Magnificent in Zagreb

10 Aug 200983
Here's the set-list for the second show in Croatia tonight, more coming up. Stand-out moment for us? The fan-organised balloon choreography.

This is what you've been telling us: 'One torch on the East, Simona on the stage, Adriatic right in front of you. I don't want to go to work..'; 'Thank you U2 for making us pride. Zagreb lived those 2 days for you and because of you.'; 'The minute I heard Mysterious Ways I just KNEW this would be different... I get shivers just thinking about it.'; 'This is the music show that I have been waiting for half of my life...'; 'Thanks for coming to Zagreb, it does make a difference to see you here. and you are right, we should forget past and look ahead... and act as one.'

Add your reviews below - favourite track, best memory, moment you'll never surrender?

No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
Mysterious Ways
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment (You Can't Get Out Of)
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender

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sing for your sanity!!!
Thank you for letting us grow up with`s not only been a musical journey, but a spiritual one too.Keep it comin!! God Bless!
I am still in the sound
Thank you again for two magnificant nights in Zagreb!
ultraviolet and with or without you
It was hard to decide which track was may favorite... The whole new album is excelent... It was something that i will never forget, and something that I will share with next generatio, with my family... Thanks U2, and thanks to all U2 team... God bless you all... Farewell from Split, Croatia, yours Mario and Ljubica...
Only YOU can leave such a mark <3 <3
Thank you for giving me the best night of my life!!!!! Croatia <3 you !
Great to see this. We organised the balloons at the Vertigo concert in Auckland (New Zealand) on the first night 3 three years ago. I designed posters to promote it beforehand and all. It was awesome. Good one guys!
A dream come true
I travelled 500 miles to get from Sofia to Zagreb. I will always remember 10 August. I'm still not sure that everything I saw was real - it was the greatest event I've ever attended! I've seen hundreds of concerts but not even one can get close to what I experienced that night in Zagreb. Ultraviolet has sent me outer space - I couldn't believe it is happening, and the way Bono sang it was magical (and "digital" Stop All The Clocks in the beginning... wow! one of my favorite poems). Thank you!
The Unforgettable Fire
I want to thank U2 for coming to my hometown and making my dream come true! this is something I've been waiting for a long means a lot to me and to my made us so proud.The set list couldn't be better, I enjoyed every single song.But 'Ultraviolet' and 'The unforgettable fire' were really touching for me.everything was just perfect.magical.the feelings that I can't describe and the memory of this night, I will carry forever.the band fulfilled all of my expectations.I hope you enjoyed it here in Zagreb and that you will come again!!! and Larry,you're still the hottest!!
heaven in Maksimir life dream was true..for two hours I was in space and time wich can't be compered with any emotions I knew before..thnx for showing me that my love for you and your music have a special part in my heart and in my life...Love you..Ana, Ina, Maja, Ana, and Marija!!!
....even now few days after the concert on Maksimir stadium, there are still not enough words to describe the emotions in me on that are still in my mind and heart...if that concert was a dream then it was so so magnificent....but if was true, which it was, than my dream come true...and THANK YOU for it...thank you from the hart!!! xoxoxo
Beautiful 2 days! Magnificent! You gave us so much love and hope, and we will never forget it. Hope to see you again :)
the show was great. The dancer girl made us feel better by the way. SIMONAAAAA :))
...Love and only Love...
Dear U2 guys, and dear all readers, I also can't explain all these feelings which are in every cell of my body but mostly in my heart...I just can'l leave all that behind :-) I don't think I want to. I believe there is a special bond between Ireland and Croatia from now on, between you guys and Croatians...Please, please keep it that way, we certainly shall! So, come to Zagreb again soon, we're expecting you :-) Thank you for spreading God's love through your songs with so many emotions...that's why we were as one...all together in one Love! God bless you so very much :-))))
