The Edge on Skype

25 May 2010455
Like the rest of the band, Edge had his bags half-packed and was thinking about setting out on the next leg of the tour.

Edge Skyped in from New York earlier today, to let us know how everything is going.

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Thanks for the info Edge, all fans are praying for his recovery. A big hug to all of Amazon's band U2. Sorry my english I don't speak very well. Kisses!!!
New twist on an old song
See the doctor... You will follow :-)
Get better Bono
Thanks Edge for the update. Blessings and healing to Bono. :) Can't wait to see you..but would rather have you healthy and happy. :) Love you all! :)
Get Well Bono
Please don't feel bad Bono about postponinig the concerts. I wish you a great and complete recovery and I do pray for you and your family and all the guys in U2. Get Well....We Love You my friend!
thank Edge
everthing is gonna be okay! Thanks Edge ...stay safe ..
With or With out you...
Hello Lads: Edge,Thank you for the warm update on Bono's well being. I join with other fans in wishing Bono a full and speedy recovery! Bono, Please don't rush your recovery- we'll wait with happy anticipation as you mend! We're content to wait With You rather than have a U2 With out you! Great job on the website keeping us all informed! Wishing all the best to the band and your families! Get well! Love and Prayers! L.C. Fan since "Boy". ☺♥♣
Thanks for sharing info about Bono Edge. Bono get well soon!!!! Take good care of yourself and follow doctor's orders! See you next year (for my 28th U2 show since 83) Love ya!!! Joan in California
Best Laid Plans..
We all have our plans.... until we get hit in the mouth. (a quote attributed to Mike Tyson) So it's one of those times. To the band - we'll be here when you're ready. Peace, from Michigan
a me old flower bono what have you done
me and my brothers where headin out to from ireland to new york this summer ,everything booked! any way you take it easy kido, see you soon , put up the feet , couple of beers,write a couple of songs ,you never know!, all the best from the malahide brothers.
My very best wishes to Bono!!
This is to Bono, I personally have had neck surgery and had a spinal cord compression that when it was removed I only had a 50% of walking again. I did not have an injury but degenerative arthritis BUT I walked! I am a type A and Bono is more than a Type A so I know his recovery will go well! I have been in the medical field 35 years and the one thing I know for sure is to give your body time to heal!! My heart is breaking for him because he gives back so much without asking for praise. He is one of the few "good guys" in the world and that includes all the U2 members. I have such a tremendous respect for him that goes way past music! U2 ilives by example and we all could learn a lesson from that! I was lucky enough to see the Vertigo tour and joined the ONE campaign! I saw the 360 tour in Vegas and again was so impressed not just the music but what all of you shared on stage that night and made all of us aware of the world's problems outside the box of the US!! I only wish I could support the world that Bono has shown me more and The Edge in New Orleans but I know I do as much as I can! On a personal level I wish I was a close friend so I could give everyone a HUG. You all will come back bigger and better like the Edge stated!! God bless ( iam part Irish) so I do have some good luck wishes in me. Take care and thanks for making me a better person, Kathyn
Thanks Edge
Edge, thanks so much for taking the time to update us on Bono's health. It just shows why U2 have such loyal fans, because you have been so loyal to us. Your humor and concern are what makes us love you and U2. We all know how important it is to all of you to put on a great show for us and I know that Bono wouldn't be satisfied giving us anything less than his best. So tell him to take all the time he needs to get healthy now. Its best in the long run because I plan on seeing your shows for many years to come!! We love your shows but we care so much for you too. After all, we all feel like your friends. So all the best to Bono, Edge, Larry & Adam. See you soon!! Love ya and U2 Rocks!! Mary Anne
Go raibh maith agat!
Thanks a million for the update. Wishing Bono a speedy recovery...see you all in 2011! xo
Edge - thanks for the update. Get well soon Bono and don't rush it. We've followed you this long - in my case from the VERY beginning so we aren't going anywhere in a hurry. Take care and see you on the road soon enough.
Wishes for Speedy Recovery!
From Salt Lake City (In Gods Country) hope Bono recovers quickly and with not too much pain. slán go fóill
In NYC!??
