Unforgettable Single

10 Aug 2012541
Over on our Discography page you'll find dozens and dozens of singles the band have released over the years.

Starting with U23 way back in 1979 - Out of Control, Stories for Boys, Boy-Girl - the trail leads all the way to 'I'll Go Crazy', third single from No Line On The Horizon, in 2009.

Maybe you'd forgotten Lemon was a single. Or you've never listened to Fire. Or you just recently discovered Please. But there'll be a U2 single that's special to you in some way - the one that comes on the radio or arrives unnoticed when your iPod's on shuffle and suddenly a moment in your life comes back to you.

What was the U2 single that stopped you in your tracks - and still does ?

It might depend on where you were when you first heard it, what was happening in your life, how you first got into the band?

Remind yourself of the history of the band's single releases and look through the promotional videos on this page in our Video Gallery (set aside a week or two for this) -  find the one that reminds you of a time and place in your life.

In the comments below tell us why this song is special for you. Is there a story behind it - an anecdote from your life ?

What brings the track alive for you? What was happening to you at the time you first heard it that means you'll never get over this single?

We have prizes for the best, the funniest, the most moving or surprising entries. Add them in the comments below. Did we mention that ? (Don't forget - we're not talking about any U2 track but about those released as singles...)

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Father and Son (Where the Streets Have N
I am a pretty young u2 fan, im 13. About 6 years ago when I was seven I heard u2 for the first time and I still remember how it happened. It was a sunny sunday morning and I woke up very early to go play soccer at a soccer field thats near my house in peru. So I walked to the soccer field with my twin brother and I played there for about an hour. Then when we were both tired we walked up to our apartment. When I walked in I heard some fading oh oh oh ohs (from Pride) sung by a very large crowd. So then I saw that my dad was watching a music DVD so I didnt pay much attention to it because he watches music DVDs almost every sunday. So I kept walking to go wash my hands and face, when a guitar riff made my heart stop. I walked a few steps back and sat down with my dad. Then, my dad turned the volume almost to the max, so I turned to face my dad and I saw gigantic smile on his face. For a second I was shocked. When I was little I always thought my dad was a very serious and hard working guy. Then I realized I was also smiling! I didnt know how to explain it. I didnt know what was happening but I knew that I was feeling the same feeling my dad was feeling. For about five minutes me and my dad were like "one". When I was little my dad used to work until eight or nine in the evening and at that time I was usually asleep so I didnt see him very often. Until that moment my dad and I had never had any father and son moments. Later as I grew up my dad and I became closer but until now I have never lived an experienced like that with my father and I think I never will. Many people say that U2 brings people together. In this case U2 brought my dad and I together for a few precious minutes and I dont know how I will be able to thank u2 for that. They are just an amazing band.
whit or whitout you...
I was 10 when I first heard this in a tape of my father, it was magical, despite my ten years seemed an eternal melody, recently my parents told me that were amazed to see that a child liked this kind of music, since there was no turning back, u2 is my daily drug , and now I'm the one who marvels at the sight of my 8 year old daughter listen elevation, city of blinding lights and vertigo her favorite songs. in each single I felt different sensations , other tsingle that impact me was the fly ... it flew my head...so hard to chooseone but I prefer a whit or whitout you every time I hear it transports me to another dimension, saludos desde argentina!
Walk To The Water
Unbelievably so, without planning, I Lived that whole song!! March '95, I traveled to Ireland, on my own to live out my childhood American dream of going & to be healed. All I had was a plane ticket & a rental car. On my travels to Down Patrick before being @ the St. Patrick's parade in Dublin, I stumbled across a town called Bangor. Ended up staying in The Royal Hotel, with a sea facing view. Around my neck was a silver necklace - given to me by my father. The next day, checking out of the royal, an artist approached me with a painting he painted of me. I was sitting in the bay window with my legs crossed and my arms wide open stretching towards the Irish Sea - (praising God for getting me there). My hair was colored gold, & like a field of corn, I was blown by the wind, I was blown by the wind. Then I walked walked walked to the water, I walked with Him. I WAS HEALED!!