the most beautiful night ever... music ,words that touch every corner of the world ...the one is "the song of all songs..." thank you for make me feel proud of who I am- Croat who lives in freedom after years of pain...thank you for fighting for love and justice in the world ...Dubrovnik,Split ..Zadar also is with you ..U2 - hvala for pure phantasy!!!
my heart remain in Zagreb
Hello from Istanbul, Turkey:)! yes, first time I got on plane and I was first time in Europe. To see everything was U2. USA, Africa or Europe residents can always see U2 but this is very difficult for me. Since my childhood I would listen U2's songs, watc U2's dvds. I bought them all albums. I loved and respect U2 and I do everything for them. U2 was a big dream for me. Zagreb concerts was great. I have seen and lived U2. I was dancing and singing with them. I hope I want to live again the enthusiasm and I wish this time I would be dancing with BONO. Thanks U2 and GOD BLESS YOU!
It's love
I grew up in the neighbourhood of Maksimir stadium in the 1980s and I've dreamed about you guys coming here; dreamed and daydreamed. I did see you live in Cardiff in 2005 and in Dublin earlier this year, but Zagreb 10 August was home, and it filled my heart like very few things can. U2 certainly can. I don't know how you do it, but you radiate love, and you make me radiate love. Thank you. God bless you.
U2 ... what else...?!?!
i was in dublin an on the 24th of july and it was a great night. but then i had a chance to come and see u guys again in zagreb. not even a hospital couldn´t avoid me to come to zagreb to see u again... and i will never regret!!! it was one of your best shows! the best show and a honor to see you was in vienna back in the 90s with your UNFORGETABLE zoo tv tour... thank you to make the croats united and make me proud to be there with u. come back soon...
all my dreams came true.... you manage to wake me up, return my faith to music.thank you from the heart...
Zagreb 2nd night
This was my 5th tour, and I came to Zagreb so I could say that I saw them again, but what happened,it was absolutely " out of my mind experience". The Audience was AMAZING and FANTASTIC. My personal impression is that band felt that special energy and they just responded to it. It was amazing, glad I came. To city of Zagreb, you guys always did great, but this time you really kicked butt.Thanks to everybody..we all made this show one to remember. Simona was cool...:-))
moment of surrender
It truly was a moment of wife and i were on first night.unfortunately we couldn t get on the second.all are life we want it to come on one of your concert and we finally did wife and me had sing every song loud as we are the best band on earth,ever.i think you guys are from space,because this what you doing is not from earth.i really would like to get know like to wrote a1000words to you,but where?your best fan ever--MARY and STIVI
Magical night
There was something in the air that night (beside balloon ;)) and both crowd and U2 felt that... And now, the question is - how to get back to reality after that magical night???
U2 in our hearts
Even that you are gone, to some other place, to people that you going to make happy, Zagreb is still under the influence. We needed such an event….we needed you ! U2 ! I’ve never been among so many people in my whole life. These people are my people. And I felt close to them. We went through big changes. And we are still on the road. But only if could have seen people walking after the concert….walking side by side, like we never walked before. This was not just a concert – this was a remedy .visual.. acoustic…emotional remedy. And my hope is that you will go out in the world, and to perform in many different places, to reach out to a people. For them you will not be just another band. You will unite their souls together, you will connect them…you will make a difference…just like you did in Zagreb. Thank you for that experience! God bless you!
Brilliant show in Zagreb
It was so clear to everyone that U2 really put huge effort into their performance and were present not only physically but emotionally. Waiting 20 years to see the band and hear my fellow Irishmen, the two hour show was really an assault on all the senses - so intense that we didnt have the chance to absorb it all, a little overwhelming. After such a long wait, the show passed in an instant, too fast that I would really love to see it again. And U2's humanitarian message and work humbles us and inspires us to do better for those in need. Thank you, U2.
