Edge Chat - Complete Transcript

11 Oct 2001
Edge came online to chat to U2 fans across the world last night.

Sitting at a lap top in the backstage area of The Joyce Centre, Notre Dame, Indiana, Edge logged in to the pre-webcast chat of thousands of fans and answered questions on an array of subjects.

From whether he is thinking about the housework while he is onstage, to when the band will visit South America, U2's guitarist proved as versatile as online as onstage. And after forty minutes of chatting, Edge logged out and headed for the stage and the opening concert of the final leg of Elevation 2001.

Below we carry the complete transcript of the Edge web-chat.

Edge: hi, this is edge, i'm on line now

Edge: I'm just checkin your questions at the moment, will be with you shortly

Edge: It's noisy where we are, Garbage are in the background rehearsing

Edge: They are singing 'Stupid Girl' right now

Moderator: U2Question from tofubeast: Edge... What fashionable shirts will you be wearing this time around?

Edge: I try to avoid fashion if at all possible

Moderator: U2Question from giddyup: What is it like being the most talented member in the band?

Edge: I'm sure you say that to all the guys

Moderator: U2Question from U2isable: why do you keep getting beat up in your videos?

Moderator: U2isABLE> U2Question from U2isABLE: Edge - why do you keep getting beat up on in your videos? First New Year's Day (walking in the cold w/o any fire), then Numb, and now the US Version of Stuck in a Moment! Why you?

Edge: I suppose I filled out the wrong form when I joined the band, definitely the best gig is being the manager. Lots of lunches etc

Moderator: U2 question from elisejean: when you are playing live, do you ever think of the cooking or housework?

Edge: Never ever ever. Breakfast, did I remember to turn the kettle off but no never housework.

Moderator: U2Question from Ecuadoria: do you ever plan to visit South America ..Ecuador maybe?????????

Edge: We love South America and so far we've only made it to Argentina, Brazil and Chile. We would love to get to Ecuador and all the other countries we haven't got to.

Moderator: U2Question from Six: What songs will you play on this leg that you didn't play on the last? Edge: I think 'Peace On Earth' will get an airing and 'Whats Going On', though we haven't decided how we're going to play it yet, and we've only got 45mins to decide!

Moderator: U2Question from partygirl: If you could put together your dream band, composed of any musicians past or present, living or dead, who would you pick?

Edge: Ghandi on percussion, Martin Luther King on Bass, Guitar would be Isaac Newton, Keyboards Beethoven, Vocals JC.

Moderator: U2Question from u2vox: Edge, for a fellow guitarist. You can only have one: SDD 3000 or TC2290. Which do you choose?

Edge: SDD 3,000 -just for the tone.

Moderator: U2Question from Rufus: Any significance of the number 7 on your t-shirts?

Edge: I never know the significance of the number of my t-sheet until someone tells me later

Moderator: U2Question from EdgesGirl: Boxers or briefs??? A girls gotta know ;-)

Edge: briefs

Moderator: U2Question from RavenStar: how do you put up with Bono?

Edge: he's a great mate of mine and he can sing. Whats there to put up with?

Moderator: U2Question from awakening: on a different note. Why did you smash up the guitar in Boston?

Edge: cause I thought we murdered the song.

Moderator: U2Question from USA4U2: what is your favorite chord?

Edge: A minor

Moderator: U2Question from daveakaed: Hi Edge, your singing has come along way since numb, will we see more singing interaction from you on the next album

Edge: yes, already started plans for a rock opera - 'Life On The Edge'!

Edge: Bono's such a great singer, it would seem weird to have anyone else in the band sing lead.

Moderator: U2Question from fredstab: Edge : Are you gonna take 1-2 year break before the next recording sessions ?

Edge: I think we'll definitely take at least a weekend off at the end of tour before we start working on new songs. It's been a hard year.

Moderator: U2Question from dr_fusion: What was it like being back in Slane Castle after 20 years?

Edge: the traffic was far worse but there was a few more people who turned out to see us this time round.

Moderator: U2Question from got_edge: WHAY ARE YOU SUCH A GENIUS?

Edge: I'm glad you asked me that MUM...

Moderator: U2Question from skytree: you look like Spock. Are you sure you aren't a Vulcan hiding your pointy ears under your hats?

Edge: Beam me up Scottie!

Moderator: U2Question from zooropop: Edge, on stage, can you SEE us ?

Edge: I remember you from the last show, you were the woman with the red jumper. the woman 225 from the left.

Moderator: U2Question from Oestes: Edge, what song is your favorite to play live?

