Songs Of Innocence

9 Sep 2014802
The wait is over. Songs of Innocence, the new album, is here.

Got iTunes ? Take a listen.

Simply go to the Music app on your iOS device, or to your iTunes music library on your Mac or PC, and find 'Songs of Innocence' under the artist or album tab. The new album is in iCloud, just tap the track listing to start listening or tap the cloud icon to download. *

Songs of Innocence is set for worldwide release on October 13th. Today Apple are giving it to half a billion iTunes Store customers.

Not got an iTunes account? Create one here - the album will automatically appear in your library. slipped into the studio a few days back where the band played us the new tracks and we were blown away. A kind of musical autobiography, the eleven new songs chart their earliest influences from 70s rock and punk to early 80s electronica and soul... and reveal how music changed everything. As Bono sings in the lead song, 'The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)' 'I woke up when the miracle occurred/ Heard a song that made some sense out of the world...'

Exploring themes of home and family, relationships and discovery, detailed liner notes fill out the picture with resonant stories, like one of the first gigs the teenage band got into.

'The 4 members of U2 went to see the Ramones playing in the state cinema in Dublin without thinking about how we were going to get in. we had no tickets and no money.. My best friend Guggi had a ticket and he snuck us through a side exit he pried open. The world stopped long enough for us to get on it. Even though we only saw half the show, it became one of the great nights of our life....'

Songs of Innocence was recorded in Dublin, London, New York and Los Angeles and is produced by Danger Mouse, along with Paul Epworth, Ryan Tedder, Declan Gaffney and Flood. The album closes with 'The Troubles' featuring the distinctive vocals of Swedish indie singer-songwriter Lykke Li.

Here's the eleven tracks: The Miracle (of Joey Ramone), Every Breaking Wave, California (There Is No End To Love), Song For Someone, Iris (Hold Me Close), Volcano, Raised By Wolves, Cedarwood Road, Sleep Like A Baby Tonight, This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now, The Troubles.

On October 13th the physical release of Songs of Innocence comes with a 24-page booklet. A deluxe, gatefold double album, contains an acoustic session of songs from the album and four additional tracks: Lucifer's Hands, The Crystal Ballroom, The Troubles (Alternative version) and Sleep Like a Baby Tonight (Alternative Perspective Mix by Tchad Blake)

The album will also be available as a gatefold, double white-vinyl LP with an exclusive remix of "The Crystal Ballroom".

When you've given it a listen, get right back here and review Songs of Innocence for us in the comments below.

* 'Songs of Innocence' is already in your iTunes library, waiting for you to download.
On iOS
Open iTunes Store
Scroll down to Purchased
Select Recent Purchases
The album should be displayed there.

On Desktop iTunes
Open iTunes Store
Select Purchased [under Quick Links]
Select Music
Recent Purchases (make sure ‘All’ is selected)
The album should be displayed there.

