The nineties, says Edge, was about taking 'the idea of a rock 'n' roll band,
abstracting it as far as you possibly could - and then reconstructing it
Hear all four members of U2 as they take part in a live online global Q&A at 8pm (GMT) on Monday 4th November - despite being in three different continents at the time.
As U2's Elevation Tour returns to America, the last rock star may have finally found what he's looking for, reports Andrew Essex in a Details Magazine cover story.
To coincide with the first of four London dates on Elevation 2001 tonight, Radio Two in the UK broadcasts the first of a two part documentary The U2 Story.
Compared to a lot of bands I have worked with,' says Tommy Whitelaw. 'U2 put a lot of time into the quality of their merchandising. What we are selling on tour is what they have selected from many more items.