Your Band. Your Questions.

6 Mar 2017285

This Thursday it’s thirty years to the day since the release of The Joshua Tree and Adam, Bono, Edge and Larry will be live online to answer your questions about this iconic record.

Ask them anything about the legendary 1987 career-defining release The Joshua Tree and the subsequent sold out tour which saw U2 take The Joshua Tree on the road, playing stadiums for the very first time.

What’s your question?

Which was the song that nearly never made it? 
What was your personal highlight of 1987 ?
What was it like recording in Adam’s house? 
Which one song on the record proved the biggest surprise?
Your band, your questions - post them in the comments below or on FaceBook, TwitterInstagram, Google + and Tumblr. Use the hashtag #AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Then tune in to the band’s facebook page this Thursday at 3pm (EST) to catch U2 live from the studio… answering your questions.

UPDATE: If you missed it...Celebrating the 30th anniversary of The Joshua Tree #askU2 #TheJoshuaTree2017

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Best album and changing-life show
I would have plenty of questions but here are only three. Question 1 : Do you think The Joshua Tree is your best album? Question 2 : How and how much dif religion influence you when creating the songs of TJT? Question 3: the first rock concert I ever saw was on the TJT tour in 1987. It changed my life. Can I expect the same for the upcoming tour?
Scottish Show
With or Without you was my first CD i bought when they were first released and loved it as first single. You played Murrayfield Edinburgh on origional Joshua Tree Tour 1987. How about a wee stop off again in Scotland. So looking forward to hearing Red Hill Live. Any Chance?
Joshua Tree Tour-Political Manifesto
Thank you. I was there at Frank Erwin in 1987 in Austin, Tx and only 15. Is the Joshua Tree tour a political statement and did U2 decide to take this tour to the people to teach us to be "One " again? BTW...would really enjoy standing onstage with U2 to sing, I still Haven't found what I'm looking for...would make my wife tremendously happy.
Emily Wolf Schaffer
#AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017: Which Joshua Tree song do you think will prove most difficult to perform live and why? I am bringing my 6 year-old to be on the floor with my husband, best friend, and me in Houston--see you in May!
Joshua Tree question
Which track on the Joshua Tree was the hardest to record? Which one was the easiest? Thanks!
I always wanted to know this, Bono. I know it's not related with The Joshua Tree. But do you've a glass cabinet full of sunglasses? Cheers from Argentina #AskU2 #TheJoshuaTree2017
The song that means the most
Which song on the album means the most to you - the song you poured your hearts into the most? #AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Favorite Song ?
What are your favorite songs from The Joshua Tree and why?? (assuming you each have different choices) I am not able to pick just one. I love them all and for entirely different reasons. I will be seeing you LIVE for the first time in NJ and am so looking forward to it. June can't possibly get here fast enough! -Robin
Red Screen
Why does the backdrop go red during most shows when 'streets' begins to play. Also, during Rattle and Hum, when 'streets' begins to play the film goes to color and red is the first color you see. What is the significance of red associted with this song?
#AskU2 What was the symbolism of the Joshua Tree that drew you to the stark landscape of the Mojave Desert? -Tami Bennett Davidson
"With or without you": inspiration
#AskU2 Hi guys! I would like to ask you something about "With or without you"; it seems to me the song has been built starting from the bassline: is that true? How did the inspiration come? Kisses from Sicily for all of you, a bigger one for Adam! :-* <3 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
#AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
After 30 years, when you think back about the music, lyrics and production on The Joshua Tree, is there anything that you would change if you knew then what you know now? (even though I love it just the way it is <3)
Montreal fan
#AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 2 questions: 1. "With or without you" was the reason I bought my first U2 album and do not understand why many people don't like it... What was the genesis of "With or without you"? 2. Will you be coming to Montreal? please, please!
At the beginning of The Joshua Tree Tour 2017 video, '5589' flashes briefly on the screen....what is the significance of this number and how does it relate to The Joshua Tree? #AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
One Tree Hill outro
I was just wondering why in the original release was the One Tree Hill outro actually on the track with Exit, so it seemed to be the intro to Exit? Was there a reason for this and since correct on the remaster of the album?
The album so good I named my first son a
Hi lads wee Mathew from Ayrshire Scotland here. My question would have to be, why no Scottish dates for the tour? I am going to Croke and so looking forward to hearing the Joshua tree live. The album that got me hook line and sinker.
Amazing Tour
Hey guys, have you ever considered setting up a tour where you play 4 nights in each big arena. First night play your first three albums, second night the next three and so fourth. That way everyone can see the U2 music that they love best and of course your real fans can see every album. I think it would be amazing, just saying !
Outside it's America!
Could the Myth of America still inspire an entire album as it did thirty years ago?--or has so much changed with the advent of our instant gratification of information age that the myth has been disproven ala the wizard behind the curtain. Is America worth it?
Bring Back The Dalton Brothers!
Will The Daltons make an appearance on tour, and has Duke gotten over his angry punk phase yet? #AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
12th song
If you HAD TO CHOOSE one song from any other full-length U2 album to become the 12th song on Joshua Tree, which song would you choose and why?
What show in that tour stood out as the best in your opinion? What about selling lottery tickets to get into a smaller venue like Red Rocks in Colorado in the future. What location is your favorite place to play?
Message from Waterford
Well lads , looking forward to the upcoming concert in Dublin in July . Just one question is there any songs on the Joshua tree album that ye will find hard perform live to 30 years on ? By the way tell Guggi Karen says well
New Material
#AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 Looking forward to the tour and more so to Songs of Experience! In today's entertainment environment, has the band considered releasing songs or collections of songs rather than albums? In a streaming world is the album format required anymore?
Running to Stand Still
Can you please share the inspiration for this song. Thank you, God Bless! Love and Light, Michelle
#AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017
Joshua Tree will be the 8th time I've seen you live. Will the stage theatricals be on a par with the grandiose of the others or will it be different this time?!
how frustrating do you find it that you always seem to run into issues when playing Dublin? Noise issues in lansdowne(popmart),trouble with residents with the get in and out for 360 as well as not being able to play in full 360 deg,having to adjust set for i and e tour, and now only 1 night in dublin, when you can play 2 shows in london rome etc.
Opening night
Can you tell us anything at all about what went through your heads while sitting/standing under that blood red screen on the opening night? :-) #AskU2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 #Streets #WhereTheStreetsHaveNoName #Intro
Track order
Kirsty MacColl famously created the tracklisting in order of the songs she liked most, creating a phenomenal opening. Now everyone seems to put the best tracks first and I wondered do you think that was U2's influence and has it in someway ruined the old fashioned "journey" of an album?
andrew wright
Ask U2 Joshua tree tour 2017
What do the band think about the film that is due to be made on this tour about the U2 audience called "dream out loud" which has been crowded funded by fans ?
Question For The Band
Live Aid took place and the band was seemingly set for global domination if the next album was a world stomper. It was. How much thought went into what the tone and content of the album would be when the writing and recording started? Were you aware of how important the album's success would be to the rest of the bands career?
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