Dammit, I was just there. we should have had coffee. Thanks for the update, The Edge. Sending healing thoughts to Bono!
Thank you so much for taking time out and letting us know you're going to keep a close eye on Bono! LOL!!! Thanks for helping us smile. :-) I haven't been smiling since I got the news on Friday, and especially after I read the details yesterday of his injury. Very scary indeed! Please tell Bono not to worry about us but himself. We've been praying and hoping for the best! Waiting another year won't kill us if it means to have Bono perform many more years to come. We love all of you guys! "We've got to carry each other!!!" - Love, Allegra - Dallas, Texas
Get Well Soon Bono!
Edge, thank you for your skype message regarding Bono's health status. Bono, God's speed in getting better but first of foremost take care of yourself and listen to your doctors. We want you performing for many more years! Best to you! Lizz
Go raibh maith agat!
Thanks a million for the update. Wishing Bono a speedy recovery...see you all in 2011! xo
Speedy recovery
Best wishes Bono on a speedy and full recovery to the 'serious damage' (as per the Edge). Don't be the stubborn Bono we've grown to know and love over the past 30 years and temper yourself until you're 100%. We all want a Bono ready to take on the world again! Rob P.S. As echoed by many others, this kind of communication is what makes U2 the band they are and why we love them. Top marks boys!
Thank you so much to Edge for giving us the straight scoop on Bono's injury and the tour--you ROCK and you look GREAT. We've all been on pins & needles over our favorite band and ensuing tour! Bono--I was in surgery for my knee at the same time you were in surgery for your back--I hope you got better drugs! Get better soon, we love you and wish for you a 100% return to your feisty self. Don't forget about the paintings you promised Edge. Love & Peace, Wendy
Im heartbroken since u postponed the concert this June coming in SLC,UT I was so excited since february when tickets went on sale =( my first concert was in at the age of 19yrs now Im married and this could have been my 4th concert going with my husband =( but u know It doesn't matter how long do i need to wait to see u ----and im gonna hold on on my tickets---my God Bless you and give you the chance to keep singing for us and all U2 band I love youuuuu!
LOL- Love you Edge
Ah Edge, thanks for keeping it real
Good Luck Bono
U better behave man! We love you and like Edge says it was better happening now than later. GET WELL! Take care of urself cause ur fan will be there to see u and the group whenever will be. JM
Good luck
We all wish Bono´s careful and real recovery. That's the most important. Then we all wish to see you guys in Coimbra in good shape.
Thank you Edge!
I have such a soft spot for you, Edge, and I always will. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us directly and give us the dl on Bono's condition. It is really very kind of you. I've written two over-long and mother hen-like messages on Bono's well wishes thread and one of my directives to him was to listen to you more so that he doesn't hurt himself again. I think we all know which of you is the reasonable one. :) My best to the lovely Morleigh, JoAnne
New twist on an old song
See the doctor... You will follow :-)
Love for Bono
Hey guys! I have already had the pleasure of attending a show from the first leg of the 360 tour. It was beyond awesome! Wherever Bono is right now, can you give him my love? Tell him he better do what the doctors tell him. I am glad that he has the rest of the band members by his side. I am not sure if I am allowed to do this, but I have written a poem about U2. It has actually been published. The name of the poem is "My Friends" You use to be able to find my poem at I am having trouble with their website. I will let you know when my poems are once again accessible. Until then, I would like to at least send my love out to Bono. Hope you get well soon. Love Michelle Marcak
Thank you for the news!
I wish Bono all the best and prompt recovery. All the best for all of you!
Get Well Bono
feel better Bono & listen to your doctors' advice. We can't wait to see you when you are back up to your business of most amazing rock star ever & saving all those kids in Africa! We are looking forward to your return and will give you the greatest welcome ever! Thanks for all you have given us over the years, and take the time you need to heal before you really get back to show buisness! We love you!
thanks for the update b take care of yourself and REST for god's sake [and our sake] you could never disapoint us Remember what you told us SMELL THE FLOWERS WHILE YOU CAN. Please do the same.lots of love and good health to all
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