The First Time

9 Jul 2010597
When was the first time you saw Larry, Edge, Adam and Bono play live ? How old were you ? Was it last year on the 360� Tour or was it in another millennium way back when ?

'A hot summer day in Paris at the Vincennes Hippodrome.' remembers Dom from France. 'I was 23 year old (and) when the band finally arrived, the sunset was behind the stage and I felt like in a dream. The first song they played was Exodus from Bob Marley...'

'I was a highschool senior,' says someone else. 'And still look back at this concert at the Rosemont Horizon as my greatest moment with U2.'

'On the Vertigo Tour in Brussels, Larry puts his drums right in front of me...'

'Yale University in New Haven: epic, unforgettable show with Bono climbing anywhere he could....'

You've been posting some extraordinary memories of the first time you saw the band play live - unforgettable nights on every tour they've ever played. And not just the show - sometimes unlikely encounters with the band.

'I was 11, I lived across the road from Croke Park. That evening (of the show) our street football match had play stopped by a white Mercedes and out of the car jumps Bono in a white suit. He said hello, gave my mum a hug, shook my hand, jumped back in the car.....'

What about you ? How did you end up at your first U2 show ? Does the venue still exist ? Who did you go with ? Was there a moment you'll never forget ? One of the band do something that's stuck in your mind? A song that changed everything?

Google your memories and tell us below about the first time you saw the band live. Don't forget to add in your name and city/country at the end of the post so we know where you're from.

