Screening: 'Zoo TV: Live from Sydney'

19 Apr 202044

Screening: 'Zoo TV: Live from Sydney'

From Zoo Station and The Fly to Angel of Harlem and Love is Blindness…we’re screening this legendary show from 1993 for 48 hours for all our subscribers.

Our screening of ZOO TV - LIVE FROM SYDNEY is now over.

Our Zootopia crew are online and waiting for your  photos, tweets, reviews and live chat as we shoot back in time together - and catch ZOO TV all over again.

Use the hashtags #ZOOTVLiveFromSydney AND #U2getherAtHome

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Una Pieza de colección
Han pasado ya casi 27 años y esta obra maestra es sin duda el mejor show en vivo que U2 a puesto en escena. Pasan los años y al verlo una y otra vez se puede disfrutar cómo se disfruta de un buen vino que se ha guardado en una cava por años y años. Gracias por su gran esfuerzo de complacernos y poner a nuestra disposicion este material.
Bring it back
Would love to see Zoo Tv again in all it's glory . So much has happened in the world and to see it on all those screens again would be full of emotion and musically would top it all .
Thank you
One of the best shows by U2. As somebody (ttv), streaming of best of tours should be always available. This would keep people renewing each year. A streaming service
eric naulaerts1
missed it
I missed it. Stream was already gone.
Four jerks and a police escort
for some reason I missed it and you know what.... I have watched so many Zoo TV clips, concerts, snippets, tv interviews even books and I never get tired of it. it is by far their best era in every sense...especially since they started out stripping their serious faces for a more mischievous one. do not know what it contained but I´d love to get a DVD with extra easter eggs....and of course....If they had a Joshua tree Achtung baby/zoo tv tour madness commemoration is out of the question We want more Zoo more TV
Subscription benefit
I’d guess that this has been suggested elsewhere. For subscribers, have streaming of best of tours always available. I’ve got some past tour dvds from my membership here, but who even plays dvds anymore. 2020 and streaming is the future. This would keep people renewing each year. A streaming service
Fantastic. Please let it in streaming forever. Again. Please.Please.Please....
Bring it back?
Any chance this could come back again? I saw the email late and resubscribed, only to find that I'd missed the whole thing! Love Zoo TV and would love to see this show again, gutted that I missed out on it!
Blu-ray please
Great stream with sound!!@@! Need a 1080p blu-ray with DTS HD-master sound. Perhaps a ZooTV Anniversary box for 2021???
Zoo tv live in Sydney
Could you please release again I was there both nights it was amazing!!!
The greastest tour ever.
My first U2 concert was in zoo tv tour, in Lisboa, may 1993. What a show!!!
Concerto memorabile Roma 6 luglio 1993
Stadio Flaminio, 6 luglio del 1993. Io e la mia ragazza siamo allo stadio per la data romana del Zooropa Tour. Guardare un palco così spettacolare e così imponente con la luce del giorno ci fa immaginare a cosa succederà da li a poco..... Inizia il concerto e quando si vede Bono sugli schermi iniziamo a saltare e cantare con Zoo Station. E poi tutte le altri capolavori, da The Fly in poi. L'emozione più forte la vivo con Satellite of love con Lou Reed sugli schermi che duetta con Bono. Con il calare del sole è uno spettacolo di luci. Bono in grande forma. Momento storico quando "MacPhisto" chiama il Papa a Castel Sant’Angelo credendo che sia Castel Gandolfo e chiede se il Pontefice tifa per la Roma o la per la Lazio. Gran finale con Can't Help Falling In Love di Elvis Presley. A proposito..... quella ragazza è diventata mia moglie. Il covid-19 non fermerà la nostra voglia di rivederli dal vivo.... Grazie U2
Hazy cosmic jive
So, this made me finally join
Concerto meraviglioso
Ho avuto modo di vedere lo Zoo Tv nel lontano 1993 allo Stadio Flaminio di Roma. Anche li è stata una serata ed un concerto straordinario ed indimenticabile.
The Miracle of ZooTV
This was a life changing event to attend as a 15 year old boy. In Rotterdam the first MacPhisto show and then a few months later in my home town Nijmegen at the park. This was my “Miracle“, out of the world. Ik van still hear the pre Zoo Station sound and then the first guitar riff on field in the park, its haunted with that forever ;) The last MacPhisto performance in 2018 was a great flashback in time with a new twist. 40 concerts 40 Years old. Starting at 15 with the Zooropa tour 1993 This show in Sydney i have seen so many times when it came out, but brings me back to the nineties again. Thank you for the stream in these times and stay save. Bring on better times with the ZooTV30 2022/23 tour. Lets see what we van do now with this equipment Years later ;)
