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All News

26 July, 2009
Japan, China, Venezuela, Brazil, India... Fans arrive from all over the world when U2 come home to Dublin.
25 July, 2009
Second Night in Dublin, mixing up the set list, here's what they played - and what you thought of it.
25 July, 2009
Some great reviews in the Irish media of last night's first Dublin show. Here's a few highlights.
24 July, 2009
Far more than a sort of homecoming at Croke Park tonight. Eighty thousand fans, many of whom had travelled from all over the world, were in Dublin for a show they'll never forget. From the opening chords of Breathe to the closing seconds of Moment of Surrender, the band played twenty three tracks from eight different albums.
23 July, 2009
Ten dates in and tomorrow the band arrive in Dublin for the opening night at Croke Park.
21 July, 2009
Elevation, Until The End of the World and Bad are in the set for the first time tonight.
21 July, 2009
The Edge was a guest on Gerry Ryan's 2FM show this morning, talking about this weekend's Dublin shows and the band's support for a new scheme to offer young people in Ireland the chance to learn a musical instrument.
20 July, 2009
Loud show tonight: the Arena in Amsterdam is a stadium with a roof, so 360 came indoors for the first time.
15 July, 2009
From Paris to Nice, next stop Berlin. Latest video just up.
15 July, 2009
Third French show in five days tonight. Here's what they played.
14 July, 2009
'Thank you for so many nights in Paris, France....'
12 July, 2009
At the stadium last night France 2 interviewed the band before they went on stage.
12 July, 2009
A second big night in the French capital tonight and Mysterious Ways makes it into the set.
11 July, 2009
'Ground control to Major Tom...' Five shows in and that's all the signal that 90,000 Parisians need to know that the U2 space station is in orbit and the fifth show of the tour is about to begin.
11 July, 2009
You've waited months for the show so why wouldn't you want to make sure you get a great spot...
08 July, 2009
Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of arrives in the set for the second show at the San Siro, along with Electrical Storm and Desire. Here's what they played and some of our highlights. Were you there ? Let us know what moments from the show you can't get out of.
07 July, 2009
Highlights from the first show in Milan - bit of a party night tonight, celebrating the birthday of Bono's daughter Eve, who was up on stage for Party Girl.
07 July, 2009
Celebrations in Milan for the third show of the tour. Set list here, more coming up.
06 July, 2009
Here's what it's like on the floor...
03 July, 2009
What's an Archbishop doing in a rock'n'roll show? Read on.
02 July, 2009
Electrical Storm made its live debut at the second Barcelona show tonight - here's some of our highlights.
02 July, 2009
The band mixed up the set list for the second show in Barcelona tonight - Desire, Party Girl and Electrical Storm all made it in - plus two different versions of 'Crazy'. Here's the set list, more coming up.
02 July, 2009
Bono calls it 'the space station' and the chances are it came from another planet.
01 July, 2009
Welcome to the 'space station'. Opening night of the 360 Tour at Camp Nou, Barcelona and we're getting ready to leave the ground.
30 June, 2009
U2 unveiled their 'space station' in Barcelona tonight and 90,000 Spanish fans gave it lift off. Were you there? Tell us what you thought.