'Where's My Announcement?'

31 May 201931

'Where's My Announcement?'

'It's now Friday in New Zealand,' wrote Maria Flynn (@stubby70) on Twitter. 'Where's my announcement @U2'
Would you believe it, there it was, just a few minutes later, with a reply direct to Maria from the band themselves.
'We'll be in your neck of the woods in November. Around the 8th maybe... What do you think?' 

Maria wasn't the only fan knocked out to find who was in their Twitter replies on Friday morning as band members took to social media to let people know the much-rumoured tour of Australia and New Zealand was finally happening - and it would include Japan, South Korea and Singapore.

Shaun Swalue in Australia had also been tweeting the band, wondering if there was any news.
'Yep. Break out the Tim Tams @ShaunSwalue.' replied Adam. 'We're on our way.'

For U2 Australia (@u2_australia), tweeting daily, it paid off. 'We hear you, we heard you. This is Bono by the way…'

Generously, U2 Australia suggested there was no need to waste money on hotels, ' We have a spare bed.'

'Thanks for the offer,' came back The Edge.'Full disclosure: Adam's very particular on the thread count…'

Kylie Minogue was also celebrating the news in Oz and the band replied. 'We're coming 4U 2 @Kylieminogue X' as was @NoelGallagher, whose High Flying Birds will play support in New Zealand and Australia.  'We can ride on, you make me shine like a black star dancing, we're one and the same now…' @NoelGallagher #thejoshuatreetour2019 #itsgonnabearipper

And Bono was in the mentions of @Ippeki5_u2 in Japan to say, 'We Fell IN LOVE with Japan when we first toured in 1983 and its been way, way, way too long… We are honoured to be returning to The Land of The Rising Sun.'

All of this left everyone, not least Maria Flynn,  'buzzing' which gave Edge a thought.  
'Speaking of buzzing…. did you know according to the laws of physics, the bumble bee should not be able to fly… and that is not a reference to Bono…. The Edge #thejoshuatreetour2019'

With only 160 sleeps to go until the tour, as someone pointed out, it was time to sign off for the night… which Bono and Edge did. 'It's good night from me and it's goodnight from him… and it's good night from them too. #thejoshuatreetour2019'

Find the whole thread with the band on twitter 

Here's the lowdown on the tour with dates, cities, venues and timings on our Tour Page