Edge: 'Walk On' this week. It changes all the time.

Moderator: U2Question from anna: i' very curious if you and the rest of the band who did a tribute to herman brood, the dutch rock and roller, really knew him

Edge: Yes, we knew Herman not terribly well. We had a few great nights with him, he will be sorely missed.

Moderator: U2Question from joc: are the Irish the best crowd to play to in Ireland?

Edge: In my experience 'YES' moderator> U2Question from bono1: Edge type faster

Edge: Feck Off BONO

Moderator: U2Question from Robert: Have you anything special planned for such a small environment tonight?

Edge: try not to bump in to each other. try to play on time. try to remember what song we're playing etc etc


Edge: what video for 'Red Hill'?

Moderator: U2Question from heroine: WHAT IS THE HARDEST u2 SONG TO PLAY LIVE EDGE!?

Edge: Stairway to Heaven

Moderator: U2Question from rd_r: r u gonna work with destinys child

Edge: they've already been part of 'Whats going On' the song has produced for 'Artists Against Aids' and the Sept 11th fund.

Moderator: U2Question from KolYe: How has the band been affected by the recent acts of terrorism in the us?

Edge: I'm sure pretty much like everyone. It's been the backdrop to everything we've done since we heard the news. I had to stop watching CNN 24hrs a day after doing it for 1 week.

Moderator: U2Question from Kose: edge will Ireland qualify for the world cup

Edge: I've very good feeling about this and I'm looking forward to a trip to Japan myself if I get the chance.

Moderator: U2Question from wetwet: what songs from the past you would like to compose?

Edge: 'All The Time In The World' and 'Tangled Up In Blue' by Bob Dylan, 'One' - oh we did write that!

Moderator: U2Question from The-Fly: Can we expect an unplugged U2 album anytime in the future?

Edge: We do a little unplugged every night we play so, I don't know if we'll actually do a full record. Alot of our songs sound good played on acoustic instruments. So who knows.

Moderator: U2Question from wolf_Q: you have any pets? :D Edge: we have a cat called Velcro!

Moderator: U2Question from eggman: what to you think about mantra meditation edge?

Edge: let me think about that one!

Moderator: U2Question from numb12ten: How was it like in early U2 before you got famous? Was it scary how did you overcome discouragement?

Edge: I think from the very beginning we were too naive the possibility of failure and then we found ourselves in a half decent rock and roll band with a record deal.

Moderator: what do you think of u2.com

Edge: what do YOU think of u2.com?

Moderator: U2Question from salome: any plans to release an album as well as DVD from boston?

Edge: No albums the DVD is the album.

Moderator: U2Question from mjk: can I have some money please, seeing as youve got lots of it!

Edge: Naff off Larry!

Moderator: U2Question from One_Dead_: edge exactly how many effects do you use on stage

Edge: I never use effects. There an integral part of the sound

Moderator: U2Question from nanner: What to you think of the campus of Notre Dame?

Edge: It's very beautiful and we want to thank Fr Scully for the lend of the hall!

Moderator: U2Question from violetbee: What was the last movie you saw?

Edge: 'George Washington' - movie made in North Carolina

Moderator: U2Question from bigtwin: How did it feel playing Sort of Homecoming at Slane

Edge: we didn't do a very good version in Slane but it was amazing to play that song again at the castle after so many years.

Moderator: U2Question from Raquel: how do we know is really you?

Edge: 'to be is to do' Aristotle 'to do is to be' Jean Paul Sartre' 'do be do be do' Frank Sinatra

Moderator: U2Question from ElQueve: Edge do you ever go camping?

Edge: I once went camping in Australia and nearly got bitten by a spider but it was fun having breakfast with the kangeroos


Edge: my brother Richard - he learned a year before i did and it looked like a cool thing to do.

Moderator: we are finishing up in a minute, two more questions...

Moderator: U2Question from matthawk: EDGE, Have you met jimmy page or collaborated with any other cool musicians beside your bandmates

Edge: yeah, I have met Jimmy at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He seemed like a nice bloke but BB King was the guy that I was blown away by.

Moderator: U2Question from Mirrorbal: What kinds of books do you like to read?

Edge: at the moment I'm ready 'No Logo' by Naomi Klein. 'Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare' by Paul Colinvaux

Edge: I've gotta go running outta change, there's alot of things if I could I'd rearrange.

Edge: Thanks for logging on and take care.

Edge: EDGE

Moderator: Edge has left the room...but not the building. Thanks for tuning in, enjoy the webcast tonight.


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