In Conversation, In Toronto

9 Sep 201140
As From The Sky Down opens at the Toronto International Film Festival, director Davis Guggenheim joins Bono and Edge in conversation.

Thanks to Toronto International Film Festival for hosting this broadcast which has now ended. If you caught it, add your comments below. If you missed it, we are hoping to rebroadcast it soon .
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Such a great documentary!
I actually went to Toronto specifically to see it and hopefully catch a glimpse of Bono and Edge. I actually ended up having a brief conversation with Bono and got their autograph! The doc and the meeting completely exceeded my expectations! You can read about it all on my blog! Amazing!
I really LOVED From the Sky Down!
I was fortunate enough to get a ticket to the Friday screening of From the Sky Down. It was so awesome to be in a theatre full of hard-core fans....The film was so good, and I have even more respect for U2 now and their unorthodox song-writing process, which allows them to come up with such great songs!!! I was really touched by the film. U2 is so self-deprecating about their talent, and humility is a good thing, even though I just want to scream at them and say: "C'mon you guys, you amaze me over and over again, and stop saying that you don't know what you are doing. One more thing: POP and the Popmart tour were genius as far as I am concerned" (I know...we are not talking about Pop..just saying..)
Please re-broadcast this interview!
I have not had a chance to see the interview due to travel! We were in the TIFF building on the day of the press conference, but of course could not gain access!! Cannot wait to hear it..
I was very sad for not having seen the show here in Brazil, but I have to say about the band U2, simply does not translate into words, but feelings of love, love ...
Once again, Bono and The Edge were talking with that kind of affection, enthusiasm, earnestness, humour and intelligence that never ceases to amaze me. It was absolutely moving to get an insight into their personal thoughts and memories and the great filmmaker Davis Guggenheim perfectly summarised what this band is about: The bottom line of U2;s excellent work is the deep connection between four guys who have always dedicated their mental and physical energy to that bigger idea that changed the world. U2 is a real band as The Edge put it and after all those incredibly successful years U2 are still ambitious to learn, always taking risks, always willing to step out of their comfort zones to question their artistic work again and again. This band is like a sponge eagerly absorbing all kinds of different influences and inspirations and through their creativity they always enter previously unheard sonic territories. Like Davis Guggenheim who does not like feeling safe U2 still expand and develop by raising essential questions instead of providing the answers. This stunning interview also captures the band;s active involvement in the creative working process of the movie. Bono says every word with an uncompromising humility and honesty that is almost shocking...I just want to take this opportunity to say that this incredible band, whose music has already accompanied my life in so many ways for 22 years, is ALWAYS GREAT AND RELEVANT!!!
I Never Comment, But This I Must Say
U2 are not only RELEVANT, but essential, vital, and absolutely necessary. The world is a better place with the four of you in it. By the way, U2 saved my life.....not decades ago, but just last year. Thank you! I love you so very much!
Loved it :)
Thanks both and the director, you're so nice and funny. I could watch part of it live, and I could be listening for hours! Veeery interesting conversation and brilliant observations. Can't wait to see the documentary!
big like
open, honest conversation + good humour = like it :)
Honest film
Watched the interview in the afternoon, then drove to Toronto to see the film on Friday night. I appreciated the band's honesty. While looking back may not be their style, retrospection does open windows to understanding.

Thanks for adding 'making a documentary' to your to-do list!
Feeling like talking!!!
Hey GUYS, I think it\'s about time to have a CONVERSATION in Lima, Perrrrúúúú:)!!!
Dedicated rock gods!!
Thanks again Bono & Edge for the autographs!!! It was so great that you took the time to greet us fans at the Roy Thompson Hall opening night! You guys are so dedicated! I saw the film Friday night and absolutely LOVED it!!! Epic rockstars!! Who\'s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses took me right back to Hawaii!! This song needs to be played next tour. Until next time...take care!
can\'t wait to
see the documentary. Thank you for sharing this with us. hope to see you soon again - live. You are and will always be relevant to me as well as to all your fans around the world and the new fans to come. Have some great holidays - reinvent yourselves as you please, you know about reinvention better than anyone else. And you know we love the element of suprise! C U SOON! xxxx love ya
Bono, where did that come forom?
You guys are anything but irelevant! You should\'ve felt the feelings in the air after your show in Zagreb. It was like sheer optimism in a troubled and suffering country. You guys are exactly what this world needs in this crazy times, when everything seems to be going the wrong way. You give us hope, hope in musuc, hope in the good in people, hope in a better future, and that is rare these days! Please, hang on, we have so much more to ask of you, and ourselves. Now more than ever we need new dreams tonight. Love, Victor - Croatia
Blown Away
I was lucky enough to not only see the Doc at TIFF but get close to both Bono and The Edge..They signed something for me and fans were so thankful as they took time to connect with as many of us as they could. The Doc is incredible. Those of us who adore U2 were on the edge of our seats.I always thought I knew U2 but after seeing this Doc I understand and cherish the music in a different way..just having a better understanding of the creative process and pressures they faced change have changed my outlook on U2.
Is there a transcript available of the Q&A session? I\'m curious what questions were asked from Twitter.
Greetings from Pradise
You all are loved down here in sunny Florida This is long over due to U2!! Send your spaceship back down here. BD0613
Can\'t wait ...
... till they show this again. The more I pay attention to these guys ... the less I realize I know about them.
Nice birthday gift!
Such a nice gift to see Bono and the Edge Live on my birthday. Can\'t wait to see the documentary! Thanks for making my day.
Achtung Baby... the best
I love U2 , thank you
Thanks for providing us live press conference, U2 has made the difference in so many ways for so many of us, and after 26 years we\'re never been disappointed....just the opposite, you always surprised us, all the times, coming back better than before in all ways...and this is one of the reasons why we love you so much!!! Keep rocking MEN OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You\'re the best ever persons and artists on earth!!!!
Another reason I like U2
Continuing to understand why I like U2. Reason #333: they refuse to be safe, curious about world, comfortable in being uncomfortable. Can\'t wait to see the film.
The painting is never done. The poem not quite right. The songs aren\'t complete. Man I\'d love to be able to make the music these guys toss aside. Beautiful artists these 4 are. Congratulations on another stunning tour and what I am certain is a great doc!
like is a strong word
enjoyed the interview, the serious insights and the levity of Bono\'s sense of humour. There is still an enigmatic muse that seems to attend this band and their creations.
edge of Relevance so bono says
no way never.....
Thank You
Great PC - Thanks so much - got to watch it at work!!! What a great day!!! Can\'t wait to see the film.
Achtung.... Baby
Thanks U2 for the view.... : ).
That was cool!
And U2 will NEVER be irrelevant, at least to me and everyone on if that is any comfort.
Have you been listening to your fans?.... never for a minute should you feel irrelevant or anywhere close to the edge of irrelevance. Inspirational through music an causes to many many people in this world full of turmoil. Believe in yourselves.
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