For the Italians who inspired it... for the Irish...

17 Mar 2020120

For the Italians who inspired it... for the Irish... for ANYONE who this St. Patrick’s day is in a tight spot and still singing. For the doctors, nurses, carers on the front line, it's you we’re singing to. 

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Please Please Please
Ive Been a fan since the mid 80's, Ive seen you play in many places, you've Drank my beers, and this song is a song of hope for us all. When you posted this I was grateful, as a musician I was crushed and torn to pieces, everything shutting down, my dreams were being shut out. I had time booked @ windmill lanes studios. Living in the states I'm still waiting for this opportunity. I'm grateful for everyone at Windmill lanes they are kind and gentle souls, and I believe this song should be on your next album. along with a handful of others over the years.
On record
Time to share it on various music platforms. Great song!
I have a pray
Dear U2 and Bono, It's a very nice and tender song... My first pray is that this terrible Covid-19 will be behind us very soon My second pray is that you are secretly planning a hugging tour for this woonded world in the end of this epidemic. thank you, Yaron
Sing4Life, For Others and With Me
Dear U2 & Bono, Loved your performance of Bad at Live Aid 1985 and Bono's Let Your Love Be Known. I have seen you several times in Vancouver! There are 2 questions I have. 1. How would you like to play a song or two for an online benefit helping feed a town in Africa that has been affected badly by the lockdown? I can put you in touch with the founders. 2. How would you like to be interviewed just quickly on what made you thrive and inspire original content artists and then perform a song and/or also watch one original song being performed? Prerecorded or Livestreamed then a video podcast. Talk to me, inspire others, play and then see a song performed in authentic fashion, none of all the fancy production, just authentic through computer, smart phone, video audio. Both for Sept. You probably get this all the time but feel feel free to contact me through Have a great weekend. Michael
Hey Bono, I'd like to sing in your phone
Great song, great lyrics! Blessings for everyone!
Thanks from Italy
Thank you for your beautiful song and your generosity. We're two your italian fans and we hope to see you soon again in Italy. Alex and Dasa from Torino.
Happy Vibes
Everyone needs to find their happy from somewhere. This song makes me feel happy and hopeful. Thank you Bono for this and all of your songs that speak to me.
Very fitting
I can't wait to hear a full band version of this one. Since it was inspired by the Italians I included a pic of me in Venice. Thanks Bono. God bless.
Thank you.....
... to be close to the Italian people. Now and always close to the peoples of the world. Stefano Cattaneo
Grazie Bono! Grazie U2!
Great Band. ... Great song!
So beautiful!
Thanks Bono for this beautiful song, and thanks for the others you have created. U2 is the soundtrack of my life.
Love conquers all
Just love this, thank you Bono! You've inspired so many for so long, not only with the eloquence of your songs but with your pioneering work for world peace and justice. You've also this morning encouraged me to keep singing, and to be less shy in sharing. I wrote and recor.cded a song some years ago which can be found at It's called 'Love from the Sky' I hope you like it. Warmth and hope x
You're so beautiful man, i just say thank you for this song, it's generous, it's beautiful
We need more
No offense. Worldwide Pandemic. Release something—something live from the vault, play live and sloppy in your living rooms, give us the comfort food of the soul—some classic U2 we’ve not heard. We need it. We need it now. To borrow a title from an under appreciated U2 song, Please?
Kim ballingham
Let your love be known! Awesome Bono❤️
Let your love be known
Brilliant. Thank you.
U2.. Thank you for all the songs you have given the world so far. God has used you to bless, inspire and encourage many people of several generations!!! THANK YOU!!! May God please bless you with more songs, if it be His will. Your work has blessed my journey and I am so grateful for your hard work.
Thank you Bono- my dad thinks you are a
Thank you Bono and U2 for all the beautiful songs. I took my aging father to the 2017 Joshua Tree tour at Met Life Stadium- his first U2 concert- something I wanted to do to be able to remember when time marches on and he is no longer with us. Yesterday he sent me a text from upstate NY where he is quarantined, fearful of getting sick. It said "Sitting by the fire. Listening to U2 on Alexa. Wanted you to know the U2 concert was one of the greatest memories of my life. Appreciated it immensely. Just wanted you to know. Dad. P.S. He might be a prophet" I agree completely. Thank you so much and God bless everyone affected by the crisis.
Just what we all need
The amazing voice of Bono crooning for a cause!!!. Thank you oh so much!!! In these uncertain trying n dangerous times it's just what we all needed!!!
Let your love be known
I think this song could be a hit or at least at least a great fundraiser for the many organizations that are struggling right now, Been following you boys for almos 40 years, love you music, love your message, and love the way you carry yourselves. Would give my left arm to meet you but that dream is slowly dwindling. Keep making music Bono, I sing your lyrics day and night.☘️
Beautiful song !
Hi Bono, incredible, I don't have words. I've been listening to you since I was 14, it's been a long time. Hahaha. But you can always surprise me. Thank you for all those beautiful songs! Recently I had such a crazy dream :-). I went out in front of the house and there you were all waiting for me .... Adam, Larry, You and Edge :-). And if I go with you for a beer :-). Well crazy dream, but beautiful. I would have a beer with you now! So have a good time and sometimes come and ring :-).
Be visible
Dear Bono, Larry, Adam and Edge, Thank you for being there and sharing your thoughts. It would be so amazing for us to hear or read something from you these days. I would like to ask if you could post your thoughts, poems, songs, instruments, fears and hopes online. Let us unite. Stay safe!
Spanish pain
Bono, thanks a lot for your song, your soul, for everything. In Spain we are suffering as much as our Italian cousins. We need your words, your kindles. My parents are both very grave in a Madrid Hospital without any contact with us ( their family ) and any contact between them... they’ve been separated... Many situations like this in this days. My parents name are Domingo & Toñi. Thanks Bono. Thanks U2. Débora.
My parents
Lovely song my Dear Bono. My parents are both very grave at the hospital. Separated and very sick...fighting for their lives, in a Hospital in Madrid. No news nothing. I’m at home waiting for some lights or news but I only can wait. They are called: Domingo and Toñi. By the way...thanks to my mum I’m your best fan.. when I was only twelve she brought me at home the Joshua tree tape... lots of love and thanks for all Bono. Débora Conde
Bono... thanks
Thanks! Thanks ! Thanks for thinking us, our doctors, our helthcare operators. Our italian situation is extremely drammatic, all our deaths... but there is always a end and we will reget up. Thanks Elena
Hey you 4 guys we all love, please use the current COVID-19 pandemic as an inspiration to understand what it must be like for all those in the front line. Our doctors, nurses, registrars, Final year student doctors and nurses, porters, canteen staff, cleaners, ambulance staff, and all those affected directly and indirectly be this global crisis need your vital tunes now more than ever. We are all effected. Work is running out. Social space tightening In the end we must all come together as One. Plan to celebrate the future when we all get there. Keep safe. Observe the rules. We can all get there together. Inconvenience is short lived. Humanity needs to be permanent.
Everything changes
All is quiet in these days. A world unknown gets underway. I want to be with you, be with you night and day. Everything changes in these days. I will begin again. I will be with you again.
We love you, B!!!! With your beautiful voice and your songs we will survive ❤️
Gracias, Bono!! Tu persona, letras y la inmensa banda a la que representas, siempre nos regalan una canción que va acorde a una situación vivida o a la venidera. No podía fallar en esta oportunidad donde las frustraciones y las limitaciones están a la orden del día. Abrazo fraterno desde Montevideo, Uruguay.
Paddy Woods
Thanks Bono.Can't wait till we meet up again
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