No Place Like Dome

9 Oct 20097
Under the roof of the Georgia Dome, a close encounter with the U2 360° Spaceship.

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lookin for intimacy
that's what Bono explained there m.o. to be on this great nite,,,as it is impossible to put into words what i felt like as i left the dome,i can assure you it was one of the greatest nites i have ever shared with my wife and this band ...many moons ago at the pop mart ,we fell in love ...this was like a confirmation for us both that as time goes on ,god's blessings are endless and his messengers deliver the "psalms"to all those who will but listen....for god's intimacy.....
I loved this show and I'm willing to see them again if they come back.When I saw the cone open down OMG I didn't believed that I was really there.
This will be my only time I will be able to see them on this tour. But what a show! I haven't hear Bono's voice that strong in decades, and of course the timeless Edge rocked. Larry and Adam that awesome steady rythm. The sound (and the view!) was pretty good in the nose bleeds! My 11 year old son's first concert. U2 is his favorite band too, so I must have done something right. Thanks edge for wearing your "Chucks" - my son has some and that is all he can talk about now. All the way home he kept saying "I can't believe I saw the legendary U2!" With or without you was awesome, started with bono almost speaking the words, but build to a rocker. The audience was as loud as Bono during the soulful howl at the end. I could tell he got a great kick out of hearing that crowd sing it back to him so loudly! Bono thanked his fans for "giving us a wonderful life". Thanks guys for the music, you changed a bunch of lives, God favors those who can do that. Would have like to have heard Bad or 40, but if they played everything I wanted to hear, the concert would still be going on. Hey guys, give us more dates in the USA, especially the south. Chip and Lee from Tennessee
Vegas here I come
Hi guys, I'm Rayoflight from Montreal, I will be at Sam Boyd Stadium in Vegas, my birthday, with my spanish wife and spanish eyes, hope to hear back on the set Unknown Caller and Electrical storm. Ciao Ciao from the Montreal casino.
Love in the Georgia Dome
THANK YOU U2. This concert could not have been any better. U2 is the master showband, heart band, love band, fuel for whatever a body, mind, spirit needs. Loved every spectacular minute, from the gasp of recognition when Bowie's Space Oddity began counting down to full U2 immersion and lift off.. Larry coming out first, and the entire line-up was of course beautiful, breathtaking, picture perfect placement, and the re-mix of Crazy Tonight with the world drum beats and the awesome talking head visuals beaming from the spacecraft above the stage..indeed made me go crazy!!! Pllllleassssee someone release this as a live concert video and single now, stop the madness of this album and its Magnificent songs not being on the charts, on the radio, on what's left of MTV..VH1...Release a 360 Tour concert package..Anyone within the sound of my cybercry, don't be Stuck in a Moment... EVERYTHING, you need is hear. PS: The best non-U2 concert I had been to was David Bowie's Glass Spider Tour, I had been sitting there in the Georgia Dome telling my sister Jett that, and how David was before his time, and this set is like what he would love to have had, then like magic Bowie began countdown, the lights changed and out came my 50th birthday present, well worth what it took to get here. My heart is set for life, as long as I can listen to U2, I breathe. I LOVE U2! Godspeed all, One Love, Julee from Florida
Why on earth don't they play this song every show?! I've seen them twice so far on this tour and didn't get it on either one! Easily a top 5 U2 live song. Come on guys!!!
A night of Biblical portortions. Seeing U2 is like being at a religous revival and being reborn again every time you see them. I have NEVER been dissappointed. Great show...
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