(Incidentally, keep a copy of your post� once you've added it below. Then post it again in our� tour section - on the night and on the tour of the show you're writing about. If you've got a photo - the band, you and your mates, the ticket stub - the tour pages are where you can upload it. The more reviews you add, the more encyclopaedic an archive of the band's touring history we'll create. Thanks.)
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My first show Memphis, TN 1997
I was graduating from high school 2 days later. My brother took me to see U2 at the liberty bowl. I just remember walking into the stadium and seeing the huge yellow arch and thinking OMG!! Funny thing happened in the show though, they got off a little at the beginning of Staring at the Sun and Bono actually told the band to stop and says, hey it's cool to's our fucking song! LOL!!!
Rosemont Horizon - Indoor Zoo TV
I was in college & snuck in with my best friend. We came just in time for the encore set! I just melted as I saw U2 perform "Until the End of the World!"
17 Aug. 1993 - Bologna, IT
My first time! It was incredible! Many hours under the summer sun, many hours of emotions. I was 19 and even if many years are passed, I can clearly remember what I felt. It was a great day!
Peter Nordsmark
My first gig - Roskilde DK 1982
July 2. 1982 in Roskilde DK I was one of the lucky ones being in right place at the right time. These guys were so special and I was into U2 from that very day. Bono hanging out the crowd by the camera was that time like U2360. Today after more than 30 U2-gigs in mind over the years I´m a very happy person still injoying queing at the gigs for many hours. Hopefully I´ll be at the iner circle again this summer in Frankfurt, Hannover, Horsens, Wien and San Sebastian.
Sun Devil Stadium
It was at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe AZ and the group came out to a packed not that concert!! Unfortunately I was too young and in Pennsylvania to see U2 in the Rattle and Hum days but in 97 Popmart came to ASU on Bono's birthday (day after mine). It was a great experience and we snuck down to better seats ( a trick I've repeated at many U2 concerts since). The band was in great form and I haven't been able to stop listening to them since.
São Paulo - Brazil 2006
My first U2 show was in São Paulo, Vertigo tour 2006. I went to the second night. It was amazing. I went with my brother and met a lot of very cool people. Some of them are still my friends, even living in different cities. I was in the hot zone and could see the guys really close, so it was fantastic. It was great to be in the "private party" as Bono called that concert. A memorable moment was when the played First Time. So beautiful. When the show ended, people was wondering when would it be the next U2 concert in Brazil. I remember saying that *my* next U2 concert would be abroad, cause I could not wait them to come to Brazil again. I went to US last year to see them again, but I still hope to see them here again.
i was so young then just like them
8th september1979 iwas 17 and had goneto seetalking heads at the electric ballroom camden that was it i was in love with larry and have been ever since
Ray Fagan
east wall fan
i saw u2 in sheriif street in dublin when i was age 7 my older brother both me over to see them from east wall ray fagan east wall dublin ireland
America--2nd War gig, 1983
In the rain in April of 1983 at UNC Chapel in North Carolina.. During stage set up, the bass notes from New Year's Day rumble like musical thunder. The roadie playing a song? Not done, sir. Oh, ho, it's Adam doing his own set-up. Then we watch the band walk through the grey mist across the football field toward the stage. Drums and Edge notes explode. Gloria. The first song we ever heard by the band, taking the plastic record around town as 1981 became 82, telling friends they had to listen. Singing in the rain. Bono refusing shelter, walking out on a plywood ramp. The Edge playing tin whistle for the wondrous pipe opening of Tomorrow. The world felt differeent, better, cleansed. Bono climing the metal tower with the white flag, Edge craning his neck as his friend and bandmate ascended the slick wet metal wearing boots, Bono singing atop the structure. We could believe the news that day. We would not close our eyes and make it go away. The best band since the Beatles was there before our very ears. Inside our hearts and souls.
My first time
Yep! I remember seeing the boys way back on the WAR tour at The Empire in Liverpool. The Alarm were the support band and Bono gave security a fright as he clambered up the speaker stack on one side of the stage...memories.
Bono's birthday party
My first time i saw U2 was in De Kuip in Rotterdam, 10 may 1993 and it was realy magnificent. I was 16 years old at that time. My brother should come along, but he was arrested the day before (and released the day after, cause he hasn't done anything wrong), so i was there with a friend of mine. I remember Zoo Station, Bullet the blue sky and the trabants. Later that year in Nijmegen, i remember a lot more!!
my first time
6th of july,1993 Rome.i was 16 years old,i am a great U2 fan since 1988,and now that i am 33 i can't wait to see them again for the 12nd time in Helsinky. hoping for a great tour,with changes in the setlist,more 80's and 90's please!!!!
first time is always the best
The first time for me was when Bono was doing what he does best, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He was speaking in the US. I had heard of U2 but never investigated them, until the talk. It was like he could reach people connect with people on another or any level. Not to many have this gift.. When I saw Under A Blood Red Sky I knew I would become a follower. New Year's Day was the time of year, the ground covered with snow, a perfect beginning:) I knew this would be a never ending journey. Thanks for being you.
1st show
I remember it as if it were the day before yesterday. It was 1983 at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk, Virginia. My daughter and I were in the box seats at the side of the stage and Bono climbed the speakers to almost eye level. Wow, what a feeling!! My daughter was 8 years old and I wasn't. We have been to many U2 shows over the years. And loved them all. I am" follow" in the U.S.