One, the bar version
Way back in 1992, satellite t.v was the rage in my hometown Karachi, Pakistan , and I just happen to see the video of one, in which bono is singing in the bar on MTV. I loved the video more than what I actually thought about the song, but over the years I melt everytime I hear this song. So much so that I have seen all the videos released, downloaded countless versions of it, you name it, acoustic , r.e.m, slane castle version, and many other concert versions. In each concert version bono adds a line at the end , here we coming now which gives that extra oomph to the song. When i am really down, this song perks me up instantly. I hope they continue to do music for us fans forever. God bless
The Fly
Even though i wasnt alive at the time, The Fly represents a new begining to U2 in the new era, (which was the 90's) They truely were chopping down the Joshua Tree. Now dont get me wrong, the Joshua Tree is really amazing, but theres something about Achtung Baby and The Fly. Eiether live or not, The Fly was one of the beginings to U2's new sound and ofcource ZOO TV. The Fly represents Bono's dark side. ACHTUNG YOU ALL!!!!!! and remember EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG
two hearts beat as one....my mate let me borrow his under a blood red sky,then i went straight out to buy war and discoverd my favourite u2 song."two hearts beat as one"..read bono's reason for the song then listen to it.x
Out of Control!
Back in 1980 I listened a lot to Punk and Alternative music.One day a friend of mine gave me a LP called Boy from a band called u2....Hmm I put the record on my pick up and for the first time of my life I got shivers all over when I heard the 4 lads from Dublin playin. Especially Out of Control changed my life that moment ( I was Out of Control at that myself also!) It's a positive virus I injected myself that day and untill now that virus only grew more during the years. Whenever I had some down moments in my life the music of U2 lifted me up so I could go on. Thanks U2 for spicing up my life!! a lifetime fan
Beautiful Day
I find myself in the song. Bono sings 'You thought you have a friend, to take you out of this place...", "You're on the road, but she's got no destination"; it's a song about life. It tells me to enjoy every second of it.
its a beautiful day
I love this song its so inspirational whenever I hear I smile and cheer up..This song will never grow old to me :D
Beautiful Day
This single can make my day! Even if everything went wrong. I find myself in the song. "You thought you found a friend to take you out of this place...". "You're on the road, but you've got no destination". When Bono sings 'See the world in green and blue...", he's actually telling that the world is beautiful. We all have to breathe life every second and thrill with it.
Beautiful Day
We were floating along the lake in our boat one summer and Beautiful Day came on our radio. It was the perfect song to capture the moment. I can still see the sun's reflection on the shimmering water and feel the warming rays on my body, after a great day of waterskiing when I heard Bono belting out the lyrics of a Beautiful Day. It's been my favorite song ever since. I can see why Gabby Giffords astronaunt husband Mark Kelly wanted that song to wake up to on the space shuttle. Perfect discription!
Pride (in the name of love)
This is a great song!!! I got many memories from this because I heard it for the first time when I was a young boy and my music preferences were starting to define, I used to listen to music that was played on Peruvian radios, and was heard by my older cousins, and by that time I already knew some music from U2, and this song made me feel fine, full of energy, strong, alive, ... From that moment U2 has become one of my favorites groups!!
the shev
VERTIGO...... why cause like with or without you vertigo sounds just as good on the original album as it does live.& u2 is all about live
joshua tree 87
I was blown away when I heard With or without and street still til this day 25years later I still get goose bumps and chills and to be on the floors the for the 360 tour something I will never forget,since I got the U22 it has been in my car ever since U2 rocks on
Where the Streets Have No Name
This song has always been my favorite. This past year in history class we were working on a project and two of my friends made me a slide show instead of working on their project. It had a bunch of pictures of U2 and they put in speech bubbles that said, "I love Sarah Hebs," and it would play 'Streets'. They would also sing 'Streets' to me whenever they saw I wasn't having a good day.
Pride is the single that made me a forever fan of U2. I remember listening to it over and over in my bedroom drifting in and out of sleep. Then watching the video and seeing Bono put his heart and soul into those lyrics...I have admired his passion since that time. Thank you Bono for those words.
