Magnificent in Zagreb

10 Aug 200983
Here's the set-list for the second show in Croatia tonight, more coming up. Stand-out moment for us? The fan-organised balloon choreography.

This is what you've been telling us: 'One torch on the East, Simona on the stage, Adriatic right in front of you. I don't want to go to work..'; 'Thank you U2 for making us pride. Zagreb lived those 2 days for you and because of you.'; 'The minute I heard Mysterious Ways I just KNEW this would be different... I get shivers just thinking about it.'; 'This is the music show that I have been waiting for half of my life...'; 'Thanks for coming to Zagreb, it does make a difference to see you here. and you are right, we should forget past and look ahead... and act as one.'

Add your reviews below - favourite track, best memory, moment you'll never surrender?

No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
Mysterious Ways
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment (You Can't Get Out Of)
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender

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old and new fans
It was fantastic!!! Hope U2 would come again in Croatia and sing for new fans that they create on this two concerts and for old fans that was created on thay music long time ago! THANK YOU FOR COMING!!!
Miss Sarajevo
I forgive you guys for all of the tears I shed last night :) the tears of joy....first of all, thank you Bono for mentioning ''beautiful Sarajevo''...that meant the world to me ! Please, do come to my home again, soon :) I'd put ''Ultraviolet'' aside as my favorite moment last night. The scenery was absolutely amazing, colours and four adorable guys...''Unforgettable fire'' will definitely remain unforgettable ! I think that's the moment I lost my voice..and, my all time favorite U2 song ''With or without you''..well I could describe it as ''you give it all, but I want more'' :) THANK YOU FOR THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE! Thank you for making me shamelessly happiest woman in the world! Peace and love.....or else!
Zagreb 10.08
I was blown away by your performance yesterday,it was something that I will never forget.Thank you for everything and I hope that you`ll come again soon. Thank you for Sunday Bloody Sunday and Mysterious Ways. You are always welcome in Croatia, ZgBoy
The Milky Way
I have never been a great fan of gatherings where you're surrounded by enormous number of people. Yesterday completely changed my perception. It has been awesome experience. Everything was perfect: weather, stage, people in the audience, The Hours, Snow Patrol and U2 of course :-) Great artists who really made an excellent job. So thank you for sharing your music and vision with us, little stars in The Milky Way :-)))
Magnificent indeed
Hello, thank you for incredible evening in Zagreb. New album rocks!!! With all sounds and scene, your songs make us fly and put a heaven on earth! Regards from all Slovenian fans, Bosstjanz
From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!
Guys, thank you so much for last night's concert, and for adding Croatia to you tour in the first place! The concert was... I'm... I'm totally speachless! Can't wait for the next tour... Tnx also to The Hours and Snow patrol, both bands were great! Edge, Adam, Larry, Bono: feel free to visit Croatian coast next summer (especially Dalmatia) – we will be happy to welcome you!  Hugs to all four of U!
Great show, I was on both, but this one... was prefect. Majority - real U2's fans, singing every song in choir... Simply, the great thing is being an U2 fan with others on the same place... Thank U2, realy hope to see You again in our city....
U2 in d hood
For us living around Dinamo Stadium this was "ajmooo". One torch on the East, Simona on the stage, Adriatic right in front of you. I don't want to go to work
I waited for this 2 nights for 20 years... First night in inner circle, second on eastern tribune, two different views, two perfect nights. I can't talk today I have no voice, my heart is full... It was more than magnificent!!! Thank you!
thanks for coming to Zagreb, it does make a difference to see you here. and you are right, we should forget past and look ahead... and act as one. come back!
Croatia loves U2
Magnificent night!Thank you guys! Croatia loves you! Come back soon.
Absolutely phenomenal
I was on both concerts and I must say that second concert fulfilled my U2 experience to the maximum limits. A spectacular show on both days, but more stronger play-list on the second night (for my taste). This is the music show that I have been waiting for half of my life - I'm not disappointed even the slightest. PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT THANK YOU, U2... THIS WAS MAGNIFICENT!!!
Zagreb, Day 2
It was the concert of my life!!!!!! I've seen both shows, Sunday was great, but last night was a dream come true! Thank you, guys, and please come back! And.. the moment I'll never surrender is the one when Bono was walking around the circle and smiled at me and my camera! *thrilled*
We were shining like stars...
... in the summer night... This was the best night of our lives. Thank you, guys... aCRObats love U2
What a night
We will remember this one forever. Stela & Dalibor
Adam, Larry, The Edge, Bono - HVALA / TH
First night was fantastic, but last night it was majestic! Hope you guys come back next year if the rumors of a 2010. tour are true!? Thank you for the best U2 experience ever!! Take care. Croatian fan.
Ultra Violet
Yesterday I was listening in my living room, but tonight I was actually the there. Thank you U2 for making us pride. Zagreb lived those 2 days for you and because of you. This is one of my last dreams that finally came true. Hope to see you back here very soon. Great show, great set! Thank you for Ultra Violet… Has a very special meaning for me!
Thank you, thank you sooo much for making tonight so special for us!!! For me it was the second show and the minute I heard Mysterious Ways I knew, I just KNEW this would be different... I get shivers just thinking about it.. Thank you for feeling it and giving it back to us - Magnificent seems to be just the right word!! PS - Larry looked so sexy on the Crazy Remix (an the drums, oh - the drums !!) - It was then that I realized you seem not to age at all :))) and neither does your music or ideas - so keep them coming. LOL from Zagreb to you all!
One tonight
Perfect audience, three different songs, balloon choreography, torch in the west, Stuck in a moment, I'll go crazy was even crazier than last night, we got magnificent Mysterious ways including Simona from the audience, Sunday bloody sunday and Walk on were great too, it's only a pity we didn't hear Bad. Anyway, we were all as One tonight: Zeljka, Kreso, Sova, Jozo, Hrvoje, Sanja, Krsto, Ines, Arijana i Snela!
Perfect night in Zagreb
There are no words to describe how I feel now, after the show....Music, energy, message of peace and love...Could it be any better? I don't think so! Hoped to hear Stay and Staring at the sun, but nonetheless, I'm really satisfied - worth every penny! Thank you for the message about necessity to help others - I would really like to do that personally :) Thank you guys!
...second night was over the top, as I thought :):) I manage to enter the red zone!!!!!!! :):):) I don`t need to say anything else. I WAS IN HEAVEN :):):):):) First or second, I can`t compare them, two different shows, in a good way. GUYS, THANK YOU FOR THIS TWO MAJESTIC EVENINGS!!!!!!!!!
sometimes people say we should be careful about what we wish, because it may come true... well, tonight one of my biggest wishes came true, and there are no regrets... The whole night was absolutely magnificent, but I would single out Stuck in a moment, since it is a very special song for me (and I simply can't get out of it!!!) and I liked the acoustic version. I will not forget this evening and this experience - thank you guys for making it possible!!
Day 2 in Zagreb
...was perfect! Audience was great and the band even better, what a great night in Zagreb!!! Thanks U2 for putting such a great show together!
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