Your 360° Moment

9 Nov 2009231
They performed for more than two hours playing up to 25 songs ... and every night they changed the set list. Your Blue Room might be in, Until The End of the World might be out. Pride might be in and Desire out. They kept us guessing.

But if you had to choose JUST ONE MOMENT from seeing U2 live in 2009 what would it be ?

Take a look back through the our Tour pages and check out the reviews, photos and videos. Bring it all back... then post your 360 Moment below.

Was it the super-funky rhythms of 'Crazy' with Larry wandering around the stage playing the djemba ?

Or the breathtaking stage choreography stage during Unforgettable Fire ?

The return of Ultraviolet or the latest reinvention of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' ?

How about Walk On and the appearance of Aung San Suu Kyi on a thousand faces ?

Or the mysterious benediction of 'Moment of Surrender' at the end of the show ?

(We know you probably have loads of highlights, but we're just looking for ONE MOMENT.... and a sentence or two explaining why it was so memorable.)
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How can you discern?
I mean...COME ON....this is U2!!!!! I went to the Millenium Stadium to see the tour. The whole weekend was fantastic f the moment we arrived in Cardiff until over a week later when the feelings had subsided a bit. The whole event was memorable, with the possible exception of the "warm up band" who were very poor!!!! I think it was GlasVegas. The first band on were great and should have been the proer warm up act. This was quantified by the crowd plying with a beach ball during GlasVegas' set rather than listening to the music and there was no need for the swearing either!!!! I now have too many memories to be able to discern the best song. he whole event was a life changing experience that I will live wih for all of my days!!!!!
My 360 moment
Hearing Bad, The Unforgettable Fire and Ultraviolet in Chicago 1 and Until the End of the World in Dallas. Also in Dallas, I came as close to Bono as I ever have when he drove up to Cowboy Stadium and rolled down his window to wave to his fans.
Haven't had one yet
How are we supposed to make a comment about our experience when they haven't been 360 degrees around the world and stopped in Australia yet.................please please plesae come in 2010.
Light my way.....
Love the new it constantly, but had to admit Unforgettable Fire and Ultraviolet were AWESOME and the highlights for me... FOR 2010 WISH LIST: (missed popmart) LAST NIGHT ON EARTH, GONE and DIrty Day ( I need to see this live to believe it..the footage from the popmart dvd is crazy!
carol- Canada
Bono would be proud of me. On my way to Toronto, I asked God if it was at all possible - could he arrange to let me see U2 closer than the stage. He came through!. I was a foot away from Bono at the Edge radio station on Young Street and got a great picture of Bono right in front of me. Thank you - once again - God!!!
the moment
Saw you guys in Glendale AZ. It was when Bono sang my 2 favorite songs...Ultraviolet and With or Without You. It was memorable because of all of the cell phones lighting up and the cool mic and jacket. That was truly memorable for me...very cool moment.
Bono was fighting hard for his voice in Vancouver and the first syllable of MLK kind of squeaked out, but like the pro he is, he checked himself, pulled from deeper in his gut and hit every note that that beautiful piece demands. Hearing my arena sing like I've never heard it sing before to SHFWILF was special as well
The Unforgettable Fire
It was, for us, an evening filled with magnificent moments at FedEx Field (the Washington, DC show). None more so than the title track from the band’s 1984 record. A sublime, effortless, loving performance. Namaste.
Phoenix Moment
Having seen U2 8 times since 2004 (I know that's nothing to many of you), I was almost in tears when I finally got to hear A Sort of Homecoming, especially coupled with the bottom half of the screen coming out. It was the most amazing moment of the night.
Poland - The Flag
Newy Years Day and "a gift" for U2 from their fans - the flag all over the stadium. The night never ever to be forgotten - as Bono said.
Millenium Stadium - 22nd July 2009 - Bea
I saw the 360 show 3 times in one week in 2009 - Wembley on July the 15th, Hampden on July the 18th and then Millenium on the 22nd of July. I went to the toilet and on my way back to the 'circle' I suddenly stopped, looked out during Unforgettable Fire, saw the crowd, and the screen and heard the music and thought, "this truly is beautiful". Truly astounding show guys - thankyou. P K Bell
Hot Tampa
My favorite moment was listening to my 10 year old son sign along, he has been waiting since the vertigo tour to see the guys and they did not dissapoint. Seeing the expression on my sons face was priceless. I haven't missed a tour since Zoo Tv and I will see you in Miami, I would hope that they end the show with 40, as all of their shows should. P.S what happened to pride, I have heard it at all 11 shows until this one, my son was looking forward to hearing it, who knows maybe in 2010. See Ya in Miami
Tonight is THE Night: Look Around
wembley 1, aug 14. The boys going silent and crowd singing I Still Haven't Found What I Am Looking For... WOW, and then Having Bono sing Look Around during Edge solo...i found ALL that i was looking for, and much MUCH more! cheers arnoud
360 Moment.
It's really hard to choose, so many wonderful moments. To narrow it down I think I would have to say With or without you. Such a relaxing tune with the beautiful disco lights. You can see and feel the emotion, not only from Bono's vocals and being played through the bands instruments but from the audience as well. As the song began ascending so did the emotion, passion and energy. Hearing the voices of over 60 thousand people joining as one, just breath taking. This coming from a 16 year old, they have been a huge inspiration and their music has save me in ways that I don't think anything else can. Keep rockin boys!