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Conquis des la première écoute!! C'est grand!! C'est beau!! Trop court lol Bravo pour ce magnifique album :) ça valait la peine de nous faire attendre...Bisous à vous
So U2!
It was worth the wait! The perfect balance of excitement - Raised by Wolves, Volcano, The Miracle; and beauty - Song for Someone, Every Breaking Wave; and the other songs that are making it impossible to pick a favorite. I'll be content with "Innocence" as long as you need me to, BUT... I can't help but be out of my mind with excitement for Songs of Experience! Thank you for this great gift and for all the gifts you fantastic Irishmen have given us over the last 38 years! Please don't ever stop!
Be proud U2
This is some of your best material. I've listened to it from beginning to end, and while some songs are better than others, they are all fantastic. On my 8th listen and really connecting with this album. I only wish a finished version of Wave of Sorrow made it! Your hard work paid off, now stop the torture and ANNOUNCE THE TOUR
Better than better.
The Miracle song has special meaning to me. As it reminds me te very first time I heard U2 at live8 and realized the band behind my favorite songs. The world started to make sense. Through their songs.
Scrivo in italiano, perché in inglese non so esprimermi necessariamente bene. Mi piacerebbe offrirvi una specie di "recensione", ma desidero limitarmi a delineare alcuni punti fondamentali su queste nuove canzoni. E ci sono dei distinguo da fare. Se consideriamo l'attesa di 6 anni dall'ultimo album, l'attesa non è, a mio avviso, ripagata. Se invece eliminiamo le linee del tempo e pensiamo soltanto a "cosa" avrebbero potuto ancora fare i nostri U2, allora il risultato è doppiamente miracoloso. Doppiamente, perché "Songs of Innocence" non è soltanto strepitoso, ma anche (e finalmente!) CORAGGIOSO. Era dai tempi di "Zooropa" che attendevamo (o per lo meno, molti di noi fans) un album più sperimentale, meno rotondo e più idoneo allo standard "hit-brano con resa da stadio-canzoni per accontentare i cinquantenni e nel contempo ventenni". Ed è finalmente arrivato. Erano anni che Bono spingeva perché i suoi brani e quelli dei compagni potessero permeare la leggerezza e nel contempo la ruvidezza delle loro rispettive idee. Di certo spesso in contrasto, ma anche per questo accattivanti e da apprezzare. E l'album è arrivato. Altro passo importante e coraggioso, è stato quello di staccarsi dal cordone ombelicale di Brian Eno. E questo a me dispiace. Ma Brian non è, come molti hanno sostenuto, "5 elemento degli U2". Come non lo era George Martin con i Beatles. Altrimenti avrebbe suonato con loro, giusto per fare una battuta! Il problema poi è un altro, ma questo è ben noto. Chissà perché, ma quando esce un album degli U2 tutti cercano sempre qualcosa in più. Escono i Rolling Stones e nessuno dice niente se i pezzi sono da trent'anni sempre uguali uno all'altro, ma con gli U2 non sia mai! Ci hanno abituati così. E questo Edge e compagni lo sanno benissimo... Per cui, a tutti gli eventuali musi lunghi dico: "Ma andate ad ascoltarvi gli ultimi tre album dei Coldplay, perché vi meritate quelli!". Per tutti gli altri, l'appuntamento è con... il cd o vinile in mano. Per uscire il più presto possibile da questo cazzo di file del computer che ci ha parzialmente rovinato (ma dall'altra parte ci ha invece regalato momenti memorabili) la sorpresa. Ci vediamo ai concerti! E sottolineo " A I " :-) ITALIA LOVES U2
finally, and worth the wait.
such a great collection of songs, gets better with each listen. thanks for taking the time to record it properly and not rush it out. so good to have some new music from you guys in my ears. appreciate everything over the years. look forward to the tour.
Just want to say ...
... THANKS! And hope to SEE you again (2015?).
Maybe your problem has been solved, but make sure that at the settings of I-tunes iCloud is enabled. I myself was also wondering why it was on my ipad and not on the mac. Easy solution. Enjoy the album, it growing by the minute. Family is going nuts :-)
Beautiful, Guys, Truly Beautiful
I don't usually post on But I logged in just to make sure that the U2 camp heard my voice. Bono, Edge, Larry, Adam, this album is the beautiful masterpiece I've been waiting for! So soulful, so full of emotion. Now I love everything that you do... And October has always been my favorite album (believe it or not) and I must say that this album is the most personal you've done since October. In fact, it's October grown up. There are songs on here that bring tears to my eyes... Bono, that beautiful ode to your mother in Iris (Hold Me Close)--a tear-jerker! The song itself is like a dream that washes over you in the middle of the night, when you wake and look at the clock, and you wonder if you were really dreaming. Cedarwood Road -- Lyrical perfection with experimentation of sound. Heavy and throbbing. Volcano - I really hope to hear this tune live. Adam's bold bass line, just like the old days, grabs you by the neck and makes you pay attention! I love the falsetto, the whole vol-CANE-Oh! refrain. Fun to dance to, fun to sing! Oh, I could go on and on, but those are my favorites. I love every song on this album. I forgot where my skip button was! Thank you, guys! Thank you so much! You've done a great job! I'm in love with your music all over again.
You just close the circle..
First Boy, then The Joshua Tree, following Achtung Baby!!.. now this Rock & Roll and Awesome album Songs Of Innocence!!... I think with this album you just closed a circle of different sounds and genres of music. Thank you guys for coming back to basics!!..