Larry Mullen, Jr.
Hello, Larry, myself and the good wife are going to see yourself and the boys in Boston (1st night) and in New York (2nd night), get them sorted out and play 'Bad' for us on one of these evenings please. Chas
BONO, EDGE,LARRY, ADAM, THANK YOU A LOOOTTT!!!!! I was in front of the stadium very early in the morning, I'm 14 years old BUT I'M CRAAAAAAAAZYYY ABOUT U2!!! I know every song single song and have every album... Anyway, I WAS TOTTALY FREAKED OUT WHEN U2 CAME ON A STAGE, CRYING LIKE A BABY WHEN THEY PLAYED WHERE THE STREETS... Bono is my secret love and I love him verrrryyyyyyyyy much... I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT U2!!! Thank you for M.A.G.N.I.F.I.C.E.N.T. evening
ONe aND onLY
The unforgettable show under the blue adriatic sky in Zagreb we know your name
Stuck in a lifetime
Thought of myself being incredibley brave, leaving three children (age 6, twins 1,5 yrs) back home with their enormously responsible father as I was going to the concert. What if something happens while I am gone? Would God forgive me? Then I realised. Of course He would. What other choice would He have, anyway? Driving to the stadium, I grew bigger and bigger. But then.... Then God burst my self-inflicted image of bravery, elegantly, as He only can. I saw a women, she was wearing breast pads, her belly was flopping from recent birth, she was limping as her episiotomy wound was still fresh. Her child couldn't be more than a few days old. I began to shrink. A minute later, I saw families, parents with children of a school age, going together to the concert. U2, a family band? When did that happen? Then it hit me. Twenty one years, that's when it happened. That's how long has it been since I first heard U2. I was 13, Rattle and hum had just come out and, somehow, that album remained a turning point of my life. Black and white, I think of U2 and I see black and white. Bought Joshua tree right after that, and all the rest after that. Records were hard to get, then, everything was not served to the palms of our hands as it is today, and we dreamed of a concert. Then the movie came. Critics burried it. Couldn't figure it out. Why? Not a good movie? It was never ment to movie-lovers. It was ment to us. I read that the movie did well only in Ireland and here. Ireland was understandable. But here? Years later, I get it. The people in the West didn't care, they had a privilage of seeing you on stage, live, constantly. We did not. So the movie was the closest thing we had to that. It was even better. Taped it. And rewind it as many times as you like. And hear over and over again how Desire was a musical journey. Anyway, dreaming became easier. But still...We had to wait. And so we have. So have I, for twenty one years. Grew up, in the meantime. Finished medschool, on my way of becoming a surgeon, married to an enternal punker, got kids. And realised many things. For one, bloody sundays won't stop just because we learned the lyrics. And this country has seen many, too many. Poverty will not disappear just beacuse we think it should. One simply HAS GOT TO sit down and talk to the people who hold political power, mere rebelion on stage will not do. Not these days. And so, walk on, my favorite band, and come to us, to Zagreb, again. For we are not stuck in the moment. We are stuck in a lifetime.
we are one
thanks very much for the perfect concert in Zagreb it was beatiful and unforgetible concert.We here have the same problem like you in Ireland and was great lesson for all to forget differences an just have fun. I hope to see you soon maybe even in Pula in Arena. Thanx
It was a most beautiful evning in my life. Everything was perfect; sound, audience, choice of songs, baloon coreography and Simona (Croatian people knows why ;-)). Thx U2!!!
come back soon.......... :(
pls guys come back soon.. i've missed your perfect performans.....i was in hospital ... :( and my friends were colling me form Maksimir, so we were singing with you...... but pls pls pls come again......................
Thank you for giving your soul, your hearts and your trust to Zagreb! We know that we don't have the best stadium, but all of the fans who came have proven that you shouldn't be anywhere else on those two days. Sunday was a great show, but Monday was fantastic! Big thanks to a beautiful person Josipa a.k.a Sony, who organized and insisted on the balloon choreography, and to all beautiful people of Croatian U2 fan club who supported her. See you soon :)
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