Kim Ballingham
Or better yet Achtung Baby Anniversary tour and Zoo TV ... one can only dream
Kim Ballingham
WOW!! Thank you u2 for such an awesome treat! I loved every minute of it! Thinking it may be Zoo anniversary tour time??? Love you guys! Stay safe and healthy❤️
Real memories
Saw this show 4 nights running in uk so watching this gives me great memories. Hoping to add to my 34 excellent nights seeing these guys when all this suffering is over. Stay safe everyone.
Memories come flooding back!
What a tour this was! I saw it in London, sitting on a hill at the strangest place I have ever seen them in Chicago (anyone else?), and in Melbourne. The opening 5 minutes of the Zoo TV show still sends a shiver down my spine. I was at this Sydney gig but only as a cleaner. We were on duty as soon as the show ended and worked through the night cleaning the stadium. One of the worse jobs of my year out in Oz but still an amazing experience. And if anyone reading this lost a pair of Raybans, I found them! Unfortunately I lost them on a drunken night out a few months later.
La puesta en escena inspiradora de lo venidero, la tecnología como el nuevo Dios, el ejemplo de que las herramientas no son malas por si mismas, sino que dependen del uso que le brinden sus mortales. "The Fly", "Bono" y "Mc Phisto" de las mejores actuaciones de la historia de la música. El contenido temático salvo modificaciones tecnológicas puntuales, podría perfectamente estar activo en estos días y no perdería vigencia en su mensaje. La banda esplendorosa con versiones magistrales e históricas, como Misterious Ways, Until the end of the world, Running to stand still/Streets y Love is Blindness maravillosa. Durante años vivía mis previas a recorridas nocturnas disfrutando esta maravilla. Gracias!!
Zoo TV anniversary tour!!
I'm in total agreement with BadMsSarajevo — we need a 30th anniversary Zoo TV tour! I missed the original tour back in 1992. I would LOVE to see a Zoo TV show live! Also, I would love it if the Zoo TV Sydney movie were made available to purchase digitally via Apple and Amazon video.
A walk down memory lane
I loved reliving my first of now many U2 concerts. I was 15 years old, my first proper rock concert and had possibly one of the last row seats in the SCG that night. What ignited was an absolute love of a phenomenal band. Thank you U2 for being the soundtrack of my life. For writing meaningful, moving songs that can deeply evoke you.
This was amazing! Yes, it’s been released before but it was obvious the audio has been tweaked! I could understand what Bono was singing, it was excellent!
Great memories.
The first time I saw U2 was at Roundhay Park, Leeds, on this tour and it was ridiculous. I've never seen anything since that can match that show.
Zoo tv
Excellent once again by the U2 team; thank you for the memories.
Zoo TV
Absolutely brilliant, I haven’t watched that concert in ages. I remember back in the 90’s going to see that concert in Roundhay Park Leeds UK, I couldn’t believe the size of the stage and when U2 came on and the stage came to life Wow
Amazing! Anniversary Tour Perhaps?
Please, how about a Zoo TV Anniversary Tour? Fervently hoping this virus pandemic will be over real soon, but maybe in 2022, for the 30th Zoo TV Tour anniversary?? Please? If you do, please don't forget Manila, PH! Watched on VIP floor JT Tour 2019 last December 11, and that was the best night ever of my life!
1080P!!! Thank you
Yeah!!! that's what I'm talking about...1080P!!! Great work Now...if you could do the same for PoPMart Mexico...Elevation Boston..U2 Go Home...Vertigo Live in Chicago....and Under A Blood Red Sky...we would greatly appreciate it.
U2 at the Top of their game
Watching this concert reminded me how I fell in love with U2´s shows and U2´s music..The AB opening, the B-Stage Set, The JT songs, the McPhisto Set to end the show. What an innovative and professional show! At the time, this video filled me with the drive and desire to travel the world to watch them perform live. Lucky me, I have done so 30+ times. Every concert being a unique experience. I have smiled, laughed and cried with their songs. For me there is no doubt these guys are God sent. Their skills as showmen, their tour concepts and the message in most of their songs, unmatched. Thanks for bringing these memories back with this video! Thank you, Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry for making my life better. My world is better with you in it. Blessings! P.S. Bono: Let your love be known .... you made me cry (again) and left me speechless (again)
Thanks from Mexico
Thanks for sharing, it was great, like when I've been to your concerts. I look forward to the next one. Greetings from Mexico.
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