'Invisible', Now Downloading

2 Feb 2014238
It's Invisible, it's a new song, it's raising funds for (RED) to fight AIDS and you can download from iTunes.  
Downloaded it already? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

And check out this film from the studio with the band laying down the track and Bono recalling ideas and inspiration behind it. 'The early lyrics were set on a train coming into London for the first time. I remember sleeping in Euston station, being broke... coming out of the subway into the spring of 1979, being 18 years old, it was punk rock in London...'

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there is no them ~ only us
profound truth thanks guys :]
Can't wait for the album...
...and the TOUR! Get back here already...we miss you all! Love Love Love 'Ordinary'
I can't get enough of the song! if this is any indication of the new album I CAN'T WAIT!
great song !!
Its a great song, the intro is a bit sort of queer, threw me a bit as a lot of good rock bands are dabbling in elecronic for some reason, it took a few listens and i now really like it but sorry Larry i would rather hear your proper drumming !! I don't mind odd bits of electronic but i love Larry's natural drums the best. I did love Ordinary Love though better, amazing, beautiful song ♥ But on a whole i am hungry for their new album, see what they come up with, i loved NLOTH so hope they keep as strong as that and even stronger..... i have a feeling the new work will be like, be great to have you back U2 my 4 lovely Irish lads ♥ One thing though, please be an arena tour and think about coming to Newcastle Arena, because it's in my area and we always have to travel to see U2 which is fine when you are healthy but i am now battling a disabling condition which had just started before i was due to see the 360 tour and i had to miss it, i still have the unused ticket and it broke my heart to miss it, i've only seen the band live on Popmart Leeds and it was my 1st time because i missed Zoo Tv tour as i was heavily pregnant and was too near my due date, and family commitments stopped me going to others after Popmart, and then missed 360, so as you can imagine i need to see you before my condition gets any worse..... i live in hope, i love ypu Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam and i have been a huge fan since The Joshua Tree and then i went back and bought your earlier stuff and have all your work now :) love and peace or else xxxxxx
My apologies for my earlier comments
It's been a week since I've heard it last, and like much of U2's music, it has incredible power to grow on me. Invisible sounded great from the get-go, but now a week later, many of my earlier reservations have widdled away, leaving me only with a sense of WOW!, great job: these boys know what they're doing!
Invisible U2 ARE BACK
They have managed to do it again it was worth the wait. With "INVISBLE" they found Greatness once again! Haunting Invocative Lyrically Brilliant ( I didn't even want the heart you broke its yours to keep you just might need one) leaves you speechless and a sound that is at once Current and relevant with a slight teasing throwback to the sound of the eighties is completely happening! A blend of electronics and instruments that really works one enhancing the other. The Raw Beauty and Energy of Bono in full voice brings it all together confronting you and lifting you up all at once. The have hit the target in the center the hit the major artery " They finally Found Their Real Name" once again! This a great song well done U2 "THERE IS NO THEM - THERE'S ONLY US!!!!
A 'Joy' to hear!
can really hear that Joy Division influence - I know you guys worked with Martin Hannett on the original 11 o'clock Tick Tock single…. so it is great to see you dig deep and bring back some of those original sounds you guys helped define in post-punk music from the 80's.
Passion is audible
Once again, U2 dedicated an emotional song to a good cause like raising money for life-saving medicine. I´m very happy to hear a new piece of music full of passion, love, intensity and powerful melodies. Like many other U2 tracks, Invisible remains beautifully vague in lyrical terms, offering listeners enough space to think about some interpretations. For me some words could deal with Bono´s relationship to his father, expressing a feeling of self-confidence as we hear "I am not invisible". I particulary love the lines about frozen ways melting away, possibly giving a hint of forgiveness and healing. I look forward to hearing some great new U2 material and a new album!
Dear Bono, I've been hearing this word for years, from you. I know you consider very important U2 music challenge. During the 80ies, when U2 played a way never heard before, you gave us the instructionS to value your job: the more a new album is different from the previous, the better it is. WRONG. We all love U2 for the Unforgettable Fire they set on in our souls, it's not style, is feelings... Don't be afraid in making "U2ish sounding music": is what MANY OTHER BANDS would manage to do, but they can't, 4 they lack soul. Many years have passed, you and I, we're a little bit elder... ok, that's what it is for everybody, but you 4 guys, you'll never be irrelevant, it's too late to be like that, for you... 2 ;) Invisible sounds wonderful, and it FEELS moving. Thank you. Once again :)