with or without you
I was 12 years old in 1987 when WITH OR WITHOUT YOU introduced me to the magical world of U2. 35 years later i still feel the same enthousiasm every time i listen to it. Bono Edge, Larry and Adam at their best and only in their 20s! (Maria - Greece).
All I Want is You
Four years ago, as a young college girl whose painfully cool older siblings introduced her to U2 at an early age, I met someone who took my breath away. Despite the best of intentions, we have spent our lives far apart, as the Atlantic proves much more difficult to cross when you’re young and broke and stubborn. One rainy evening last summer, at the height of our conflict and strife, I found myself lying heartbroken and frustrated in my bed in Carolina, thinking about this man’s life in the UK and mourning the emptiness of mine in America without him, as the opening chords of All I Want is You echoed through my room. In the flavor of our shared faith, which has kept us connected through the years, God loves his people with grace and patience and mercy. And in those profound moments, first truly listening to a song so familiar and embracing this simple otherworldly love for another person, I was somehow set free to love him without restraint or expectation. This song reminds me of the beautiful time I found liberty in love. We are still an ocean apart – I’m unsure if he still feels the same about me, or if we will ever even see each other again. But when I think of him I smile, send my love, and pray for a bright life for that man.
"Bad" (... Let it go...)
Since I was in school (Since my childhood to my teenage times) I suffered bullying, I had no friends, everyday I was annoyed by everyone in my classroom and even my teachers. Like all the young girls I dreamed of my prince charming... but no one would look to me to be a girlfriend and that guys made ​​fun of me and they repeated to me that nobody would notice me for being ugly, fat and brown of my skin. Well, in that days My parents fought a lot and my sister was busy with her own problems, I am the youngest of the sisters. Well, after high school I got sick of my nervous system and therefore had panic attacks, anxiety and depression. I left school and spent a year trying to get out of it. I felt in a dark box, alone and frightened, I felt cold even when there was. I fight every single day, fight and try. When November 1999 came my parents and my sister left home, leaving me alone, so... I saw the opportunity to end my suffering: I prepared everything in a short time that night to slit my wrists. But before I kill myself I said: "Before I die I have to hear all the hits of U2." I knew the band, but only heard like 3 or 4 songs and had a desire to hear more of them. I left home and went to a place where they sold and bought the audio cassettes of "U2 hits 1980-1999", something like that ... I went home and immediately I put the audio cassette at a table in front of me, half light, I lay on the sofa closing my eyes, eyes that were bubbling with tears and lost feelings. I think "This is my last music"... I thought "this is the last music that I listen to" ... until they started playing "Bad": the first harmonious notes of The Edge was immediately introduced me to another world, with my eyes closed, mentally I was in a way through a desert with extensive grounds, It seemed so real; ♫If you... twist and... turn away...♫. At that time I did not understand what he said, I did not understand the lyrics, but the sentiments in Bono's voice, feelings that I needed to recover, came to my ears, my mind, my soul and my heart. In this desert of mind, I started walking, and as they climbed the feelings, rhythms, tones, and I was speeding my way to leave the road and running with all my power in the desert. I felt love, freedom ... and desire to return to life to tell what was happening. I stood on a huge rock and I watched as the evening became night where the moon shone with a blue light that magically cleaned my tears and my pain, God blessed me through it. as if waking from a coma I opened my eyes and immediately rejoined me sitting on the couch to listen more attentively again the same song... I cried and my first words after so much silence and whining were: "I ​​will not, I want to live, it's beautiful." I quickly picked it up and tiere everything I had prepared. There was no mention that I had a letter explaining the reason of death, I kept that letter and waited for my parents returned. He arrived in the morning, I got tired and went to sleep. The next morning I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking, I was still in my hand the letter. I showed and explained everything to my mom, she cried, I read the contents of the letter, and in front of her took a lighter, burned the letter and threw it away saying "I promise you and God who does not will try again. "After everything that happened I became a fan of U2 and I returned to high school where my life changed for the better, I had very good friends who I still keep until today and decided to find the lyrics of that song that saved my life, well, now I understand much better: ♫If you twist and turn away...Let it go... I'm wide awake!... I'm not sleeping!♫ Thanks God for this music. God bless you U2, thank you for this beautiful and amazing unforgetable single: Saved my life. You're my musical heroe.
