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News - Interviews

04 November, 2002
The nineties, says Edge, was about taking 'the idea of a rock 'n' roll band, abstracting it as far as you possibly could - and then reconstructing it again.'
04 November, 2002
Check U2.Com tonight (8pm GMT) as all four band members take part in a live
online global Q&A.

The link to the ...
25 October, 2002
Hear all four members of U2 as they take part in a live online global Q&A at 8pm (GMT) on Monday 4th November - despite being in three different continents at the time.
10 October, 2002
'We were out of sync,' no doubt about that,' says Larry, looking back on the 1990's in the new edition of Q Magazine.
19 August, 2002
The Stereophonics supported U2 15 times last year - and loved every minute of it.
19 April, 2002
U2 In Top Ten NME List of '50 Greatest Artists of all Time'.
07 April, 2002
'I hate to make predictions,' Adam tells Rolling Stone Magazine. 'If we get six tunes, maybe that will roll into a project'...
12 March, 2002
Winning Grammy's is something you never get tired of, explains Adam as Showbiz Ireland talk to U2.
01 March, 2002
Edge and Bono Talking after Wednesday's Four Grammy Wins.
11 February, 2002
'Nowhere to hide, no big lemon, no big screens, no toys to play with.' says Ned O'Hanlon, producer of U2...
06 February, 2002
They didn't want Bono on The Oprah Winfrey Show talking about debt relief, writes Jennifer Barrett of Newsweek.
31 January, 2002
U2 spoke to the press ahead of Sunday's Half Time Performance at the Super Bowl in New Orleans.
28 January, 2002
'Just a big installation' is how visual artist Catherine Owens describes her work with U2, writes Deirdre Mulrooney.
15 January, 2002
Bono calls him 'the scientist of U2' and this past weekend Edge was in England celebrating the 60th birthday of one of the world's great minds.
03 January, 2002
CNN interviewed Bono in London, as the Debt Cancellation campaign turns the focus on health in the poorest countries.
17 December, 2001
Bono talks to Robert Hilburn of the LA Times on the renewed hunger for rock'n roll and U2's response to September 11.
30 November, 2001
No problem. December has been declared U2 Month at DirecTV.
28 November, 2001
'Just a big installation' is how visual artist Catherine Owens describes her work with U2, writes Deirdre Mulrooney.
28 November, 2001
'I think we might just be having the time of our lives,' writes No Doubt's Gwen...
29 October, 2001
As U2's Elevation Tour returns to America, the last rock star may have finally found what he's looking for, reports Andrew Essex in a Details Magazine cover story.
19 October, 2001
Bono has been talking to Launch.Com about performing with Edge on Saturday at the 'Concert For New York City'.
11 October, 2001
Edge came online to chat to U2 fans across the world last night.
27 September, 2001
Pop stars with causes are easy targets writes Lisa McLaughlin of Time, U2 doesn't care. Just ask Bono about debt ...
18 August, 2001
To coincide with the first of four London dates on Elevation 2001 tonight, Radio Two in the UK broadcasts the first of a two part documentary The U2 Story.
17 August, 2001
Compared to a lot of bands I have worked with,' says Tommy Whitelaw. 'U2 put a lot of time into the quality of their merchandising. What we are selling on tour is what they have selected from many more items.