For the Italians who inspired it... for the Irish...

17 Mar 2020120

For the Italians who inspired it... for the Irish... for ANYONE who this St. Patrick’s day is in a tight spot and still singing. For the doctors, nurses, carers on the front line, it's you we’re singing to. 

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Italian soul
Thank you Bono. I'm one of your Italian fans and I rember when you said during an Italian concert 'the spirit of Italian and Irish people is quite similar.
Tutti uniti ce la faremo❤️
Thank you Bono
Stay at home and take care.
I always like Bono's way with words and his ability to express himself like no other. We're all feeling a bit of everything right now and his music helps it pass. Well done. My only hope is to see it live after they release the next album!!!!
From Italy
Thank you so much! We must sing all togher, ONE, if we are ONE we can win! All of my love Manu
What a wonderful hug!!
Thank you for this bright spot!! Love love love.
Mi hai aperto il cuore oggi quando ho visto il tuo viso e hai iniziato a cantare. Sono una semplice infermiera ormai sgangherata di Cure Pallliative, che non lavora più al fronte. In questi anni ho visto e senito tanta sofferenza e dolore ma c'era comunque quel contatto e tatto umano, che arricchiva ancor più la relazione infermiera/paziente. Ora c'è con distanza e non è la stessa cosa. Passerà...Passerà anche questa o passeremo noi. Certo che le tue parole e la tua calorosa voce infondono così tanto coraggio e speranza. Ti PREGO Bono stai attento e proteggi te e i tuoi cari, Larry, Adam e Tghe Edge,uscendo il meno che potete da casa. Vi prego Voglio potervi vedere in qualche altro concerto o almeno sapere che co siete. God bless you and U2 and humanity
Thanks form Italy
thank you so much for these so warm words and sweet music . . .
van driver
brilliant heartfelt words...
true feelings
thanks bono.
Bono the great
Juste envie de pleurer...Bono émouvant comme toujours.
Hi U2 members and staff, I am really sad for people who suffer this sickness or any other all around the word. I’m in Galicia. North West Spain. Many people are in quarantine at the moment. Nice tune Bono!!! I miss so much Ireland, a place where I have lived and I know well and nice Dalkey/Killiney too. Hopefully I could travel to Ireland after finish all of this. Again, I am deeply saddened by the news of human loss. Only fighting together around the word can win the battle. Like in many other things….. This another example who is going to test our human being empathy. Take care Bono and U2 members, we still need your music!!! Bye and see you soon from Vigo!!! Carlos
Thank you! Stay safe, cousin!
Thank you
I have always found strength and inspiration in your songs and now, in fear, sadness and uncertainty of the darkest hour, you give us these words... that help me to resist.
Thanks from Belgium
Songs of Hope!
Grazie Bono!
Grazie Bono, grazie per la tua sensibilità e questo bellissimo brano! Spero di rivederti presto in tour quando tutto questo finirà! Un'abbraccio a tutti
Beautiful Melody
I want to listen to it full soon.
There is No Them, There’s Only Us
Thank you for communicating the words of hearts when so many of us are at a loss of words. As a long-time U2 Fanatico, I am once again amazed how the music of U2 takes on different and deeper meanings during these chapters in history and our personal lives. There is A Light We
Are waitin g for that new-born Miracle Drug like this Son g. We? stand togerher over here in The Netherlands and We? fellt close with everyOne who is capped by the viris. We? stand together. Love and Wishdom. V-Hunter, Detlev Lassche. Miss You Sugar. .. ... 14:40.
Thank You
What a gift you & your voice are to this world! Thank you Bono, this made me smile in these strange times. Keep safe!
Grazie Bono
Grazie Bono , grazie per la tua immensa sensibilità e umanità. Il Signore ti ha donato un cuore per tutti gli esseri umani. Una mente d’oro un’intelligenza Angelica. Grazie Bono. Dio ti benedica, Salvo.
Nice melody Thank you
I want to listen fast and full.
Everything will be fine
thanks from Italy! our heart is big and together we will make it! See you soon Bono
It seemed to me very strange that Bono didn' t pronounce any speech in this moment of difficulty.I am happy that he has done it!
Spero di potervi risentire presto.... ❤️
Sing - Zootopians Sing So timely - I am constantly amazed at this bands ability to keep in touch with the world, and be forever current and relevant, Thanks you
Love the lyrics! Thank you for sharing your love.
The Goal is Elevation
Thanks from NY. Keep the faith!
Thank you!!
Thank you Bono!! Please stay safe as well as all in U2, your families, friends and crew.
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