U2 rocks
I like it. Ordinary Love was a (positive) suprise to me. This track reminds me of a Beautiful day. Still hope we will find some heavier tunes like Even better than the real thing or Vertigo. Good luck with album works!
A Taste Of Joy Division. Great!!
I love Invisible, it has a post-punk rhythm and atmosphere, like Joy Division. The powerful chorus is addictive. Can't stop listening to the song again and again! Tremendous song! PD Can't wait for the new album(s). I want to hear studio versions of North Star, Every Breaking Wave, Glastonbury, Mercy, Return Of The Stingray Guitar and Boy Falls From The Sky. "I Can't Wait Any Longer..." Please!!
Mixed feelings
Don't make songs to be relevant, just stick to your strengths and basics. Invisible is not bad, but does not grab me the way Ordinary Love did. Hope for better on new album.
New song, new sound!
Amazing good!
We need U2 in pure state.
Not a bad song, it sounds good and powerfull, but it is Still not pure U2. We need you in pure state, awaiting for the new album, i am sure you will not dissapoint us. Thanks!!
Amazing song again can't wait for new album
Absolute Masterpiece!!!
The More I Hear, The More I Like
The lyrics really hit me...personal and real. "I'm more than you see, I'm more than you know, I'm more than you let me be...." There are so many people who feel invisible, but none of us are. We are all important. Thanks, U2, for writing a great tune with awesome lyrics! Love the song, and love U2!
What's next?
Stylings of verses and chorus so similar to Beautiful Day, City of Blinding Lights, etc. Looking forward to the punk sounds that are described in interview w/ Bono.
WTF! They're back!!! Wwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! looking forward to listen the new album! ...this is Dangerous awesome and beyond! xD
Love it,looking forward to the New album.
There is no them, it's only U2
I Love Invisible!!! can't wait for the full version... thank you!
singing it
Im singing it too going down the street, in the mornings!everywhere! I bought it as well as the RED download because i think the cause is amazing and we can make a difference.
Chorus should be... "There is no them, t
I was in the shower today and found myself singing, "there is no them, there is no them, there's only us."
Shades of ATYCLB
Downloaded and really enjoyed this new U2 track. It reminds me of Beautiful Day, but not quite as operatic if you know what I mean. The chorus doesn't belt it out quite as much. But can't wait for the tabs to appear on Ultimate Guitar, this is one I'll be learning to increase my U2 repertoire!!
It is amazing
how U2 is capable to reinvent the most simple chords into a new piece of music that sounds from a different planet. I follow you guys now for 25 years. It started on a school trip to South Switzerland, when a friend of me plugged the earphones of his walkman into my ears and told me: Listen to this and you will never listen again to Scorpions or Toten Hosen :-)! It was the Joshua Tree album! From that moment on i was hooked. Your music is part of my life. Great job!
Invisible... Incredible!
I will never forget hearing "The Fly" for the first time on the radio in 1991 or seeing the "New Years Day" video for the first time on MTV in 1983. A 16-year-old boy was hooked for good upon seeing NYD and experiencing this wonderful new sound, new to him anyway. At 24, he was awestruck with The Fly and every second of the magical turn for U2 that was Achtung Baby. Invisible immediately evoked those same feelings of excitement in this now 46-year-old man - made me feel 16 again. Can't wait to hear what comes next!!
The Lens of Your Perspective
Like all great art, the meaning touches and heals the soul of the individual beholder. "You can't see me, but you will - I AM not invisible, I AM here" This song is all that I need it to be, in my time of need. SELAH! Purrrrrr Purrrrr Purrrrrrrfect! XOXO & Muah!
Good tune.
Nice song but are those electronic drums? They don't sound 'organic'. Not sure I like that bit. Otherwise it's a nice song. Ordinary Love blows it away though. THAT song is brilliant.
Andrew Crofts
Not there yet chaps!
Not grabbing and holding me yet gents. Always followed you and always persevere... usually you get it right, and who am I to question? Some of my favourite tracks have been slow burners and now they're with me for life... but just not sure yet... not ready to give up on it though. Still not completely sure about 'Ordinary Love' either to be honest, but looks very much like I'm the exception. Perhaps I'm getting old! Love the fact that it was launched like this. Great publicity, but more importantly: wonderful income for a great charity. Really looking forward to the new album... a new U2 album is a genuine event as far as I'm concerned! Hope all are well. A
Great song.. love it! Might just be me but a bit of an 80's feel. But not U2 in the 80's!.. Its great when they throw something new out.
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