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Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Please come back to the US for another leg of the Joshua Tree Tour!!! How amazing that tour was the more I thought of it after the show. The backdrop, the giant rolling projection screen, the way Bono had the mic sub-planted into the ground, the chaotic and hypnotic version of “Exit” and so on.....
I'm so glad !!!
The Joshua Tree, the first U2's album I bought in 1987, back in my high school days. 32 years later, I'm getting older, but feel like getting younger with listening to U2's music every day ! I got tickets of Saitama Super Arena (2019, 12. 4), and I will go to the Arena with my loving wife by bicycle (the Arena is near my house !) Thanks a lot, Bono, The Edge, Adam, and Larry !!! If you can, I want you to play The little things that give you away, the most important song to me now.
HappyApple is Wired
Australian fans are AbSOULutley thrilled beyond belief to hear the announcement of "Joshua Tree Tour"
In Oz please play some Experience
Thank you guys for bringing all that kit again down under, means a lot. Will fly to your shows in each state as its been almost 10 yrs! But would love to hear some i&e as we completely missed that wonderful live innovation. I mean, playing the whole album is enough sentimentality right? Let's hear some fresh track too. Since we only really see stadium shows down here, why not consider a reinvention of Zootv and an achtung anniversary tour?? I mean how hectic would that be guys?!!!
Singapore dates?
Uk Joshua tree tour
Any dates to announce?
@U2fanz wish you a very happy holiday!
We didn't get a mention above but we got a tweet too! Thank you!
What about Portugal???
We demand The Joshua tree in Portugal! We didn't have the tour in 1987, we didn´t have the tour in 2017! So....please....?1
Will be great to see U2 again
Missed the last few tours to New Zealand after seeing Rattle and Hum and ZooTV, but bringing my adult kids who grew up listening to U2 with their old man. It's gonna be a beautiful night
We? Will Go Crazy,
If We? Don't Go Grazy in November, remember my name. Love and Light my way to Vertigo! Miss You Sugar. The Vertigo Hunter, Detlev Lassche.
A SORT OF HOMECOMING ........ O Z ......
GLAD you've Got U 2 §§§§§§§§§§§§ As a U2 fan club - Propaganda - U2.com since 1 9 85 ............................. I WISH that I could S E E U2 ........ and Only ; )))))))))) U2 ; ) IN 2018................. JUST FOR A SORT OF HOMECOMING LIVE . ))))))))))))))))) U2 SUMMER 2018 in FRANCE .......... well it was NOT During OUR vacancies .....on our summer HOLIDAYS : ((((((((((((
Back to America
Glad U2 is bringing The Joshua Tree Tour to Oceania and Asia, but I hope they will consider making one last JT Tour visit to Europe and America. I would LOVE to see one or two more JT shows! Best concert I have ever been to by far!
New Zealand Concert
I am very much looking forward to getting tickets to your up and coming tour of New Zealand. I have been to all of your concerts that came to NZ. The first Joshua Tree was my favorite tour. It was in a way, a semi-personal tour to me. I knew Greg Carroll's family and know the help that you gave them, when a certain NZ music person tried to use Greg's name and his links to you. I am very much looking forward to seeing/hearing my favorite album played again. The stage lay out and effects look amazing. We were hoping you were going to come down to Dunedin, my home city and played at our 'new', covered stadium. The stage layout may need to be shrunk a little to fit in our stadium but it would be a sellout many times over. We have been the host to many artists, from Ed Sherington (3 concerts), Pink, The Eagles, Fleet-wood Mac, Elton John and hopefully U2; the best band in the World. Hope to hear of a positive Dunedin venue stop soon. It would be a sell out in no time. You could just bring a basic stage layout down, we don't need the showmanship, we just need your voices and music abilities. Cheers Your Most Indebted NZ fan, Nicki Fairbairn
Sometimes all you need is patience.....l
I' so happy that the band is finally going to follow the Yellow Brick Road all the way down to OZ. We have been impatiently waiting and finally we have the news WHOO YOOO!!! Maybe we should have tried sending Adam some Tim Tams long ago. Safe journey guys and cant wait to see/hear you again in November.
We’ll bring the Tim Tams :)
My two teenagers are excited that the Sydney show will be the first concert they’ve been to, just like it was for me back in ‘89. Hope we can get tickets!
Can't Wait!!!
This is the best news I've heard in a long time! It's been such a long wait to see U2 in Sydney again and for U2 to do the Joshua Tree tour is amazing. Hope to hear some songs from the last 2 albums as well since Australia missed out on seeing these shows. So glad I didn't book a trip to Hawaii in November - seeing U2 is far better!
So excited.
Cannot wait. Will have the Rockford Basket Press decanted and ready. Don't hesitate to let me know if you want to go out to the cellar door for a taste of the new vintage! :-)
It was good to be alive. The moment that seemed like that is the announcement of the live in Japan. I saw U2 LIVE for the first time when I lived in England 20 years ago, I was strongly attracted and shed tears. Now U2 we connected our couple! The secret of good relationship between brother and sister is U2! Education of the genius of my children is also U2! All my family's peace is U2. Every day I lose my mother and my heart screams. But I will do my best at live. U2 is my hope! I am a medical practitioner, but I will go to the hospital for holidays! And I want to wear the same clothes as BONO's costume for LIVE AID in 85 years. Find me and dance with me! Please take care of yourself and enjoy the tour. We are waiting for energetic U2 in Japan!
now, every night is a good night. I hope to see you in Tokio with my mom.
Great news
This is very good news, unfortunately too far for me in France, I hope to have the same good news in a few times for Europe. Can't wait to see you on stage again!
Great news (ed)
*the* tour. Always proof read before you post or you may appear illiterate.
Great news
I went to e & i at the Ziggo Dome in October last year (long way to go for a concert) and it was fantastic...but this is tour I wanted. See you in Naarm (Melbourne)!
Auckland on my way
Yes! Was debating Aussie or Z land. Z land is it. Wow, what a tour is this gonna be down under and Z land. These Irish Lads sure know how to spunk up a rattle. What an adventure is this going to be. Beyond ecstatic! No words!
Best day
Yeah. What a time to.write my comment. Didnt expect anything like that to happen. Was on such a high for the day after that.
Singapore Dates Please
I am really hoping an announcement is made for the Singapore show before the pre-sale begins for the other shows.
Happy and SAD
Happy to hear the good news of the band's return to the road and specially with the joshua tree tour but very very SAD because once again Portugal (and other countries in Europe) are left behind. We didn't get the chance to see this tour. Make an effort to give this possibility to us!
32 years and waiting....
Unbelievably great news on a Friday. Yes! Yes! Oh yes! U2 is coming to Singapore! Been a fan for past 32 years, since hearing 'With or Without you' and 'I still haven't found what I've been looking for'. Thank you so much in advance, Mr Bono, The Edge, Mr Adam, and Mr Larry Mullen. Deeply looking so forward to hearing you live!
Packing my toothbrush
Woohoo here we go...in gods country where the streets have no name I'll be running to stand still down under and I am sure i will stay on where streets that have no name and will find what I am looking for until I exit to go home and maybe take the bullet in the blue sky home with or without you
Greetings from a Captain American Soul!
Love the personality and color and your responses… Captain American Soul had hoped to land in Seoul Korea, but it looks like it will just be the land of the rising Sun. Money these days… Where did it go? Oh yeah... i&e, JT, & e&i... That’s where it went! But as Coldplay sings, I would gladly bleed myself dry for you Mates! - Da Captain
Great artists - even greater human being
That was amazing, absolutely brilliant. The whole funny interaction with the fans & the personal replies are just another reminder of U2's humility, kindness and loving relationship between the band and the fans all around the world! Have a great tour guys, everyone going or listening via the Internet or watching later on YouTube, enjoy the epic show from the legends!
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