Poll Archive 7: Favorite On No Line On the Horizon

5 Apr 20117
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Stand Up!!!
I love No line on the horizon album, and I love U2 tours, but I don't know why such a great song like Stand up Comedy is not included. I'm from Argentina and I trully hope that the band play, at least before they finish the tour in USA, this song once at least! Kind Regards!!!
@love+peace : In line with all that is and some that tell one to be something that they hope to be. In line with all that is not in this reality of many, only some. Some declare, most. Most predict future in time. You need. You need. You need. As, one can see, but not all will agree.
That's like asking which one of my 4 boys I love the most! :)
unknown caller
unknown caller is my favorite,just wish they ended it the same as the album version.
Go Crazy live!
Each one of this songs is a must for a 360 show in my humble opinion, buy Go Crazy Remix was one of the highlights of the only show I attended in La Plata. The music and lights combined were out this world. Cecilia
Favourite live No Line tunes
I have really enjoyed all the No Line tunes played live so far. My faves have been 'Crazy' and 'Unknown Caller', just because of the emotional effect these songs have had for me when I experience them live. I literally feel 'transported' into a higher level by these songs live( no other substances than water and music!!). The refrain in Unknown Caller and Crazy are nothing short of AMAZING!!!!! I can really relate to Crazy. In fact it was my theme song of 2009; I am an activist who also likes to have a pile of fun, so the refrain sums it all up. Of course the line: 'The right to be ridiculous is something I holds dear' is also so true to my heart. That's the thing about U2: the music and the lyrics really speak to me so much, because I do feel like a kindred spirit to U2's music and the absolute unapologetic sincerity that speaks through it.(I cannot speak about anything else because I don't know the band members personally, but their actions tell me enough). Boots is a song that really became amazing due to the live performance: it is right up there with Vertigo and Elevation and a concert party tune: TOO MUCH FUN!!! And Moment of Surrender: well, just a beauty and again a goose bump maker. Magnificent is a magical song, but for some reason I don't think that U2 has reached their best performance of that song yet: the intense jubilation of the recorded version has not been met yet, like the way it has happened with Crazy. I cannot wait for this summer: Montreal(both shows), Toronto and Moncton. 4 shows coming up. I have the highest hopes for Montreal; U 2 LOVES the Montreal crowd and the city, so I am expecting some extra magic there, and hope that for this insane fan-base they will play a lot of the No line songs, plus the newest ones, Zooropa, and Even better than the real thing spread over the 2 nights so that there is room for the old mainstays to keep the others happy too. Oh, did I say that I LOVE U2? They are unmatched by anyone, and I am a fan of a lot of bands (i.e. own complete repertoire of many other bands), so it's not like I only listen to them.
Best song of the album should play
No line on the horizon! song! should play in the concerts is hit! This song does that the persons vibrate in the concerts!!!!!! Should of returning to play this song
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