the streets surrounding the stadium, listening in to the band's final rehearsal. So what's everyone hoping the band are going to play tonight?
30 June, 2009
01 day to go. Hold On... hold on tightly...
28 June, 2009
There are scores of talented people heading out on the road with U2 in 2009. But who are they and what do they all do ? Check out our new video series of Life on 360.
28 June, 2009
Felt like the real thing last night. New production, full set, twenty-plus songs and sounding great. Only thing missing was 90,000 people.
27 June, 2009
It's hot, it's sunny, it's Barcelona and the Spanish press are at Camp Nou to meet the big hitters behind the 360 Tour production.
27 June, 2009
Lots going on at Camp Nou last night, including the arrival of the press - cue sound of media jaws dropping at sight of the new production. Here's what we learned.
26 June, 2009
... with Aung San Suu Kyi. Every night on the 360 Tour fans are being invited to wear the Aung San Suu Kyi mask when the band play Walk On. Download the mask, bring it to the show.
23 June, 2009
First look at the 360 Tour stage as Bono and Adam talk with Catalan journalist Manuel Fuentes for local network TV3.
22 June, 2009
'Whenever it started to look like something, Mark and I would push it in another direction. But it does look as though it has escaped from a giant space aquarium.' Willie Williams and Mark Fisher, the design team behind the new set, talk to the New York Times about how it all came together.
19 June, 2009
Today is the 64th birthday of Burma's imprisoned leader Aung San Suu Kyi. U2, Paul McCartney, George Clooney and a host of other famous names have been posting 64 word messages of support on a dedicated website. The Nobel Peace Laureate will spend her birthday in detention - her 14th birthday in detention. Add your own message of support.
17 June, 2009
It's a beautiful day at Camp Nou in Barcelona. The sun is shining, U2's 360 Tour production is coming to life... and the new stage is something to behold.
11 June, 2009
... who you looking forward to catching live on 360° Great line-up of acts joining the band including Glasvegas, Kaiser Chiefs and Elbow in Europe and Muse and Black Eyed Peas in North America.
05 June, 2009
Last time out they floored everyone when they brought back tracks like Electric Co and Into The Heart from Boy. Did it get you thinking about other tracks you'd love to see in the set?
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New Comments

7 March, 2025
The level of organization that their productions have become. Unreal....
3 March, 2025
Very Cool!
I absolutely love behind the scenes videos. I had no...
1 March, 2025
So amazing!!
I was lucky enough to see the first and last...