'I thought 'pop' was a term of abuse, it seemed sort of insulting and lightweight. I didn't realise how cool it was. Because some of the best music does have a lightweight quality, it has a kind of oxygen in it, which is not to say it's emotionally shallow. We've had to get the brightly coloured wrapping paper right, because what's underneath is not so sweet.'
'It's very difficult to pin this record down. It's not got any identity because it's got so many.'
Edge in Propaganda 25
'Each song is its own little world, that's what this record is going to be like I think. If God will Send His Angels is like a Temptations song - something like that would not normally find itself on the same record as a hardcore rocking song like Last Night On Earth. Then Velvet Dress is like a lounge classic while Holy Joe - b-side of Discotheque - is a garage tune. Do you Feel Loved is like a dance song and Gone is a guitar song, a rock guitar song.'
Bono in Propaganda 25
'The themes are love, desire and faith in crisis - the usual stuff.'