South America Coming Up

15 Mar 201187
Next up for U2360° Chile, Argentina and Brazil as the band return to South America for the first time in five years.

Edge and Bono have been speaking to Chilean TV ahead of the opening night in the country next week. A show 'is not like going to the office for us, it's either going to be a wedding or a funeral...'

And to Argentinian TV: 'A U2 show is a carnival, it's a revival, it's a political rally, it's a rave, it's a rock'n'roll show...'

It was the Vertigo Tour in 2006 when the band were last in South America and in Buenos Aires that the groundbreaking live set U23D was shot.

Last time the band were in Chile, then President-elect, Michelle Bachelet, the country's first woman leader, was backstage at the Estadio Nacional to present Amnesty International's 'Ambassadors of Conscience' award to the band and Paul McGuinness.

In Brazil Edge, Larry and Bono showed up for Carnival in Salvador and City of Blinding Lights was in the set list.

It's always special to visit South America. Are you coming to the shows? Tell us what you're looking forward to.
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A dream become true!
Hi guys! I am a ecuatorian fan of the band and I will travel to Chile to see it in live. I've been waiting for this chance many years ago... at last my dream will become true. Beyond the show, I think that the the new socialist political current of the mayority of countries of our region and thier regional integration efforts (peaceful and equitable) should be an example for the rest of the world. After all, countries like Ecuador, were some of the few in present an ecological concrete proposal to tackle world climate change (Yasuní-ITT Project). Thank you for comeback tu South America!
family together in the show!!!!
My husband,son(15) and I share the same passion for U2 and we're going to be in La Plata for the 2nd show on April 2nd. Special day for us (Veteran's Day) to honour those who fought a crazy Malvinas/Falklands War. Please remember them. And bring the Fan Cam!!! Eager to listen to you guys!!! "getting ready to leave the ground" Love from Argentina.Thanks for coming.Unforgettable experience!!!!!!!!!
please BAD
please play BAd in Argentina !!!! See you there !!!!
I'd like to hear Breathe for intro and Bad, Unknown Caller and Running to Stand Still please!!!!
Window in the Skies and Unknown Caller
Please, U2!! We would like to see U2 open a "Window in the Skies" in Brazil with this great song!! And it will be fantastic hear Unknown Caller in a chorus of voices: "São Paulo, you know your name, so punch it in. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh...." Yeahhhh!!!
Coming From Florida, USA
Please, please, please play One Tree Hill!
Fantastic interviews
Looking out for the new image guys...
Of course I am coming!!!
I`m going to be there for 2 of the 3 shows in La Plata, Argentina... Argentinians love U2 and we are all so excited and proud to receive you in my hometown... çan`t wait to see the greatest show on earth!!! We´d love to hear Acrobat and Ultraviolet!!
Kite in BA for the loss of a friend
Hey guys, been following you around this crazy planet since 1984. A long time friend of mine lost her father to cancer this week. This was a quality man that gave everyday to those who did not have much. Anyway, we are coming down to BA from the US for the Sat and Sun shows, perhaps you could play Kite for her dad Bob..... I know his daughter would love it.
from france
You 're so luky to see that show , believe me . I was in "Nice 15 july 2009" , "Paris 18 sept 2010' & "Brussels 22&23 sept 2010" and it's not enough !! you will enjoy the show with "the claw" ,this is an amazing structure. thank you for that music,sound,light,.. please u2 don't wait 5 years to do another tour like this one , it will be too long !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big Party Argentina!
I´m so looking forward to Argentina´s show April 2! Where can we party after? Anyone can recommend a good place for drinks and Rock&Roll?
Super Yo
Please play "BAD" !!!
We are waiting for you !! Please !!! Play "Bad" in one of the South American shows !
set list please
zooropa-get on your boots- beautiful day - no line on the orizon-magnificent-elevation-until the end- i still - unforgettable fire- city of - vertigo- uncaller call - crazy - when at look at the world - bad - one- walk on- ultravilolet- whitout you -40 please - please-please-please
Muse a Mexico !!!
Muse lead to Mexico !!!!! We deserve it ^ ^ excellent interviews
March 30th... I'll be there!
Can't wait to see you again guys!!! I went to the first concert in Argentina back in 2006 and it was the best day of my life!!! Now I'm getting ready for the second best day of my life. :) I adore you, you've always been an inspiration to me.
U2, please play Walk on, Angel of Harlem, Pride in the Name of Love, The fly and Who's gonna ride your wild horses in Brazil.
in a little while
i watched the interview in my tv and i was in a lovely madness. i'll go to the show in chile, it's only one night so i'm looking forward a magnificent night. i just want sing -in a little while- with all my soul, i love this song. uff only 10 days and discounting =) waaaa!!!
I love the interview! You tell very interesting things guys, thanks for that! I think March 30th will be the best night of all my life. I'm waiting for you.....
The concerts will be held in my city very soon, couldn´t be happier!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing the best band in the world please add Ultraviolet in the setlist ;)
25 days!
Oh God, my heart is beating so stronger! Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam, we are hoping you in BRAZIL!!!!
It's a rock and roll show!!
I'm attending the 3 shows in Argentina and I'm so excited that I can hardly believe what I'm going to experience very soon!! U2 is the band of my life and what I feel for their music is something I just can't put into words!! Please play Ultraviolet and bring The Unforgettable Fire back to the set list at least for one night!! See you soon guys!! Lots of love from Argentina!!
Five billion pixels in Argentina, plese!
Just 15 days to the first show in Argentina... it's too much time, haha!! Please, a "five billion pixels..." in the shows of Argentina (specially the first?) may be a wonderfull gift for us. My children (that will go with me to the March 30th show- first time for them-) are really exciting because of the arrive of U2 (me too, but I have to show myself as an adult...)
From Chile with love! Fuck yeah!
I just can't stop thinking about the concert...I'm crazy wit U2!!!!!!!! I'm from Chile!!! and we are specting u2 to play 33 songs!! (In honor to the miners of course! xD) like Pixies did...=) We want to hear The Unforgettable Fire! Unknown Caller! Ultraviolet! BREATHE!!! , No line on the horizon!!! and Hold me....., and north star! Please please, we want these songs, we have a group in Facebook right here and we want bracelets for the people in the inner circle, because we're gonna be the whole night outside the stadium, and we need something with the number more secure than a number written in one arm..(you know what I'm saying? xD) Dear U2, I'll see you soon! soooooon...(8) xD I'm from concepcion actually, I'm gonna travel to santiago the next week..=) See you! I can't wait any longer...for U2!
South America coming up
i like this interview, especially the points regarding the perspective of U2 as regards policy,their music, the show in itself !
I am from New York and taking my vacation in Buenos Aires this year around the three shows there. Should be a crazy (in a good way) time! :)
Too excited about you getting here to South America!! please, let us have Ultraviolet! :) (my prev comment didn´t seem to go out?)
The excitement is building up BIG time! can´t wait to be in the queue in La Plata!! and looking fwd to the showS!! (one sefish request from me, and I know from many other fans!, let us have Ultraviolet!!!) :) see you soon!!
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