welcome surprise...
My best 360 moment:- Cardiff Mellenium Stadium. 'Bad', I have never seen this performed live and it was the one track I was desperate to see. I really wasnt expecting it so when I heard the intro I was overwhelmed! The crowd carrying the lyrics to'40', at the end, was a spine tingling experience, one I will never forget!
my U2360 moment i wont surrender
When the boys paused before walking down the ramp from the stage in Tampa,FL and waved to us adoring fans. i must say Bono took a piece of my heart away as he walked away.
I was born to be with you
Amazing!!! 3 milions... And I was born to be with all of them in this part of time... The best moment was every single moment that I have experianced druing concert in Zagreb, and watching from Rose Bowl. Amazing... Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam give us such great gift... so we have to give it avay to all of people that we now and to all of people thet we should meet in the future. Love, happines, love, trust, honesti, love, same spirit, love, love, love...
Toronto - my best moment...
...was when I recognized New Year's Day starting at the Toronto show on September 17 - I have waited over 25 years to see New Year's Day performed live - it's been my favorite song since I heard it in 1983, when I was 9. The first U2 concert I ever attended was in Houston, TX in 1992 and they didn't do New Year's Day; they didn't do New Year's Day in any of the next 3 shows I attended over the last 17 years - and when I recognized the chords that night in Toronto, I was dumbstruck, and thrilled, and happily nostalgic - it took me back to the US Festival in 1983 where I first heard the song and discovered this passionate group of awe-inspiring Irish musicians, who became and have remained my favorite band. I can't wait to see the show again in June in Denver, CO!
Paris - You know your name...
My greatest moment was Unknown Caller. Probably the best piece of the NLOTH album, it shows the strength and unity of the band, and the karaoke version makes it even stronger
front row
I'm sorry, but for me it was being escorted to the front row. can you believe it? Miracles do happen. As for the show ,each and every moment was for me, pure bliss.They like to call themselves the biggest band in the world,but they're not. They are the BEST BAND there ever was/is period.
How do you choose?
This is almost an impossible task to pick one moment from an unforgettable concert. One aspect that always stays with me usually from a U2 gig is an Edge guitar solo, whether it be from Bullet or the Fly, so my stand out moment from the 360 gigs would be the fantastic guitar section in Unknown Caller, truly magical. Although when the house lights come on during Steets always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I told you it was difficult!
With or Without you and Bad
I never thought I would ever listen to Bono singing "bad" it was amazing. When the concert ended we waited in the car for our friends, we had the windows down and distracted, suddenly a unknown man got to our window, (totally drunk, wasted and high) and said: "they played bad, man. Isn't that incredible?" I was speechless.
Amazing Night In Sheffield!
The whole night was just amazing for me - my first U2 concert, and we were lucky enough to get into the inner circle! It was such an beautiful night! My highlights were Pride, with the whole crowd singing back, Unknown Caller was amazing, as was Magnificent and City Of Blinding Lights too when Bono walked right past me on the walkway! :) Just everything, every song was just amazing and the night was perfect! Thank you U2! :)
7 times...
I saw "my boys" 7 times from July-October. Dublin/Chicago/New York/Saturday Night Live/Washington/Rose Bowl/Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. I am truly blessed. Love Crazy every single night but being in Dublin during the encore with everyone singing "How Long Must I Sing This Song"- waiting for them to come back out. Goose bumps. Bono saying that he is "humbled by the crowd. Well not really". Favorite Laugh. 2010- hurry up!
Dallas - boy from crowd
Being older and reliving concert experiences from the early 70's, it must have been an electrifying gift for the boy whom Bono circled with on the outer stage: Exemplifies the benevolence of the man; Echoes irony and tragedies from the past and present entertainment cultures; Projects the charity from the work. Excellent plot, climaxing artistic expression--yet improv--into pure charity to the world. Amazing, how truth and passion can be such a blessing of sharing, truly Irish~! From the center of the floor, I had to remind myself the irregular heartbeat was the music, and try to not panic!! Gratis par Excellence!
Crazy at Wembley August 14 and 15
Unbelievable momemt... and the thrill of living it twice: one in the pitch and one at the top of the stadium... dancing to CRAZY was like being inside a gigantesc disco where everyone as dancing at one rhytm, my heart was jumping and it as WILD! Thank you U2 for a great great double concert and for this special moment :)
I'll never forget the first notes of "Stay" played in Berlin for the first time as I forecasted to some friends on the plane...and the introduction to "One"...Just bought tickets for New York 2010!!!!
For me Ultraviolet was the ultimate U2 moment. The stage , the lights , the light suit, the music,the showmanship, the passion........ Everything great about this band on display in that song.
My best moment of the Sept 24 show
Best moment was being thre with my 21 year old son who is also a huge fan. We loved it when he pulled s kids from the crowd and ran around the stage with him. Also loved him performing Moment of Surrender. These lads are simple The BEST!!!
ultimate moment = Ultraviolet !
for me it was THE best moment of the show - seemed so fresh, like a new song.
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