This Instrument Was Calling Out To Me

6 Aug 200923
A documentary on the electric guitar, 'from the point of view of three rock legends', It Might Get Loud tells the personal stories of three generations of electric guitar virtuosos - The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White.

'It reveals how each developed his unique sound and style of playing favorite instruments, guitars both found and invented. Concentrating on the artist's musical rebellion, traveling with him to influential locations, provoking rare discussion as to how and why he writes and plays, this film lets you witness intimate moments and hear new music from each artist. The movie revolves around a day when Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge first met and sat down together to share their stories, teach and play.'

Take a look at this preview clip - and if you've seen the film, add your own review below.

More on the film here and details of where it is open and where it is opening next in North America.
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Happy B-Day sexy man Hope you have many many years years of happines. Akela
2 thumbs up
Just got back from seeing "It Might Get Loud". Two thumbs up! The WHOLE audience stayed during the rolling of the credits and we all clapped at the end. IF YOU ARE A FAN OF MUSIC, YOU MUST SEE THIS !!!! Jimmy Page, Edge, and Jack White coming together. The amazing thing is the audience was a mix of young, old, and in-between. GO SEE IT!
great too see
its great tooo see the edge up there with jimmy pageand jack white, 2 great muso's and so is the edge ..there tooo many people sayin shit about the edge here in dublin..the music scene here dishes u2...and i love them..played a great show in croker...and they keep it real
Great great great piece of film! Came home from seeing it (lucky enough to take part in a Q&A with Davis Guggenhiem) plugged in, turned it up to 11 and played to my hearts content. Inspiring. I have been paying much more attention to Jack White with his project with the Dead Weather especially. He is brilliant. Needless to say, The Edge was brilliant! Very good movie, can't wait for the dvd!
Excellent documentary!! Great scene to watch Jack and Edge admire Jimmy play some ZEP and understand he is one of the best! But Edge stole the show< especially since I went to Dublin this July and saw all 3 shows and saw where it all began!!! 32 shows and counting NYC next!
All I Want Is You 2
It Might Get Loud
The Edge & Jimmy Page were very enthusiastic & interesting. Jack White on the other hand was a pessimist & wanted to show how against the grain he is, but ultimately showed how much he is like everyone else. The Edge made ME LOL several times. I loved it!~) I can't wait to see them 12 September @ Soldier Field in Chicago. 6 days to go!~)
Saw the film last night
This movie was amazing. Pieces of it have been running through my mind all day. I think the movie will resonate with artists of any kinds through the honesty and passion of these three guitarists. I was most impressed with The Edge (of course) and Jack White. I felt like they let the veil down the most on their process, their fight, with music. It was fascinating to see how these rock icons made their music their own and fought through set backs to find their own voice with the guitar.
it might get loud
more i watched at this video more i appreciate it for the genuine expression of the three great guitarists
And also quiet
Where would the music world be without The Edge? Gifted, brilliant and remarkably humble, he embodies all that great music offers and requires. I just saw the movie in Chicago and left quiet and speechless - as did the rest of the audience. It was a privilege to witness. A loss to the world of banking, no doubt, but a benefit to all else. Thank you for coming here first to start your U.S. tour. We are beyond excited.
I was blown away by this documentary. Usually, when one thinks of a documentary you think boring. Not so with this one. Jimmy Page, The Edge and Jack White converge from three very different perspectives, but find common ground in the one instrument they play, the guitar. I think Jack White's an alright guitar guy.I love The Edge. But after yesterday I am now a huge fan of Mr. Jimmy Page.
It Might Get Loud
I saw this fabulous documentary last night in Los Angeles. I was impressed with the overal presentation. The interviews of Edge were done very well. The shots of U2 during Elevation concert at Slane Castele were incredible, but I think the highlight of the movie was at the end when Edge was thinking about where he would be if there was no U2. He admitted he would be playing a guitar in some kind of a band but not sure wheher the band would be any good or if it would still exist at this stage. He said, "Maybe I would be working in a bank." I laughed., but immedidately applied his statement to Jimmy Page's life...What is Jimmy Page really doing now? That did not get answered in the documentary. His band no longer exists and he is a master at guitar. This sad fact makes me realize that the powerful chemistry between the band members of U2 keep the band creative and moving forward with very powerful energy that gets re-charged from the fans at the concerts. The relationship between U2 and the fans is spine tingling. First class musician and impeccably mannered Jimmy Page was at Wembly Stadium the other night watching U2. He should be in a band entertaining us at Wembly, too! I truly hope someday Jimmy Page can get together a group and play for fans who still love his music. As for Jack White. He was portrayed as a very interesting and unique character but not a rock showman. Edge was wonderful very humble and of course as usual downplayed his genius. I give the film a 9 out of 10 because I wanted to hear more from/about Jimmy Page. U2 how about a Passengers II project with Jimmy Page! That would be fantastic!
Need a wider release, please!!!
Jimmy Page AND The Edge!!! This is going to be awesome. But PLEEEEEEEEZE tell me they are going to have a wider release. None of these showings are anywhere near my house. I've got to see this!!
Rock Legends
The Edge and Jimmy Page are rock legends without a doubt. Jack White?
I can't wait!!!
This looks so so so awesome! Universe awesome, not hotdog awesome!!!! This needs to open here (Brasil) SOON! I can't wait to see it! I haven't been this excited about a movie ever since The Lord of The Rings trilogy! lol
Must see
This movie is exactly what true fans of Rock & Roll have been waiting for. REAL music by REAL musicians. Can't wait to see what makes them tick.
Its a shame...
its a shame they didn't ask Brian May to join them, seeing as he famously made his own electric guitar, which definded his sound and he too is a wizzard when it comes to using effects... Still it looks like an interesting film.
Totally awesome
I caught this flick last week at the Melbourne International Film Festival and the whole audience was just blown away. The movie lets you know the guitarist behind the guitar and a rarae glimpse into their working minds. It also has some of the coolest moments with each player trading licks. Get and see it!
3 different generations. 3 different styles.
The Edge and two other magnifcent guitarists-at once!! i cant wait!
That is true
Some people pick up these instrument and try to sound like someone else. Some people pick it up, trying to speak through it and giving it life. Edge, you are one of those who can make the guitar talk and make someone forget about the daily life just with a few notes. Can´t wait to see the movie. I´ve been influenced a lot by the way you are playing guitar. Thanks for giving us all so many great songs. Happy birthday and all the best for the coming year. Your fan Michael
Scott Montes
Finally The Edge gets the respect he deserves!! The Edge is a guitar Genius!! His chords are so melodic its almost as if his guitar is the "second singer" in the band......All Hail The Edge!!
Irish tea bags
I think when you are young you play for the high. Your art gets better as you age, your experience makes your music stronger and playing what you have lived is more heartfelt than just playing for the high.
august 14th!!! great!! i can´t wait :')!!! Mr. Jimmy Page and The Edge in that movie.....MAGNIFICENT!!! HappyBirthday EDGE!;) (8-08-09)
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