Princess Fiona
Thank you for that awesome music ☺️
Thank you so much for this wonderful album! It touched my heart from the first listening on ☺️ And it moved me to tears as well. Bono, thanks for those wonderful lyrics that touch my heart deeply and thanks to the rest of the band for that wonderful music that does indeed have a healing effect on me! You saved my life when I was at the deepest point in my life years ago. You ignited my rocket again at a concert in 2009 and now I can work as a healer myself ☺️ Love and light Ingrid
Brilliant Album
This is some of the best material U2 have produced!!
You Guys are amazing! What GREAT musics! Really loved it! Congratulations! All the eleven musics made me cry of emotion! I'm so happy! Thanks for this!
I'm crazy about it!!!
11 songs simply incredibles... Thank you so much and waiting for the new tour!!!
can't wait to buy the CD
This allbum is amazing, one of the best, every note is in place. Another Masterpiece from u2.
What an amazing idea to give the world to discover the new album for free. 3 days after the itunes release this album is a masterpiece U2 is back U2 will take back the place 1 in rock'n'roll circus Thanks
Man... I've been complaining about Bono's midlife crisis interviews about relevance . But I have to admit, with this Album release (although a little aggressive), U2 just hit a HOMERUN... Even with its detractors, I believe this was a huge step forward for music. As a music listener, I would rather have a copy to own from an artist instead of paying for a streaming service, but I guess millennials do not care. Different people, different times. I would say, do not expect to add millenials to your fan base. Your core Fans are still out here. I've been a fan since I first heard LEMON......... (Sleep like a baby) AWESOME......
Why not also pre-launch for fans without
Although I appreciate the songs, I feel a bit left out as a loyal fan and paying member of
Great album!!! Loving it!!!! Listening to it loud, while driving around New Zealand... worth the wait (wish I didn't have to wait so long) Magic work! Well done lads! Thank you again!! Alright alright alright!!! Hey listen, listen! C'mon!!!
So if this 11 tracks are so beautiful and magnificient and all the best of the world.... what about Songs of Experience? I can't wait.... I will die (young) jajaja! :) U2 always FOREVER
Great album!! Loving it! Sounds great loud, while driving around New Zealand... Worth the wait (though would rather not have been so long!)... magic work! So excited! Roll on the hardcopy! Awesome lads! Thank you again! Alright alright alright! Hey listen, listen! C'mon!
Songs of innocence
it is like coming out of the dark of the night and the light comes in the first minutes of the dawn, a guitar that moves on high peaks, ' Song for someone'.
david b
I feel really sad for all the people who have this album in their library and choose not to listen ! It's like having a winning lottery ticket and not checking the numbers . This album is utter class , I cannot wait to here these tracks live .
U2 reinvent themselves once more
First there was Boy. Then there was The Joshua Tree. Then the came with Achtung Baby. Next in row is Songs of innocence. Every time you listen to this album, you discover new details. And above all, U2 is a band that does not forget what it is all about in rock music: great songs and great lyrics! Most bands nowadays produce riffs and verses and bits and pieces, but no songs. And not to speak of the lyrics. This is a great new album...
Powstało coś wspaniałego... Ponownie...
Rewelacyjna płyta, cudowne piosenki to to na co czekałem od tak długiego czasu. Jak widać czas poświęcony na podróż w głąb zespołu opłacił się w 200 %. Naprawdę jest to podsumowanie tego co najlepsze w U2. Jako wielki fan pozostaje mi tylko ukłonić się i podziękować za kolejne piękne chwile spędzone przy waszej muzyce. Pokazaliście pazur i prawdę o sobie. Gratuluje wam i każdemu kto będzie miał okazję wysłuchać Songs of Innocence. Superb plate, it is a wonderful song for what I've been waiting for so long. As you can see the time spent on a journey into the team paid off at 200%. This is really a summary of the best in U2. As a big fan I can only bow and thank you for another beautiful moments spent with your music. You showed claw and the truth about yourself. Congratulations to you and everyone who will have the opportunity to listen to Songs of Innocence.
Thank U
Thank u U2!! Love & Cheers, MyT.
Wow! Thanks Adam, Larry, Edge and Bono!!
Wow, what a great album. Can't wait for you all to get on tour! (This time skip the Amsterdam Arena and visit the Kuip again;)). Thanks for this smart way of selling the album!
It has been taking some times for me to really really comprehend all songs in the new album, I must listen to the rhythm, the beats, the voice, the lyrics.. and I jump to conclusion that this album is magnificent.. U2 my love has been creating again beautiful sounds and inspiring lyrics. You guys are my superheroes!! Wish you will come to Indonesia in 2015!.. You are rock and roll!
Great album!
Every song is great! Can't wait for the next tour!
Can you hear 'Without or without you' at the beginning of 'Every Breaking Wave'? Love it Iris is tight This collection is legit. One of these videos need to be in Dublin-Just got back-Great city Thanks again dudes!! Can't wait to hear it live.
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