"New Year's Day"
New Year's Day was played on 101.9 RXP right before I was put on the air as the winner of tickets to the July 20, 2011 360 show. It was the night of my life, and every time I hear the song, I remember that moment.
With or Without You
No doubt! The eternal song. I sing it And I never feel it boring. It touches me deep in the hart, makes me feel sad and happy, at the same time.
Beautiful Day
First heard U2 in 1984 and have loved them ever since. The song that means the most to me though not my favourite is beautiful day. I was going through quite a rough patch in my life and when I purchased this song upon its release my life changed quite dramatically and for the good.
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
I have 23 years old but when I bought this single on ebay in yellow edition with 4 songs 1.Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses 2. Paint it Black 3.Salome 4 Can't Help Falling In Love ... I feel like a Wild horse falling in love :) first and the last song are amazing ... my heart beats faster and when I close my eyes I see most beautiful world when I never see ...
this is not the first single I've heard (the first one was Sunday Bloody Sunday when I was 13) but this song is special for me as it was the first one I heard at the concert in Milan together with my boyfriend ... and we got married last year with this song :) on 20th of October I'll have my tattoo with the sentence "love is a temple, love a higher law" as I want to celebrate my marriage for ever and that worlds are perfect! Elisa
Mofo! Mother funkin' rock'n'roll!
It's gotta be Mofo,there lot's of other great U2 tunes but for pumping up the dance floor.You can't beat the Phunk Phorce mix of Mofo. I remember when Pop was released and the first time I heard the original album mix of Mofo.It was like nothing I'd ever heard before. Very closely followed by Magnificent!
I will follow
Oh come on folks the quintessential U2 has to be I will follow, I remember my Parents forcing me to sit and watch the late late show on RTE, (I was 15) and Bono and the boys pounced out started blasting out I will follow 30 odd years later i still blast it out and it still makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.
I Still haven't found what I'm looking f
I was only 13 when my favorite late uncle gave me The Joshua tree LP in '83, it's was my first rock album, since then U2 became my icon. And every time I hear that song, actually every song reminds me of what he tought me, live stong, real and wise.. I still have that album...
Running to Stand Still
My grandmother was dying of cancer in 1986. I was in college commuting from my home in Los Angeles to school in Long Beach. The traffic was crazy and I kept myself sane by listening to the Joshua Tree album. On the night she passed away, I was coming home and I played "Running to Sand Still". On repeat over and over. I cried all the way home. I still can remember the traffic lights, feeling surrounded by what felt like a million cars and yet I was so alone and sad and scared to think that the woman I loved so fiercely, the person who taught me to be kind and graceful under extreme conditions, was dying. After she passed away, I still listened to that song and imagined my grandma in the heavens smiling and happy - finally at peace. Thank you U2 for being my angel chorus on a very sad night in Los Angeles 1986.
Stay(Far away So Close)
Soooo many but "Stay" is one of my favorites. Along with Out Of Control, I Will Follow, Gloria, Bad, One Tree Hill and so on and so on. But "Stay" is awesome along with Staring At The Sun a very close second.
I will follow
It was in the early 80's, I was in high school, and I always had the radio on no matter what I was doing. The first time I heard the song, it just captured me, it was different, great beat and dance song. Back then, I could dance all day to anything. That began my love of U2!! I am now 47, my collection of U2 is everything and I love it all! I never get tired of listening to it and never tire of watching you play! I think what Bono has done for the world is a gift and admirable and just another reason I love the band. It is so funny that my family has always made fun of my through the years, especially my kids. We do a lot of traveling, and I always want to play U2 in the car, they complain a lot, but now that they are grown, I have discovered that they both have U2 on their ipods! As long as you are playing, "I Will Follow"
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