And the winners are...

6 Mar 201241
'The original painting is from 1991. I was 12 years old, just left behind my safe but also restricted childhood in East Germany, facing future with the new 'west'. I felt like drowning from all the new impulses in that time. The painting had stayed in the cellar until today, colours faded but the theme is more present than ever... '

The painting is called 'without' and the artist is Jana Beier and she's won her very own Trabant in the competition to celebrate the 20th anniversary edition of Achtung Baby. The band's longtime visual masterminds - designer Shaughn McGrath and photographer Anton Corbijn - invited artists to submit photographs or artwork which would feature on the Achtung Baby sleeve, if it was released today.

While Jana from Germany was the 'Host's Choice' in the competition, the People's Choice award - winning the popular vote - went to Ukrainian photographer Zoya Shu with 'On The Fly', an eye-catchingly surrealist perspective on the fall of the Wall. 'So pay attention, the babies that were born in 1991 are now the adults and still going strong. It's no secret...'

Also named winners were Ana Coello; Roman Soloviev; Olga Bannikova; Gene Jimenez: Lucie Bascoul; IIona Muis; Ryan O'Neill; Eugenio Gonzalez; Julian De Angelis; Susan Hamilton Peterson; Lilit Simonyan; Irmak Akcadogan; Keri Huber and Jacob Baldwin:

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Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners. I would also like to hear why they were chosen. Maggie
Number 3 by ana coello is the best
My favourite is number 3. Maybe you cant read spanish, but is says hope, and it is publicity for a Chavez suporter ex governor. Althoug it offers hope, people have to be warned with regimes like these, populist and facists!. And that painting is near my home :p so I love it. evelin From Venezuela :D
Throwing my arms around the world
I want to thank you for offering this contest to your fans. I am one of the lucky ones to be chosen by Shaughn McGrath and Anton Corbijn from a thousand entries and I am truly honored. Words cannot express how grateful I am to be a part of this and to be among such talent. Many highlights in my life have an involvement with U2 in one way or another. This is one of them. Thank you, ever so much. – Keri H.
Achtung Baby
Congratulations to the winners of the contest. It was a honor to have participated in the contest and if somebody wants to see my work, access the link. It is like this that I see U2 and them healthy very important for me. Juliana Fortunato - Caxambu/MG - Brazil
tina lyons
no contest -
of course the choice had to be from Jana Beier - well deserved selection to win the Trabant, brava! Not sure why that photo won the "People's Choice", but if the Ukrainian guy also won a Trabant, I'd be annoyed.
Thank You!
This is incredible. I was excited just to have my artwork looked at by Shaughn and Anton but to actually be chosen as a winner is a dream come true! Thanks U2 for making this possible once again. First time was when I got to play on stage at the Staples Center during the Vertigo Tour. First dream come true was playing Adam Clayton's Bass on U2's stage. Second dream come true is having my artwork be chosen to be a part of this new Achtung Baby collage! I can't wait to see the final product!
well done Ilona!!
You won for me! x
Achting Baby
Hello, the vote for the contest was for the 15 more voted by people, so it was by popularity, and one was voted by Anton Corbjin and Shaun McGrath. I partcipated in this contest, but i couldn't win, here's my work i hope you like it, Thank You!
Aline A
So creative. Good job everyone. Congratulations to the winners.
Arab Spring
The recent events of the Arab Spring represents my submission.. “Revolution, Faith, Perseverence, Human Rights, Democracy, Hope; all as ONE.” "So many people on the Tahrir Square in Cairo, persevering, with so much hope for a better future..this made me think of the Berlin wall, in the time that Achtung Baby was being recorded in Berlin. The liberation after the suppression. Even though there is still a long way to go for many Arab countries where today fighting still takes place, I hope that one day all will have democracy and freedom. In regards to my contribution: It’s the spring of new life as represented by the lilies. Lilies are the flower of easter, symbolizing rebirth. Behind the lilies is a veiled woman, filled with hope but also fear of what is to come." Ilona Muis
I can't wait to see the final collage. It is awesome to be selected as one of this group of winners. This is a Dream Come True! Thank You Anton, Shaughn & U2!
Was it fixed?
I agree with the other comments. The selection of winners is lackluster and disappointing. The contest was for "Actung-inspired artwork" that showed our world today (whether its enviromental, or political, etc.) I know I don't make the big bucks the judges make, but I feel like some of these shouldn't have been included.
I would like to congratulate all winners of this contest. Like some other commentators here, I think that some submissions do not remind me of Achtung Baby, but all pictures represent a contemporary artistic approach. With its collage techniques, however, work number 3 and 7 clearly refer to the aesthetics of the Achtung Baby cover. The 6th painting is my favourite because of its abstract character and innovative use of structures. For me, this colourful creation builds up a certain connection to the album cover. The expressive face reminds me of some works of Thierry Noir, the artist whose pictures were used for some images for the Achtung Baby/Zoo TV era. The last photo makes me think of Zoo Station. It is one of my favourites, because it creates a certain mood.
Contest Idea - what was it actually?
No offense but according to me none of the winners' submissions reflect the world events today. With my photo I think I expressed the events that are happening in the EU today and if the European Union will going to survive going through such an economical crysis. And the photo was interpreted very well by a Brazilian called Wladinir Luz Junior (see the comments below the photo). But never mind. It was exciting to participate in the contest.
flying man
Picture with flying man was made in Kiev, Ukraine at Saint Sofia square.
IzzledaSizzle no....
I'm sorry, I just don't understand the logic behind most of these. The first place winner I understand, and there are a couple of the honorable mentions that have some merit, but the rest... some of it is decent art, but it still appears out of context.
No es Achtung Baby
Salvo un par de fotos, la mayoría no me recuerdan para NADA el Achtung Baby.. Podrían explicar que criterio han seguido.. Veo algunas pinturas.. hay algo de eso en Achtung Baby? Son todo fotos lo que había!!
Kid A
only a couple of entries say Achtung Baby too me, the rest say Radiohead.
I personally like a couple of pieces, but not for Achtung Baby If I would have voted it would be #5 still montage but with an edge.
Why in the world would collages be chosen to include in a collage? Doesn't make any sense ...
what is this
we want something about u2,,,not this...this is not u2,,,but its my opinion,,,we want u2 u2 u2 not this,,portugal u2 ate morrer
D. None of the above
No offense to any of the submissions but I thought the question was what would Achtung Baby's cover look like now? Something sleak and visually loud yes, but I don't believe that's any of these! As always, easier to be a critic of art than an artist of course! REDO PLEASE!!
I love the 8th and 14th paintings~~I could stare at them for hours~~thanks
Where's Achtung Baby?
Well, ok, I know art can be anything, but I can't actually see the connection. My favourites, though, are the first, the eighth and the ninth, this last one is a good collage but it implies different societies and topics. The last one reminded me of "One" the shades are great; the "dove" or "seagull" is, well, blue :-(
I loved them all
Congratulations to all winners and to the organizers. I agree none of them remember Achtung Baby, but doesn´t matter. Actually, we live other time ... To much freedom in the major part of world. The artworks bring me this back.
Most of this artwork doesn't remind me of Achtung Baby. It could be related tot anything. Why pick these?
I would love to hear why they chose what they did too. Would also love to say CONGRATS! to Zootop, Muis!
Like to participate more!
This competition was a great idea. To select winners mast have been a difficult task. So... the winners are very lucky. But it's impossible to please everyone with the choice! Congrats to you winners!
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