First Downloads & Tracklisting

27 Sep 202290

It's on the way...

'U2 Achtung Baby 30 – Live', featuring twelve show-stopping performances from three decades of touring, is now in manufacturing. (Track listing below.)

As of today, we'll be regularly releasing tracks in the run-up to dispatch of the deluxe CD set which includes a striking photo booklet and a specially commissioned commentary from Bill Flanagan.

If you've resubscribed for 2022, when you're signed in, click on Account Info from the drop-down menu on the top right of the page and you'll find the first two downloads from 'U2 Achtung Baby 30 – Live' waiting for you.

Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (Live from e+i Tour, Belfast, 28th October 2018) and Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World (Live from The Zoo TV Tour, Dublin 28th August 1993)

In the comments below post your review of these first two tracks (maybe you were there on one of those nights?) and let everyone know what you think of the track listing.

In the coming days we'll be emailing qualifying subscribers with information on dispatch times. (Please note: manufacturing is taking place in both Europe and North America, following subscriber suggestions last year.)

'U2 Achtung Baby 30 – Live'. 

1. Zoo Station - Live from The VERTIGO tour, BUENOS AIRES, 2nd March 2006
2. Even BETTER than the REAL THING - Live from The POPMART tour, REGGIO EMILIA, 20th September 1997
3. ONE - Live from THE JOSHUA TREE 2017 tour, SAO PAULO, 19th October 2017
4. until the END of the WORLD - Live from the i+e tour, BARCELONA, 5th October 2015
5. who's gonna RIDE your WILD HORSES - Live from e+i Tour, BELFAST, 28th October 2018
6. SO cruel - Live from the ZOOTV tour, MICHIGAN, 9th September 1992
7. The FLY - Live from the ZOOTV tour, LONDON, 20th August 1993
8. MYSTERIOUS ways - Live from the U2360 tour, CAPE TOWN, 18th February 2011
9. TRYIN' to throw your ARMS around the WORLD - Live from the ZOOTV tour, DUBLIN, 28th August 1993
10. ULTRA violet (light my WAY) - Live from the U2360 tour, BUENOS AIRES, 2nd April 2011
11. ACROBAT - Live from the e+i Tour, MANCHESTER, 19th October 2018
12. LOVE IS blindness - Live from the ZOOTV tour, TEXAS, 16th October 1992

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Where is Mexico City?
According to Bill Flanagan in his book at the end of the world one of the best stops on the zootv tour was in mexico city, why not consider a track that has been played in one of the 4 concerts he gave during said tour in the city from mexico? a little disappointing, because i thought they would put the complete tracklist with songs from just the zootv tour since i consider it was the most overwhelming tour of the 90s
I was in Detroit for that performance of So Cruel! So excited for this compilation--and I love it when a performance I was at gets released!
para cuando la gira achtung baby 2023 ??
De ese track list Yo estuve en el de Barcelona y en el de Belfast , el de Belfast , concierto perfecto por aforo y por entrega de la banda
When is the Achtung Baby, 30yr anniversary tour going to happen? We are so ready for it and will follow y’all, all over the globe!!! The last tours were the most exciting and awe-struck shows we have seen! It has been one kick-ass album after the next and to get to celebrate each one 20-30yr later is absolutely priceless. The enduring longevity of the band, the continuous creation of inspiring and thoughtful music, and non-stop attention and awareness of the goal for peace and the fight for human rights, make U2 the best band of all time. D&J
Que mala selección de las canciones. Deberian ser todas del zoo tv tour y en su caso de canciones que no se tocaron en ese tour. No de tours como vertigo, 360 o The Joshua Tree tour 17. No tienen el espíritu de cuando salió el Achtung baby. Cada vez mas me decepciona Creo que ya no renovaré la suscripción.
Love the Album Layout
Cool homage to the Achtung Baby album cover art!! Looks like a great catalog of hardware, software, and men’s wear.
What a GREAT Tour
I saw the tour at a couple of stops, none of these, but they must be good if they were better than the versions I saw!!!
Love the new packaging and love the idea of an all-star live album!
Nice live album!
We were in Dublin on August 28, 1993, (at the front!) and still have the cassette recording of the live broadcast live either on RTE or BBC. We got the train from Northern Ireland. A game changer album and tour in the information age and political landscape. Thanks lads for this great album.
Excelent memories for those Buenos Aires dates Maybe a 4K material will be great in 2023… Thanks
Makes me so happy to see Dallas from the ZooTV tour! I was there and 16 years old. It was my second time to see U2. I’ve been fortunate to see the band play 38 times and still just as exciting as when I was younger. I hope the 2023 tour rumors are true!!
So Cruel
I was there for "So Cruel" in Detroit. It was the night of the MTV Awards with Dana Carvey as Garth from Wayne's World playing drums to EBTTRT. Great night.
Cannot Wait!
So looking forward to this. Was at my first show in Chicago in 1992 and seen every tour since. I think this is a stellar choice and a fantastic idea for the fan club. NOT A COMPLAINT, but would have loved the Even Better from Glastonbury, but there is not a bad choice here. Please keep releasing these unique live packages!
Is that it???
None of the covers from the Zooropa tour? Satellite of Love? Help? Disappointed at only 12 songs thought it was from the zooropa tour
Wow live from Detroit!!
MTV and Garth from Wayne’s World. Seems we are worthy after all.
I wish this had Zoo Station performance
Finally! I’m a little bummed however that they didn’t pick a Zoo Station performance from the first leg of the Zoo TV tour. I vividly remember the deafening roar of the Nassau Coliseum crowd when Bono sang his ad lib intro before The Edge, Larry and Adam took the stage. It was electrifying.
What a wonderful time, the band was just incredible. I was at both the Dublin shows. Just thinking about the Love is blindness finally gives me the chills.
Great News
Great news, eager to receive this CD from Bonos Aires.
Two unique songs of my favorites, not so played on other tours. Perfect choice for this release.
Great memory, can't wait!
Achtung baby
Was at Manchester for acrobat
You’ve Made The Right Choice!
Beyond thrilled to see a POPMART performance made the cut!! Cheers!!
Appreciate avoiding Sydney!
Thankful they went around the iconic Sydney show since we've all seen and heard those performances. This is an outstanding list with a great variety of 1990s or 2010s as bookends. Love it!
I can't wait any longer!! AB30 is coming!!
Oh my... holy sh...
Love it! Need more of this. Maybe a second disc with alternatives. AB was the best decade
Brilliant track list
I was at both Belfast and Dublin !!!! Magical Nights
I was at the Belfast 2018 and Dublin 1993 (my first ever concert) so delighted about these choices. Looking forward to hearing So Cruel!
So Excited!!
Looks amazing Lads worth the wait…Thank you!
I was there!
Fantastic. I was there at the Belfast and Manchester gig in 2018 so it's great to have professionally recorded tracks from those nights.
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