'Wembley Stadium You Know Your Name'

14 Aug 2009115

'I think something's going to happen tonight.' predicted Bono, just a few songs into tonight's opening show at Wembley Stadium. It did too. First The Hours and then Elbow, with a particularly winning set, had caught the mood on a balmy summers evening and from the moment Larry opened up Breathe, the momentum barely slowed.

Too many stand-outs to list but our highlights included: a stomping version of 'Crazy' turning the neighbourhood into a disco; the joyful stadium karaoke of Unknown Caller; some breathtaking new visuals in Sunday Bloody Sunday and Walk On; the opening of 'Still Haven't Found' when 90,000 people took over the vocal; Bono reminiscing about his first visit to this city ( 'I slept on Waterloo Station as an 18 year old with a demo of our song Out of Control, the city's been good to us.' ) and a moving dedication of With or Without You 'For Beautiful Eunice Kennedy Shriver', longtime friend of the band who died earlier this week.

London shows are usually good and this was a great one - but what did you think? Have you caught your breath? How was it ? Add your reviews below: what was your favourite track, the moment you'll never surrender?

No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment (You Can't Get Out Of)
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
Mysterious Ways
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender

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U2 Rocks!
The stage was huge and the band were loud and rockin! My friends and I really enjoyed their latest songs. I was so happy when they started with Breath which is one of my favourites. Highlight of the evening has to be the remix of "I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight" when their heads were bopping and The Edge thre in a couple of shapes. I can't wait for the DVD of the tour to come out!!!
First Time
Fastastic!!!!!!I still can not believe that I finally saw them live!!!!!!!!I dreamt about them since I was 12. I couldn't really heard what Bono was saying, but that really didnt matter because my dream was real. Very emotional for me. Looking forward already for next time. Helena, 28, Slovakia
Over The years Ive been to many Concerts, seen many bands, but one band was left on my list. U2. Been a fan for years but never managed to get tickets, however this year was the year. Waiting outside Wembley on Friday there was a feeling in the air that we were to witness something special, and thats what we got. If theres one thing that should be on everyones lifetime lists of things to do, Going to see U2 Live should be one of them. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end for nearly two hours. The term 'best band in the world' is thrown around quite loosely these days but i feel blessed that many years from now when my grandchildern ask me about my life i will be able to tell them that i did indeed see THE best band in the world. Brilliant !!!
London 14th
Grat show and awsome performance and cant wait for Sheffield. In parts the sound was poor think it may have been the sound from the side speakers echoing around cos other gigs ive been to there have been perfect (compared to the old stadium which never did any one any favours with acoustics). But sying that still loved it and cant wait for the DVD to i can hear the bits of Bonos voice i missed!!!
excellent Gig, U2 always give 100 % !!!
Nick Hutchinson
Amazing show on Friday. my voice is still rough from all the shouting and singing. great to meet new people in the crowd in the pit. a sweaty night indeed. sound was a bit dodgy as some have said but WHO CARES????? best song of the night for me is a toss up between I still haven't found what I'm looking for (with amazing wembley 88,000 voice choir for 1st verse) and magnificent. hopefully see some of u at cardiff next saturday.
14th August Wembley
Another brilliant U2 performance at Wembley! Band and crowd were fantastic. Some of the time Bono's vocals were very hard to hear up in the gods of level 5, unfortunately, but the plus side of being so high up was getting the full effect of the mirror-ball which transformed the stadium into a fairy tale place. 'Loved all the songs - hard to pick a favourite moment. "Still Haven't Found" was a great start, 'Mysterious Ways" is a personal favourite song, and "Surrender" to finish was a touch of genius - that song had already wound it's way into my subconscious so that I dream the lyrics " I was punching in the numbers at an ATM machine"!
aylward+ flynn
what a night.great band great crowd great memories
This was a message from the gods, u2 I thank you, you have given me even more great memories, I cant wait to sing with you again. Peace. X
MAGNIFICENT 'so you are' - so HOT! Just cooled from 2+hrs of going CRAZY!! Exhausted Saturday - couldn't move! The last gig I saw was Joshua Tree at the old Wembley - unforgettable -- have followed close all the way thru. but Friday night - Stuck in a Moment, Unforgettable Fire AWESOME! Boots - Elevation ...almost peed ma pants!! :-)) I think we all 'found what we're looking for '. THANKYOU - STILL YOU ROCK -- STILL YOU ARE THE BEST XXXXXX Sal & Russ ps great shame about muffled sound at times, couldn't hear you clearly enough in M122, but we will forgive - the atmosphere was electric!
Thank you U2: you simply blew me away. I was in the Gold Circle, first row right below Edge, and I have no words to describe how amazing and magical the whole gig has been. LOVED IT, and i'm so looking forward to seeing you again. Thank you!
Brilliant night. Just outside inner circle - just missed out on the pit but can't complain. Its a few years since i have been that close to Bono! Loved everything about the night - all the songs.Rang my sister in Germany when they did UFF so she could enjoy them too.We met some great people in the crowd and hope that the lady who fainted next to me was ok - it was very hot at the front - hope you got to see all of the show. U2 are the best, always have been and I think always will be. Love you xxx