1984 Live Under Australian Skies Tour
Showing my age here, I was 19 and this was the very first time U2 played in Australia and I was lucky enough to see them on 23/9/1984 at the Perth Entertainment Centre (no longer active). I still have the concert ticket stub (Block B Row B Seat 2). I remember mostly Bono waving the white flag and strutting up and down with such purpose and his amazing voice. I initially heard U2 on alternative radio and had to record (cassette) the songs to listen to later (and wore it out!) It was an amazing experience to finally see U2 live in 1984 and I have seen them every tour in Australia since (latest was 3 shows in Sydney Vertigo 2006). I don't want that to be the LAST time :) so HOPE to continue the amazing ride when they come downunder for U2360 ! Pleeeeeaseeeeeee!
The first time for me
March 5, 1992. It was at the Omni in Atlanta (which is no longer there). We bought our ticket/package through a local music store in Birmingham, AL and went over on a tour bus with about 70 other U2 fans. It was like a big U2 party. It was at the beginning of the ZooTV tour and it was amazing! I had been wanting to see them for years, so I was just mesmerized. The Pixies opened, which was an added bonus. I will never forget the energy that night and my lack of voice for the 2 days after.
The Longest Day
The Longest Day festival at Milton Keynes Bowl in June 1985 with REM and the Ramones included in the supporting line up and the only time I've seen the band perform songs like 11 O'Clock Tick Tock, Seconds, Wire - they were great then and remain the best now (Dublin - 25 Jul-09 and Cardiff - 22 Aug-09 for the 360 Tour were fantastic!) Steve (Wales, UK)
Memories of Zoo TV
The first time for me was as an excited 16 year old school girl at the Sydney SCG, (still standing), with a group of friends on a balmy spring evening. From the moment U2 came on stage all alblaze with Zoo Station until the end I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. It took me a few days to come back to earth! I'll never forget when Bono walked to the far end of the stage near where I was seated during Streets and gave the audience a large grin - my heart melt. A truly amazing concert that I'll never forget. Wendy, Australia.
Brussels 2005
I went with my best friend to the opener of the European leg of the Vertigo Tour in Brussels in 2005! Great night!
My frist U2 concert was 1997 in Seattle at the old Kingdom during the Pop Mart Tour. What a show ! Closed with 40 which has always being one of my top 5 U2 songs. I think they only played 40 2 times on the Pop Mart tour. Best of all, few hours before the show was able to meet the band and chat with Bono for a short time. Since that show I've seen them 12 times and headed to Chicago in July for number 13.
My First U2 Concert
I started listening to U2 after the release of How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb when i was 15. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own was the song that made me want to listen to more of U2's music. Since then I've become a huge U2 fan. I live up in Donegal and I got to the band live for the 1st time last summer when i was 20. It was the 1st time i had ever been to Dublin and my 1st time in Croke Park and it was an AMAZING concert. Every song was done perfectly from Breathe right through to Moment of Surrender. So I would love to see the band again if i ever got the chance. James Harrison from Greencastle Co.Donegal
Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993
I was 12, and super excited to see them for first as I grew up as a fan of the band. My brother invite me to join his friends and himself to see this ZOO TV show... Waouou, what an experience... I remember, when Bullet the blue sky started, I was on my brother's shoulders whom was on one of his friends' shoulders... I was suspended over the crowd and received the soundblast like an hurricane.... Waouou, I will never forget this moment... and also the moment I screamed "Bonooooo !!" with my child voice when he was on the B-stage... He turned his head, and, if I remember well, had a smile... (or was it fantasy... ;)...) Today, I'm waiting for my 8th and 9th shows.... Can't wait... Tour on guys !! Arno, Geneva, Switzerland
Lovetown changed my life!
1st time was when I was 16, at Lovetown in Sydney, Australia, 1989. I've sinced seen them 15 more times, and look forward to another installment of 360 in Athens this year.
Kenan Stadium - Chapel Hill, NC
April 23, 1983 - UNC Chapel Hill. 1st show of the 2nd leg of the War Tour. 6 weeks before the legendary Red Rocks show. Carolina Concert for Children in Kenan Stadium. (Grandmaster Flash & the Producers opened & they clearly upstaged the headliner, Todd Rundgren). It was a cool, drizzy UK-like day. An abbreviated 50 minute set blew everyone away: Gloria, I Threw A Brick - A Day Without Me, New Year's Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Electric Co. (Bono climbs to the stage top!), I Fall Down, October, Tomorrow, 11 O'Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow Instant superfan for life. My 21st U2 show coming up in Chicago!
I missed my Junior prom to see U2 the fi
It was May 3rd, 1997 in Salt Lake City, the day of my junior prom. I totally didn't even bother with that when U2 was going to be in town. At the time it was the biggest show ever and it didn't disappoint. It is still one of my favorite shows of ANY band that I've seen, next up, Salt Lake, same city, same stadium as it was 13 years ago.
A Long Time Ago
First saw U2 1993 ZooTV tour Sydney, Australia. It was their first night playing and unfortunately Adam wasn't "well" so didn't play. Loved the band even more since then though. Unfortunately haven't been able to see them since as involves flying interstate, but have money saved ready for when they bring 360 down under Alli Tasmania, Australia
October 1981
I was only 16, you had to be 18 for entry which all added to the tension. The venue only holds about 1,000. It was packed an amazing gig, they came back 18 months later with War at #1 in the charts, sadly this was the last tour in the UK at small venues. My favourite song 'Electic Co.' which always included Bono climbing up the speakers. Brighton Top Rank Suite is now a nightclub. Nigel Couchman, Brighton, UK.
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