U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere #15
'Wednesday is the new Friday...'
'Angel of Harlem' took the place of 'When Love Comes To Town' tonight while there were plenty of new snippets including Simple Minds' 'New Gold Dream (81–82–83–84)', Harry Styles' 'Sign of the Times' and Bob Dylan's 'Like A Rolling Stone' as well as a lengthy spin through Van Morrison's 'Into the Mystic'. There was also a moment for two U2 song snippets, 'Landlady', and 'Gloria', which closed the show as Bono bid the audience goodnight: 'You're beautiful'.
What Bono Said
'We like to think that the sphere is kind of the shape of Brian [Eno]'s brain — the perfect marriage of art and science….We're not betting men, but we would make a bet on the marriage of art and science that is the Sphere'.
'I think U2 are involved in a committed relationship with our audience. Our lives are bound together….Other bands, they like you… but we LOVE ya. Look how you love us back, look at the life you've given us, it's wondrous. Thank you for the life you've given us and the freedom...'
Shout Outs
To B.B. King, while introducing 'Angel of Harlem', to the late, great Joe Strummer, 'in our heart and on our minds', during 'Elevation'.
To Bob Dylan, while introducing 'Love Rescue Me', a song 'we wrote and recorded with [him] as opposed to robbing it'.
To Brian Eno, 'who is playing his first shows in 10 years this last week or so…we owe him so much'.
On the Socials
'U2 FOREVER Hard to even explain how amazing this concert is' — @PalmerReport on X
'THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BANANAS!' — @BuffaloBobSlots on YouTube
'Esto es una maldita maravilla!@SphereVegas #U2 (English translation: This is a damn marvel!)' — @gvlo2008 on X
'WOWY. A religious experience. #U2UVSphere' — @InstantKarma510 on X
If you were at the show in Vegas, add your own review and upload your photos below.
Photo credit: Rich Fury