Went to Fridays and then Saturdays gig....I found both concerts very (the same but very very different) in an odd way?? Fridays with Elbow - just raised the curtain - with the arms swaying in the sun, it was just fantastic - Saturdays with Bad - just got me....emotional - sang my heart out....Thank you and God Bless you!
Lori Miller
Well what can I say Amazing, Amazing, Amazing. Loved all the songs that they played , I didn't want it to end. Bono was fantastic as always. Can't wait for their next tour.
Fantastic! Felt honoured to hear The Unforgettable Fire and Sunday Bloody Sunday and all the rest of their amazing songs. Felt disappointed by the sound at times and I had a rather large claw obstructing my view of Bono (even though I bought expensive tickets). Anyway, enough of the moaning - they are officially the biggest band in the world and I sang my little heart out and clapped my hands until they were sore!
This is why U2 are & have been the world
One word, FANFEKKINGTASTIC! Agree with some of the comments that the sound was echoey & ropey but think this is down to the stadium. Have seen U2 on ZOO, POP & VERTIGO tours but this is by far the most impressive, See you all at Don Valley on Thursday, small & intimate venue!!!
oh bugger it
.......i earlier gave a four out of five due to the claw leg obstructing my view....but after recalling the night with my gorgeous and lovely lady and what a great gig and time we had....its deffo a big 5!!!!
U2 Wembley 14th August
Brilliant as ever! My only regret is I was in the posh seats area -standing in the masses would have been much better with a more electric atmosphere (if only I wasn't a shortie!).Favourite songs of the night were Walk On and Stuck in a Moment but wish they'd played Kite - another song which would have made me sob!
Sunday Bloody Awesome!
Never heard Sunday Bloody Sunday sound so powerful, what a version we had last night and was chuffed at the respect given to Joe Strummer. Must admit my view was obstructed by a 'claw' leg but apart from that a pretty bloody brilliant night!
U2 Excelled
What a superb concert. The newer songs held their own against the old favourites, and no matter how long they've been playing these guys never sound jaded. I took my 12 year-old for the first time - and it won't be his last I can tell by his reactions!
stuck in a moment
OH my god. They just get better and better. 11 hours of queing and it was worth every aching muscle. Didnt want it to end.
Great great show!! What a stadium and what a crowd!! Crazy tonight is my favourite this tour! Great to hear unforgettable fire, unknown caller and mysterious ways, as I missed them in Amsterdam. Everything was perfect, although I would have loved to hear Bad again..
Absolutely awesome
My first show this tour and I was blown away. My friend and I went without knowing the setlist, and Ultra Violet and Unforgettable Fire were massive and fantastic surprises! We were really close to the front of the stage, everyone rocking out was awesome.
Great London Show
We came all the way from Sydney, Australia and it was a great show. The crowd were great, we were surrounded by friendly, fun concert goers. The show was great - they always give so much to their fans. Were at Vertigo gigs in Australia in 2006. The best band to see live! The sound quality was a bit disappointing at times and Bono difficult to hear sometimes, but U2 are the best. Hope to see them in Australia next year!! Please!!?? Thanks U2 for a great show!!
Incredible Set
Special to hear Unforgettable Fire and MLK. The mix of old and new was as always brilliant. Sound on Level 5 was actually pretty good; really noticed how good it was on Stuck In A Moment. Great to hear Ultraviolet again, and Bono's vocals were spot on ... I remember when we could sleep on stones ... fantastic! Would love to catch this show again - visually stunning.
If the video above continued for another few minutes there was the moment that made my hairs stand on end, all 88000 singing Still Havent Found' and the band going quiet in awe!! Excellent night.. missed Until The End Of The World being on the set but cant have everything!! 21st time I've seen U2, but definitely one of the best 5 I've seen!
Dave C
This show was amazing! I saw them at twickenham on the last tour but this 100% greater than that. I was only 3 people from the outer stage and the atmosphere there was amazing. Just an all round amazing show and well worth the 5 hour wait in the queue.
Awesome- Rock on
Well Wembley was great from the pit yesterday despite a back ache. Stood pretty much centre and had great all round views of the guys. I was keen to focus on the Edge and thoroughly enjoyed that. Its great to see the riffs that you know so well being played. Shame you don't have the full appreciation of the stage at such close quarters but hey it was my choice to be up close
The Jumper
Last night was special, been seeing U2 on each tour since 1981... (bit old me)...but last night had some truely moving moments for me....firstly after all the chaos and 5 hrs queuing getting in the inner circle was just the best and then hearing the unforgettable fire and ultraviolet was incredibly wonderful!! And yeah everyone singing still havent found sounded phenomenal! Oh and not to forget ELBOW! They were the biz! So cool :)
The boys are literally on fire at the moment. Thought I'd be gutted if they didn't play Bad, but there were so many moments I don't know where to start. The entire audience singing I Still Haven't Found, The Unforgettable Fire, MLK, the remix of I'll Go Crazy to the mobile phones in Moment of Surrender. A truly unforgettable night. Thanks guys, keep on amazing me.....
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